

Several of our students have been double vaccinated. One removed her face mask in class for the first time in 14 + months. So beautiful to see the shape of her nose, the curve of her lips, the alignment of her teeth, the shape of her strong jaw.

Her eyes continue to glow their magical light, which the mask never obscured. Now those windows to the soul reveal the path she has tread to bring her essence through the pandemic. She is an essential worker and a mother of two. She is one of the many unsung Sheroes of our time.

Are you starting to see more faces? Aren’t they beautiful? Ki to Happiness smiles with the awareness of so many sheroes and heroes of our time.


My first best friend

I began my primary education in St. Louis Missouri at the same parochial school my mother had attended. Along with the nuns, mass six days out of seven, and really bad uniforms, I always remembered my first best friend’s birthday.

Facebook is a mixed lot of positive and negative repercussions. I am loving the way it has reconnected me to her for reciprocal birthday wishes. She may have kittens for my brother, unless another old friend gets some to him first. The magic and mystery of decades of connection culminates in these simple pixels.

Who was your first best friend? Have you recovered all the relationships in your life that are most meaningful to you? Ki to Happiness is forever grateful for true friends.


Cloudy Dawn

I am appreciating the cooler morning with the cloudy dawn. It takes me back to last year when the Covid hit. Our district was like a ghost town. There was a sense of foreboding in the darker days. Now, it’s refreshing.

As we get closer to full reopening, this pandemic gets closer to being a memory. Our streets are full with pedestrians and shoppers in the daytime. At night, street musicians and partiers make joyful sounds. Lots of exposed flesh in the warmer sunny weather. Now, back to hoodies. We adapt. And we remember.

How do you want to remember the pandemic? What next needs to adapt? Ki to Happiness remembers to practice yoga to adapt with grace.


My Trees

Blessed with the sunshine and a little free time, I took a walk yesterday to see my trees. The old growth redwoods remind me that they are our ancient brothers and sisters. When I place my hands on their huge trunks, I feel grounded in the earth as well as supported in lifting my head to the sky.

The urban setting of our home and studio is all concrete and glass without so much as a sidewalk strip of grass. Yet 12 blocks away, these Giants continue to observe decades of peace, growth and connection to all other trees.

Do you have a favorite tree? Can you breathe in the connection to it right now? Ki to Happiness grounds and grows with the ancient ones.



Last night I dreamt my husband told me he loved me. Keeping the Hatha Yoga Center afloat during this pandemic has been hard on us financially. The dream reveals a deeper relationship that still exists, even as our professional partnering faces this limitation.

In the dream, he whispered in my ear. Like it’s a secret. I share the secret with you here, as it will be empowering me as I proceed. When I teach my classes this morning, you are likely to see an extra little smile blooming from within.

What deeper truth do your dreams reveal? Can you identify with it instead of the superficial? Ki to Happiness remembers and smiles.



Thrilled to share with you the news of the plan for reopening our state. Our governor announced yesterday that June 30, 2021 all Covid restrictions will end here! Earlier, the CDC announced that those with double vaccinations are free from their masks now.

We are nearing the end of this most unprecedented time on our land. Much has been gained amidst the terrible losses. It’s time to finish up those projects that were supported by the restrictions and count our blessings!

What projects do you want to finish? How can you sustain the blessings of this time? Ki to Happiness will never finish counting the blessings.


Full circle

After my second phone call with a long lost dear friend, I feel grounded. Some unfinished business is now completed. The arc of our relationship has turned into a full circle.

That circle now embraces the years that have passed since we last deeply shared. Parallel stories, memories of our history and the forces that held us apart all culminate in a felt sense of an energy hug. Together with our shared practices, the frayed edges of our years apart heal.

What business do you have unfinished? How can you facilitate its completion? Ki to Happiness breathes in this fullness.


Something’s happening

With the energy of the new moon still upon us, we are feeling that something’s happening. Some states are reopening as are some countries. Soon there will no longer be a mask mandate indoors. There’s a cautious excitement building.

In the University District where the Hatha Yoga Center is, we are above 80% vaccination rate. A couple of new students have joined us and more online! Beginning to see a light at the end of the Pandemic tunnel.

Can you feel it? What would you like to do with this fresh energy? Ki to Happiness recommits to the practices that have supported me through many dark tunnels.


New moon in Taurus

Today the silence of the dark moon is upon us. Deep focus on gratitude for the sustenance for all that supports our physical nature will result in a healthy and fulfilling full moon in a couple of weeks.

This occurs as we prepare to shift into the sun sign of Gemini. With it, an emphasis on creative communication is advised. Combining these two astrological energies, it’s a great time to express your creativity through communication in physical ways.

What are you grateful for in the physical realm? How can you creatively communicate that: in singing, writing, speaking, dancing, painting, sculpting, cooking, designing? Ki to Happiness is doing it now. I’m grateful for you, dear readers, and I’ll be bringing it through in my yoga instruction tonight at 530.



After my morning practices, I am full of a sense of abundance. I have made it through so many challenges in my life, without the strength or resource to do so on my own. I have a keen sense of benevolence supporting me, guiding me, and protecting me.

When I look at the newspaper, I am aware how miraculous that is. I am healthy, still working, somehow able to honor all my commitments and feeling joyous. I love sharing that with you, here, as well as on the Hatha Yoga Center live streaming group page, live in person classes, and in private sessions.

How is your sense of abundance? What practices support you in choosing into that awareness? Ki to Happiness is grateful for the abundance of support, protection and guidance daily body mind spirit integrative practices bring.