
Full moon in Aries

This first full moon of October is in the sign of Aries. We will have a blue moon on Halloween. It will be in Taurus. It will prove to be quite a lunar infused month, with plenty of feelings, and opportunities for insight.

Important for us to continue slowly re-opening, observing guidelines in our areas, and anticipating challenges. Making use of today’s energy, refer back to the new moon two weeks ago, and see the connection between now and then. This may redirect your passions toward your truest values.

What was your intention two weeks ago? How satisfied are you with the results? Ki to Happiness “sees the moon and the moon sees me.”


End of September

Such beautiful weather has replaced the downpour of rain, and the firestorm’s smoke. Crystal blue sky, soft breezes, and temperatures in the 70s lure us out into the grandeur of nature.

I chant as I walk. Some of you have perhaps seen me do it as I’ve shared it on our live stream. No one notices. Even before the masks were required. I sing to remove blockages, embody abundance, remember lessons, and heal the daily issues. In this way, every step becomes hallowed ground.

What will you do with your perfect weather?How do you keep up with your daily issues? Ki to Happiness remembers “ Love is the way I walk in gratitude“.



Steadily and slowly proceeding with following guidelines, today brings us to the celebration of the archangels. Each one of us has our own particular guardian angel. Archangel Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael are protectors of the guardian angels, and are also available to each one of us without limitation.

When we are in need of protection, guidance, or healing, on any level, we can turn to them. Recognizing that each one of us from time to time needs help, they have been available to us all, always and forever. Throughout all of history, there have been references to each one of them together, and separately. Non religious, their spiritual accessibility knows no boundaries.

What kind of help do you need? Could you ask for it from these all pervading assistants? Ki to Happiness reaches out.



My dad is 95 today. He is well enough, cared for, loved. The pandemic and its requirements for slowly starting to re-open do not compute for him. It’s just as well. When I have visited, and will soon again, we are able to connect about other things.

Beauty, nature, the joys of good food, time and space to read, the love of my mom, our family, memories of the long shared life all comprise our visits. My gratitude is endless for him. I love how he cares for my mother. He taught me well the joys of being outdoors, and how to be a stepparent.

How would you like to be 95 now? What would your downstream have to say about you? Ki to Happiness wishes all our Dad’s a Happy birthday!


Invisible assistance

Staying steady in this environment, slowly re-open businesses, remaining healthy, has become a way of life after six months. Pairing it with my daily practice of offering my early morning to the One in All rewards me with peaceful persistence.

I started with a daily meditation practice when I was in my 20s. Together with daily yoga practices, the evolution has continued for over 30 years, interweaving the physical, mental, emotional, with the spiritual holds me well on my path. Just now, there is a sense of invisible assistance, lifting me up. Not for the first time, but forever…

Do you feel it? What might help you to? Ki to Happiness shares it.


Holy Disregard the Unholy

Grateful daily for the many blessings that yoga has brought us, as the news cycle continues. I return to the Sutras of Patanjali which underpin the practice and the path. Transmitted orally thousands of years ago, they may seem to have a little relevance to our present circumstances. However, their broad sweep includes guidance regarding the yogic approach to dealing with the “unholy”.

“By sympathy for the happy, compassion for the sorrowful, delight in the holy disregard of the unholy, the psychic nature moves to gracious peace.” This interpretation from Charles Johnston (Book one, Sutra 33) continues to support me, and perhaps you too.

How do you deal with “the unholy”? The “happy”? The “sorrowful”? Ki to Happiness moves toward gracious peace.


Sensitivity cycle

Rains continue to wash us clean as we slowly and safely reopen. The huge downpour yesterday encouraged staying in, and reflecting. The ability to respond to nature’s cue enhances sensitivity.

Resting when complete yields insight, which stimulates action. Correct action then leads us back to a moment in which we can rest again. Then the next insight comes, perhaps requiring action, The sensitivity cycle continues. Our competitive culture has conditioned us away from this natural cycle. The opposite we could call the insensitivity cycle. One of the many benefits during this time of reset is that we may be growing responsibly into a healthier relationship with the sensitivity cycle.

How able are you to respond to your internal cues? What supports your growing sensitivity? Ki to Happiness learns from nature.


Peaceful creativity

Staying steady and focused as we continue to slowly reopen with plenty of time staying home and staying healthy is my ongoing mission. Yesterday, there were several very challenging energies upon most folks whom I encountered. I am thankful my many practices, and the many challenges I have previously faced, all preparing me well enough.

No doubt you are experiencing this, too. Difficult to find peace within if constantly bombarded with tension. Especially hard to keep creative juices moving forward when hindered by stressors. Any progress at this time, is miraculous.

Are you able to find your inner peace? Can you do something creative with that energy?Ki to Happiness peacefully and creatively proceeds, anyway.


365 daily blogs

One year ago today, I begin daily blogging. My intention was to do so for 20 days. Then for 40 days. Despite several different issues and problems, some personal, some planetary, many technical, I’ve been able to continue (with plenty of assistance). I celebrate with you here now. Thank you for reading.

One year ago we had no idea what was going to occur. And yet it seems as if Providence prepared me well for this by guiding me towards these efforts. Writing daily to share with you has brought to me continuity, connection, and the rewards that commitment yields. Continuing to reopen slowly, staying home and staying healthy, practicing yoga, offering private sessions, all accompanying me as I continue my 365 day blog streak….

What did you start one year ago? How is your progress? Ki to Happiness is rooting for you!


Autumnal Equinox

Today our planet comes in to a state of balance regarding the amount of sunlight and darkness. In our northern hemisphere, we call this the first day of Autumn. It signals for us the turning within after the outer focus of Spring and Summer. The temperatures start to drop, with the rain and leaves. Home and hearth call to us.

Still, reopening proceeds slowly, and certainly. Our numbers out here show a real decline for the first time since March. This occurs just as new neighbors have moved in, renting one of the vacated suites in our building. A few more physical students have returned to class with us, with more inquiring. And I have gone back to school. I am enrolled in a class instructed by one of my previous mentors. She mentors me again!

How might this day of balanced energies best serve you? What does your home and hearth require to be more inviting? Ki to Happiness learns from the cycles and seasons of nature.