
Healing is contagious

In our smoke filled environment, we persist in slowly reopening. On my main street through campus town, other businesses are closing. On the other side of the planet, our son is still unable to return to us, despite his having had a terrible motorcycle accident which resulted in a couple of broken bones.

His dad’s belly was in knots. After successful surgery, and being released from the hospital, much healing is going on. In the improved quality of his voice on the phone, belly knots softened. Our bonds deepen.

What bonds are you deepening? Is there healing accompanying this challenging time for you and yours? Ki to Happiness experiences healing as contagious.


Air Quality

Continuing to safely restart business during fire season poses greater threats. The viral issues are informed by air quality, challenging the immune system with the presence of particulate matter.

Yoga practices offer us breathing techniques to help, provided that they are practiced in a safe environment. Air filtration devices, and the N 95 mask can assist. It is predicted that at 11 this morning, air quality will improve in my area.

How is your air quality? Can you adjust your practices in the present environment? Ki to Happiness breathes freely and deeply in the safety of Hatha Yoga Center.



Six months ago today we began the live streaming our yoga classes. At that time, our teacher for Tuesday morning chose to live stream from home. As we safely start to re-open in our area, she has returned to the Hatha Yoga Center to teach onsite as well as online.

I share this progress with you. It has come at an important time for me. One of our entries has been vacant so long that it had become regularly occupied by homeless person. When I tried to exit through that entrance, he assaulted me. With him gone now, the entrance is able to allow our teacher as well as our students to enter.

How are things progressing for you? Any setbacks as you are attempting to move forward? Ki to Happiness sees setbacks as an indication of progress occurring.


Where there’s smoke

Awakening this morning to the smell of smoke, my first priority is to check on my cats. All are well. Checking my inner domain, all is safe. Sniffing out the windows, the source is revealed. Our area is presently inundated by the wildfires due to an unusual wind pattern.

Seasonally, fires burn the old deadwood, resulting in clearing. What remains contributes to fertilize the soil, so new growth can begin. Our masks may assist us in breathing through this fire season. As will staying home and staying healthy.

How is your breathing today? Are you able to adjust to these changing requirements for your health? Ki to Happiness breathes freely and deeply, safe at home with my cats.


Happy Labor Day

As we safely reopen businesses, many are grateful that we are able to resume work. Essential workers may have a much deserved day off. Spending time outdoors in the bounty of summer may be freely enjoyed by all.

At the Hatha Yoga Center, our Tuesday morning class will resume here on site with all restrictions observed, as with the rest of our schedule. We are happy to have this small shift in the direction of normalcy after nearly 6 months.

Have you been laboring? How will you observe this day of celebrating the workers among us? Ki to Happiness thanks all workers, and wishes everyone a happy Labor Day.


Labor Day weekend

Continuing to observe the guidelines for phase 2 safe reopening, some businesses are opting to have a brief holiday. Hatha Yoga Center, however continues. It has been our tradition for decades to offer classes during many national holidays.

Teaching yoga has had me off schedule with the rest of the populace forever. Offering classes when they’re most likely to be attended, means that before or after business hours, or on the weekends, I am serving. This has strengthened my relationship with my witness state of consciousness.

Are you working this weekend? Or are you taking a much needed holiday? Ki to Happiness witnesses your effort, in gratitude for all you do.


Big Brother

Continuing to safely reopen our businesses, I’m happy to celebrate the birthday of my big brother. While he lives in another state, and has a different timeline, and restrictions, he will be celebrating in this unusual environment. I am glad to have been able to gift him already, and as we had a wonderful visit at my yurt.

Patrick is a Virgo, which is nearly my opposite. From him I learned many things, including how to love someone with detachment. Truly, as our birthday cakes become filled with candles, I’m grateful we simply continue to live. Always great to compare notes on our different chosen paths as well as our common history.

Do you have siblings? What have you learned from those relationships? Ki to Happiness wishes all brothers and sisters of divine-mother-father God, happy birthday!



I’m continuing to settle in to the present safe reopening guidelines. The political environment has become so toxic, I’ve elected to abstain from its media coverage. Already knowing how it is I will cast my ballot, I encourage everyone to cast their’s.

In the next 59 days, or 60 if I include today, the sun will rise and set. Summer will subdue itself into the splendor of fall. I will continue to persevere with my yoga practices which are both grounding and Uplifting.

Are you counting down with me? What will best serve you from now until the election? Ki to Happiness votes for peace daily with my practices.


Key and Ki

As I return to my neighborhood, there is slow progress in the safe restarting of businesses. Museums, bowling alleys, and movie theaters are about to reopen. Of course, with restrictions. A few more students attend our classes, following the guidelines.

I bank at Key, since it is also my name, spelled differently. Entering yesterday for perhaps one of my last times after over 20 years, I learned that my beloved banker has had a heart attack. He will not be returning to this location as they are closing. A new location will also be near and convenient for me. However, it is unknown as to when that will occur or if he’ll be there.

How are you with your most recent changes? Are you blessed with a banker you love? Ki to Happiness honors love as key to all our relations.


Corn moon

I returned from my travel on this corn moon. As I respect the various rules of all the safe reopening in different places, I harvest the lessons from the road.

Reflecting on my family, my old friends, and my mentors, I will be integrating for sometime to come. Fortunately, I have the time and space to do so. The abundance of love, and richness of the depth of relationships are the bounty I savor.

What is this moon reflecting for you? How bountiful is your harvest? Ki to Happiness is grateful for the growth of summer.