
March Forth!

Today’s date is also a command! And now that Mars has shifted in to Gemini we have the energy to March forth and conquer. It is a personal favorite day.

I am ready for it. I’ve gotten my replacement wallet, drivers license, debit card and soon credit card. I have healed from the burglary in record time. I have bounced back, thanks to my practices and many helpers! Feeling strong, and able, I will march forth.

Are you ready to march forth? In what direction? Ki to Happiness marches safely toward the light.



This morning in my practices, I’ve been breathing with my heart. Allowing it to set the rhythm, pace and the depth. Bubbling up from within is an old song from Carole King I listened to “over and over and over again” as her lyrics sing. I’m so glad to hear it again after decades.

What we listen to and look at goes inside us. There’s no back door for it to come out. It becomes us, and comes through us when we least expect it. It’s so important that we allow in something good, consciously chosen, and in alignment with our highest values.

Have you allowed your heart to breathe for you? What does your heart sing as you do? Ki to Happiness quotes Carole King “ there’s no end to the music.”


Happy 48th

48 years ago today my mom married my stepdad. They eloped on a business trip. I gave her the gift of a monogram stamp, so she could seal her personal letters with her newness. My brother and I were living with my grandparents at the time. Little did any of us realize how much our lives were about to change.

48 years later, they still care for one another, and share their special bond of loving memories. I am truly so happy for them. I cherish the way my world expanded exponentially in our blending.

Are your folks alive? How long were they married? Ki to Happiness honors all who commit to love.


March First

Welcome March! While we bask in the cleaned environs the Full Snow Moon encouraged, soon it will be Spring! The winter’s hibernation has brought potential for much reflection and rejuvenation.

With an outpouring of support, I’m relieved to report our sanctuary of the Hatha Yoga Center is fresh and whole again. So is my heart. I will cherish the last weeks of winter here, remaining in Phase 2, grateful for all of you and all the has transpired in the dark cold season.

How will you welcome March? What is the best use of the end of this winter? Ki to Happiness will march first…


End of February

Time marches on. In my post burglary trauma, it seems to be doing that without me. A homeless guy asked me yesterday as I was getting my newspaper what day it was. I told him I wasn’t sure anymore…

Our governor announced yesterday that we will remain in phase 2. As long as we do, we seem to be in a holding pattern in which time does not exist as it once did. I am motivated to use the time to express my love and gratitude. Thank you all for reading this. I love that you take a moment to read, and consider what will help you choose happiness. Anyway.

How is your sense of time? In this ongoing distortion, how can you best make use of the time? Ki to Happiness chooses to express love and gratitude.


Virgo full moon

This full moon is a wonderful time for cleansing. In it’s light we may see reflected back to us energies to release, thoughts to clean up, objects to recycle, etc. Habits may be streamlined and altered in alignment with Higher Guidance.

A couple of weeks ago when the moon was new, we cleansed for the new year of the Ox. So it may be easy! You may see clearly one or another area or issue that needs your specific focus. It’s always easier to keep clean that which has already been cleaned.

What awareness does this full moon bring to you? How can you work with these energies best? Ki to Happiness keeps cleaning up.



Right now three of my good friends in their 60s are facing serious medical diagnoses and interventions. I am honored to be on their lists of who to inform. I am willing to send prayers and energy when requested. I send my best wishes and loving support whether requested or not.

I have just turned 60, so am new to this decade in which this is normal. I knew it was coming. Yet there’s no way to truly prepare. As I continue to dig out of the recent robbery, I do so with a keen awareness of my true priorities. The stuff I’ve lost matters not at all in comparison with the love I have experienced, exchanging with my beloveds.

What are your true priorities? How much love are you open to exchanging? Ki to Happiness prioritizes loving exchanges.


So many helpers

As the days go by, I’m aware of so many helpers contributing to our healing. Opening up in vulnerability and asking for assistance is resulting in progress on many levels. Yoga practices provides a stable and consistent view of this process.

The detective came out and took the blood samples from where the burglars dripped evidence as they took my possessions. He says they remain in custody. My EIP replacement is on its way. Like my drivers license and new credit card, all will be delivered by St. Patty’s Day. Gifts have replaced the stolen gift cards and cash in the exact amount and size of currency.

What help do you need? Can you reach out in your vulnerability and ask? Ki to Happiness is humbled by so many helpers.


Day by Day

When I was a kid, I learned to play the guitar. My first stepdad taught me some basic chords. Day by Day was an easy tune and I could sing along with it. As the years roll on, occasionally I still pick up my guitar and find my way to its comforting sounds and the soothing lyrics of that song.

As the Hatha Yoga Center digs out of the repercussions of the recent break in, my internal DJ plays Day by Day. I’m companioned as I tend to my needs with the cops, landlord, bankers, driver’s license worker, and all the rest. “Oh dear Lord, Three things I pray-To see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly…Day by Day.”

What does your internal DJ play? Can you see the slow steady progress happening Day by Day in the most essential ways? Ki to Happiness hums it into manifestation.


Releasing Trauma

With the help and generous contributions of several community members we are all releasing the trauma from the most recent robbery. I slept back in my room again, with cats in and out, like normal. They are healing, too.

The deepest healing is with our landlords. They will be replacing the broken doors. Instead of ignoring us or leaving us to pay for it ourselves, they are stepping up for the first time in our nine years here. I like how they refer to us, simply as “yoga“.

How do you release trauma? Can you celebrate every healing moment? Ki to Happiness does it with today’s yoga.