
Process and Progress

We are all in the process of accommodating the restrictions imposed on us due to Covid. Many are reporting hitting a limit. Without hugs, visible smiles, handshakes, or gatherings our sense of belonging is challenged. Touch deprived and lonely, some are seeking comfort in old familiar ways, not necessarily the best ways.

Recognizing that is real progress. Making use of this time, we are invited to look within. Learning something about ourselves may connect us ever more deeply to others, even at a distance. Choosing again, once we let go of the old familiar, provides the opportunity to experiment with new options.

In this process, what are you learning? Can you see this as progress? Ki to Happiness knows they go hand in hand.



The temperature cools. The air clears. The eclipse pattern resolves itself. Things shift. Internally, there is greater safety. Externally, one neighbor moves out. Another one is about to move in. My stepson and his broken arm are about to return to Seattle, as soon as his passport is back from the immigration officials, who tortured him and threatened him with 5 years in jail, or deportation.

He is likely to move into the neighboring suite. The cats will love having their big brother back. His presence will ground my husband into his parental role, and I’ll do the “step dance” I know so well- stepping in and out of parenting as I’ve honed in my 24 years of interacting with them.

What has the eclipse pattern left for you? Are you feeling safer and steadier yet? Ki to Happiness is!


Cyber Eclipse

On this cyber Monday, we are experiencing a lunar eclipse. It may be challenging. Full moon wants subconscious material expressed, and the eclipse obscures that. Cyber Monday requires clear communication with technology, and likely there will be glitches.

Yoga practices help to stabilize consciousness, anyway. Rhythmic deep breathing, holding oneself with poise, setting the heart on the Everlasting are what the Yoga Sutras recommend to bring consciousness to gracious peace. A good way the start any day!

What will bring your consciousness to gracious peace? How can you best navigate the glitches? Ki to Happiness counts her Everlasting blessings.


Foggy full moon

Thick fog like Pea soup obscures and reveals the full moon. The intentions set on the new moon, consciously or unconsciously, now come to fruition. I awaken early. In the solitude of practice, I feel peace. Contentment. Just as intended.

Sure, there are lots of problems, and conflicts, and issues. Uncertainty is in every direction except This, Here Now. That’s ok. I’ve grown comfortable with discomfort but not complacent. Certain of uncertainty, yet not confused. Secure without security, having befriended my insecurities. Contentment is it’s own practice.

What is this full moon reflecting to you? Can you see clearly despite the fog? Ki to Happiness loves peace and pea soup.



A little extra sleep, and a lighter day of eating, and my body has found its way back to balance gently. Holiday indulgences are best surrounded by a couple of days of austerities to allow homeostasis to work its magic.

Especially at this time during the pandemic it’s important that we not overload the body with acid producing substances. Alkaline vegetables remedy the sweet stuff. Respecting the dynamic balancing act our biological systems conduct aligns us with nature. Immune systems function best with healthy habits.

Have you re-balanced yet? What do you need? Ki to Happiness is habitually grateful.


One down

It’s Black Friday. It may set a record. Perhaps it will be the most peaceful one, without conflicts in the aisles over who can get the new toy or technology. Perhaps it will not be record setting, financially.

I usually avoid the stores on this day. In our Phase 1 environment, that is a given. It’s a good day for reflection and digestion. Yoga holds a space for both. Depending on how it goes, this may prepare us well for the upcoming holidays as well. Two to go…

How will you remember yesterday in the future? What might you bring with you from it for the rest of the holiday season? Ki to Happiness brings peaceful gratitude forward.


Thanksgiving 2020

Thank you all for your eyes and your ability to read. Thank you for your technological know-how, so you can access my few words on your device when you choose. Thank you for your interest in happiness, yoga, and energy (Ki).

Looking around, I see with wet eyes my humble abode, our cats, and the results of years of yoga and other practices. I am peaceful, joyous and grateful.

How are you? What is your heart thankful for? Ki to Happiness is counting blessings.


St. Catherine of Alexandria

Today is the feast day of my name sake. She preceded St. Catherine of Siena by over 1000 years. Many names are derived from her: Katherine, Kathleen, Kathy, Kate, Kay, Kitty. All of us carry the scholarship and philosophical attribute in the vibration of the name.

Burning a white candle for her, we ask for her blessings to assist us with study, as well as anything related to wheels: drivers, spinners, seamstresses, potters, astrologers, chakra meditators,. She is one of the 14 Holy Helpers, so we may petition her for healing on all levels.

Who is your namesake? What energy does that vibration bring forward? Ki to Happiness embodies the energy of women philosophers, scholars and healers.


Ask Ki Anything

When I started this blog in September 2019, I intended for you, dear readers, to interact as you might in an advise column. I chose the tagline “Ask Ki Anything”. I clarified “except tech.” After 420+ days, I’m now also open to tech questions!

Thank you all for bearing with me as I made errors, fumbled, misspelled, and slowly improved. I have expressed the stress I’ve experienced with hacking, scamming, and phish. I know you can relate. Now, I’m on track with all my tech issues! I’ve even surpassed my tech therapist in one area! I taught him how to email one of our private group classes to a nonmember through IDM, once my helpful husband showed me how!

What would you like to ask? How are you doing with all you are learning in this political, pandemic, economic environment? Ki to Happiness is open to all your questions.


Enter the Body

During our Sunday morning Hatha Yoga Center live streaming classes, Bob Smith continues to refer a to a movie series that he and Daniel Maguire would like to name “ enter the body.” A satire on Bruce Lee’s famous “ Enter the Dragon.” I appreciate the humor, and laughing emojis in the comments from those participating.

Last night, we watched the original 1973 movie. It is funny to look back on those days and those ways. While the movie project is likely to never occur, it’s good to see Bob and Daniel joking around, and having some fun as we continue practicing yoga, staying healthy and observing our area’s restrictions.

How’s your sense of humor? When’s the last time you looked back to 1973? Ki to Happiness looks back, breathes and smiles.