
Meditation Vision

At the end of my morning meditations yesterday, I saw my hand reaching out to ward the door of my local Ayurvedic clinic. I took that as a sign that I was to schedule my concluding Shirodhara session. It took something, but I was able to get in on the same day.

Receiving guidance is one thing. Acting on that guidance immediately strengthens the connection between me and the Guidance Giver. My Higher Self knows I’m listening and willing to surrender to its Divine counsel. 

What guidance do you receive from your meditations? How willing are you to take action on that guidance? Ki to Happiness listens in meditation and prays more Guidance as well as the willingness to surrender to It.


Self censorship or privacy

I notice myself editing what I say with each person I interact with. These days there are a lot of volatile conversations beyond the usual subjects of sex, religion and politics. In our present pre election/post pandemic circumstances, all three subjects are conflated.

Personal philosophies and opinions about subjects are best held privately within. Art, music, and the voting booth are to be safe avenues for expression. The more we protect our privacy through self censorship, the less we need invasion of privacy or external censorship in the present volatility.

Can you protect your privacy through self-censorship? Do you want others invading your privacy and censoring you? Ki to Happiness expresses herself as appropriate and respects others right to do the same.


Staying Centered

When other people are upset, it can be very hard to stay centered. Healing through codependent recovery gives skills of loving detachment just like yoga does. Utilizing these skills is a choice.

A Course in Miracles reminds us that our salvation comes from ourselves. As we make healthy choices we become stronger at staying centered. Practicing daily in body, mind and spirit is its own reward.

What tools help you stay centered? How can you reward yourself for using those skills? Ki to Happiness chooses loving detachment through yoga, meditation and recovery to stay Higher Centered.


Welcome Autumn

The moment of the autumnal equinox has just occurred. Balance between the forces of light and dark are upon us. In this balanced state, we may more readily access the peace that dwells within.

When we practice one legged balances in yoga, we notice that balance is dynamic.  We can observe leg muscles turning on and off, and back on again to maintain balance, which otherwise would result in falling. Emotional fluctuations may also dynamically result in staying balanced, as long as we stay identified with our peaceful Center.

What helps you stay balanced? Can you allow fluctuations around your Center? Ki to Happiness stays peaceful and balanced with Hatha Yoga.


I Am Safe

Working with A Course in Miracles for a long time has brought me many blessings. Among them, the daily lessons in the workbook offer tools to utilize in the details of one’s life. I had one of them engraved on a bracelet which I wore until I lost it in one of my many travels.

I ordered a replacement from one of our community members who works in such capacity at a local jewelry store. I picked it up yesterday and put it on my left wrist as a talisman of its healing. Had I been wearing it at the time of my injury, no doubt it would have protected me from such extensive damage.

What practices help you to be safe? How can you remember those practices when needed? Ki to Happiness remembers “I am safe” with yoga, meditation and prayer.


Fresh paint

After cleaning our deck, the need for fresh paint became obvious. The power washer blasted off some of the loose edges, which called for a new coat. I no more than had the thought when the subcontractor returned to do the job.

 He painted in paths to allow us to exit for our walk, but didn’t realize we’d return. To allow us back in, he showed us how to tiptoe on the dryer path, then wipe our feet on his smaller drop cloth to protect our interior floor. No problem for these two yogis to follow his lead, even with Bob on his cane. 

Are you seeing manifestation of any desires? Can you read those signs from the Universe that you are on the right path? Ki to Happiness appreciates the fresh paint that I didn’t have to apply or even ask for as a sign for the Universe that I’m on the right path, even if I must tiptoe to avoid tracking it on everything.


Mindful witnessing

Between now, and the solar eclipse in two weeks, wise counsel suggests mindful witnessing of the changes, resulting from this most recent lunar eclipse. Receiving that guidance, yesterday I witnessed a subcontractor power washing our deck just when I wanted it most, My desire arose in the morning as I saw evidence of a trespasser having been on our deck in the form of drug paraphernalia left behind, a receipt from QFC before closing time and water from our hose indicating its use in the night.

I’d strategized to put up our no trespassing signs at night, removal of our soft cushions from the deck chairs, and leaving the porch light on to deter any further trespassing. This morning all is clear. I am mindful of the synchronicity of the power washing.

What do you notice when you mindfully witness? Can you see the miracles around you of synchronicities and coincidences showing you the way forward? Ki to Happiness listens to wise counsel and observes miracles.


Energy Shift

After yesterday‘s trifecta of full moon, its closest point to the Earth, making it appear super size, as well as the lunar eclipse, the lunar energy has shifted. Depending on how the energy was used, you may awaken into a fresh world of possibilities. Having let go of expectations and outmoded ways of being, what remains is fundamental to the way forward.

If instead, the energy used you, you may awaken discombobulated, distressed and otherwise flummoxed. It’s OK. You can still correct your course today and tomorrow so as to turn the challenges into opportunities, resulting in blessings instead of hard lessons.

What has this full moon reflected to you? Can you take your lessons and turn them into blessings by seeing the opportunities within your challenges? Ki to Happiness works with natural rhythms without hesitation. 


Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

The energy has been building to today’s full moon. For those of us who can see it, the spectacle will occur this evening when the moon is nearest the Earth and the earth’s shadow partially obscures its light. With clear skies, it likely will appear in a deep red color which is often referred to as blood.

The full moon in September is usually called the harvest moon.  It reflects to us all that we have been growing through the summer.  The eclipse component rewards us for sorting our harvest, letting go of the fruits of our labor which have failed, rotted or otherwise are undesirable.

What have you harvested from your summer’s efforts? Can you sort through your bounty and let go of that which is undesirable for preservation? Ki to Happiness preserves the truth of her efforts as she sorts through the outcomes.


Almost full

The day before the full moon, I often experience sleep disturbance. Especially with the eclipse tomorrow and the super moon, I feel the pull like the tides. The images revealed to me in my dreams let me know what I need to let go of.

Taking action on these nudgings will make for a better nights’ rest tonight. The Sutras of Patanjali indicate that working with dream images is another way to enlightenment. Giving thanks for them deepens my integration of levels of consciousness, bringing my body, mind and spirit together.

Do you remember your dreams? Can you receive their messages and work with them for integration? Ki to Happiness reflects on dreams revealed with the almost full moon.