
Welcome 2021

Happy new year! Our governor has announced the extension of the present restrictions until January 11. Some parts of the new year will still seem like the old year. Our flexibility and adaptability will continue to support us.

Ringing out the old, there’s room for the new! In our gratitude yoga practice yesterday, we had a chance to extract the best of 2020 and bless that which we released. In the fresh space that remains, I have lit my New Year’s candle, which says “Be Kind”. Our new posture of the year will help us strengthen our resolutions.

What would your candle say? What would posture would you choose for the year? Ki to Happiness wishes you all a kind year.


Bye bye, 2020

One last day to get it right. 2020 will leave a legacy in all of our lives. We get to participate in how it is remembered. So many things to be grateful for, which perhaps would not have come forward any other way than with these challenges.

I’ve had a daily gratitude journal practice for decades. Yesterday, I was inspired by Bracha Goldsmith, astrologer and YouTube personality, to take it up a notch… to 200 gratitude expressions daily. That’ll keep me out of all kinds of trouble in the new year.

What are you grateful for this year? How can you best celebrate? Ki to Happiness is grateful for you, your eyes reading this, technology connecting us, yoga inspiring us…


Year’s End

I had a cancellation yesterday. That opened my schedule up to do some organizing. It was a very good use of the lingering full moon and eclipse energy.

Reflecting back, I am amazed at the tremendous amount of growth and progress personally as well as professionally. I encourage you to take stock of your year, with a keen eye for the blessings despite (or because of?) all the challenges.

Can you take time to reflect? How does it look in hindsight? Ki to Happiness congratulates you on your perseverance and patience.


Full moon in Cancer

Today’s full moon is the last of 2020. It’s light reflects to us how we feel about you this year. The sensitive heart may witness the feelings of others also as one’s own.

Radical empathy with others may facilitate healing the divisions on many levels: in ourselves, families, communities, and on a global scale. From the safety of your space as you are reading these words, open up to others. Feel how we are all in this together, even as we are separate. Let this feeling build as you grow in compassion.

How do you feel in the energy of this full moon? What needs healing? Ki to Happiness knows we alone can heal, and we cannot heal alone.


Vision and revision

At the end of each year, we may reflect on what has transpired as the calendar pages turned. The vision we held for the year 2020 has become manifest in reality, as best it could. As we bid 2020 farewell, let’s make use of what has been revealed.

Revision invites us to create something new from what has occurred. The best parts of this year strengthen our resolve to continue changing what we can, while there’s been much to simply accept if we truly want peace and serenity.

What part of 2020 do you want to bring forward? How does 2021 look from here? Ki to Happiness envisions peace, starting with me.


Facing fears

Festivities subside, and the dishes are done. The fears we may have had going into 12/25 have been faced. Safety replaces those fears.

Without big family gatherings or large group events, quiet little celebrations with adequate food in sheltered spaces wearing the colors of the season brought cheer enough. My dad’s expression of an “Elegant sufficiency” fits.

What fears have you faced? Are you enjoying freedom from drama? Ki to Happiness feels safe enjoying the afterglow of an elegant sufficiency.


Two down

Now the second major holiday has passed while we all observe the restrictions in our area. The loss of the old ways is perhaps balanced by the blessings of the new ways. While we may never revert to what once was normal, we may bring some of the blessings forward even when restrictions lift.

Our son gifted us with his intention to repair and paint our kitchen ceiling. My brother gifted my folks with his effort to install reflectors on their driveway. I am gifting relics of my life to my most intimate others. On Boxing Day, it is fitting.

What did you appreciate about yesterday? How are you feeling today? Ki to Happiness boxes up the best, lets go of the rest.


Happy Christmas

After a beautiful Christmas Eve day, I greet you from the quietude of this blessed morning. I wish you all a very happy Christmas. Like the Whos in Dr. Seuses’ Whoville, may we all raise our voices in song around the festive tree, anyway.

Ultimately The Grinch of the Covid is unable to steal Christmas from our hearts. With light as our guide, we freely find the true meaning of this holiday. I am with you in the light of Christ consciousness, which some call Krishna consciousness and others Buddha consciousness. Call it whatever you will, just please call it.

How was your Eve? Did you prepare well for this morning’s quiet? Ki to Happiness wishes you and yours a happy Christmas.


The progenitors

On this day before Christmas, we may pause to reflect on our common ancestors. Adam and Eve are remembered today, although they are called other names in other traditions.

In Bali, Prajapati has a small alter in every temple. Without those who came first, there would be no second, no next, no Christmas. The mystery of our origins we bow to, with love and gratitude for the souls evolving experiment in matter.

Can you love this mysterious life? How’s the experiment going? Ki to Happiness gratefully embraces this chance to evolve.


Nameless Day

In the Celtic tradition from which I descend, this is a day of limitless potential. Without attributes, or trees, or Deities associated, it is wide open.

Taking a pause from holiday preparation, I reflect on what I am most wish to manifest. Symbolically, I will infuse a creative effort with my heartfelt desires. You already know what they are… Peace on earth, as we ground the new Aquarian energy heralded by the Great Conjunction.

What would you most like to manifest? How can you creatively symbolize that today? Ki to Happiness will mix it into the Christmas Pudding.