
Even after

As we consider a possible “fourth wave”, I reflect back on a couple of dear ones who have passed during the Covid year. Lighting my candles, infusing them with healing vibration of Reiki, I feel them near still.

I had a deep personal sharing with my mother-in-law which we couldn’t have while she was approaching to death. I’ve come to know extended family members of my beloved Facebook friend. I shared this with my 95-year-old dad. He perked up hearing how the deceased continue to be helpful and meaningful.H

Have you felt the presence of those who have passed away? Are you aware of the possibility of deepening your relationships even after? Ki to Happiness feels the web of connection among us all, on either side of the veil, which itself is web woven.


Talk, trust and feel

I’ve made it back home one more time to see my folks. Traveling at the time of Covid has multiple complexities. In the process of getting from Seattle to the Midwest, I went through excitement, anxiety, boredom, impatience, frustration and joy.

I allowed myself to be real about all the feels. I spoke with other travelers about circumstances which were affecting us all. I trusted they were humans, so were having some similar issues as I was.

Do you allow yourself to be real? Who can you trust to talk to about your feelings? Ki to Happiness feels real.


Traveling shoes

I’m gearing up for my departure. Tonight I will be with my folks again. I’m amazed and blessed that both have made it through this long Covid winter. When I mention to others that my dad is 95 and mom is 83, I’m always reminded that these days will come to an end. It’s so important to enjoy each other while we can.

It takes a lot for me to extricate myself from my home and work. I am an integral part of the Hatha Yoga Center community. Time, money, and energy are required. These expenses are not too great for these karmic relationships to complete well.

How are your karmic relationships? What’s needed? Ki to Happiness needs to put on her traveling shoes.


This day

I got confused about my departure date. I had to change it a couple of times, and I lost track. My notes confused me. Discovering my error, I have an extra day here. This is that day.

I stopped my weekly meditations last week so I could board my flight. Now, no flight until tomorrow. This day feels like a gift. I get to live my life one more day right here, at the Hatha Yoga Center. All it’s simple tiny details are glistening for me now. Each moment I offer up to Mother-Father God-us, Almighty.

How does this day look to you? Can you see the light shining from every detail? Ki to Happiness sees this day through the Eyes of the World.



It’s Sunday. We enjoy the weekend as we have fewer tenants in the building. Our doors are open to the large central foyer. Curtains are open to it, too. It feels like we’re in a open jewelry box, shining, on this Funday.

Now that the security codes are in place, there is a palpable sense of greater safety. I am shedding my old invisible security uniform, like exfoliating dead skin. I didn’t realize how much energy it took to toughen my hide enough to protect us all this time.

How secure do you feel? How much energy does it take? Ki to Happiness settles in to physical safely, integrated with Divine Protection.


Let it be known

I had some stinking thinking going on in my head. I needed help to quiet it down. I let it be known in my prayers. All is well.

Along the way, I made a mistake. I need to correct it. I let it be known to those involved. All is well.

How’s your thinking? Any mistakes lately? Ki to Happiness lets out the stinking thinking and the mistakes that come with it so there’s room to let in help and corrections.



I usually don’t think about voting when it is not an election year. Maybe you don’t either. Georgia quickly passed election reform laws making it harder for marginalized people to exercise their democratic right last night, perhaps while many were not looking.

Wow! Laws can be pushed through the House, the Senate, and signed by a governor in a 24 hour period! That’s amazing. In that case, let’s open our eyes, and see if we can make that happen in the direction of peace, health, and harmony. Or at least gun reform.

What new law would you like to see passed in 24 hours? Who can you contact to express your opinion? Ki to Happiness votes with the breath for peace, health and harmony.


New door codes

It’s been over a month since our burglary. The cats and I are recovering from the trauma. Today, new security codes will be put in place so our building will be always locked. This will reduce the entrance of the undesirable.

Waiting for this correction, we have had a chance to reflect on our 9 years here. After 33 years just 2 blocks away without burglary, we look forward to more protection as we’ve gone through 3 burglaries, 2 assaults, and innumerable calls to 911 for assistance removing homeless encampments in our building.

What correction are you waiting for? What are you learning as you wait? Ki to Happiness is learning to retire her roll as Security Guard and redirect energy back toward the One, in gratitude for the Yoga practices which have sustained me all along.


Dancing in the dark

I start off each day in the dark. Big winds in the night blew open a window and knocked over a plant. The cats and I inspected it. Then they started dancing. So I did too.

Just the smell of the soil got them going. The fresh chilly air enlivened their chase. Not yet 5 am and we were dancing in the dark, feeling the elements, delighting in life.

What do you do in the dark? Can you delight in the elements? Ki to Happiness dances with the light and music within.


Sudden thunder

After 108 meditations offered on Hatha Yoga Center FB live streaming group page, we have entered into phase 3 of reopening our society. I hadn’t planned on doing any, let alone the magic number of 108! Life lifted me into the offering.

In celebration, I stepped out to mail a package in advance of my upcoming trip to visit my folks. Sudden thunder clapped, and startled me. I continued on with enough protection from the impending deluge. Instead, I got a Sun break, then more thunder claps. I’ll take it as applause for all our efforts coming through the shutdown.

What is life lifting you toward? How can you best celebrate your efforts through the shut down? Ki to Happiness applauds you!