
Red Maple

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked down on the ground and saw a red leaf. It seems too early in the season for the green to be leaving, revealing the true color of the Red Maple. Looking up on the limbs, I saw a few other leaves have also begun changing.

These first signs the seasonal shift respond to the decreasing amount of sunlight. The cooler temperatures also signal our animal nature. Soon it will be time to gather our nuts if not get back-to-school supplies in preparation for what is coming. 

Can you feel the subtle changes? Do you resist or welcome them? Ki to Happiness delights in observing the constant changes revealing our true colors like the Red Maple.


Blue Angels

After Bob’s morning yoga classes, we took a bike ride up to our nearby park. We saw a large gathering of folks looking south. We heard the Blue Angels before we saw them. 

The crowd cheered with delight as the planes flew in formation. We enjoyed the precision and expertise, if not the expense of the military display or the noise. We would not have gone out of our way to see them, however, we were glad to witness the spectacle.

What can you appreciate about the Blue Angels? What does their display inspire? Ki to Happiness is inspired by excellence in all its manifestations.


Leo New Moon

At the height of summer, today’s new moon gives us a chance to set intentions for making the best of our bounty. Counting our many blessings of summer is a good start. Aligning with the attitude of gratitude draws more to be grateful for toward us.

To prepare for this day, I finished up a couple of projects from my family vacation. Now that the laundry is done, the garden is weeded and leftovers have been consumed, I’m ready. New intentions for the next month are set with my offerings on this morning’s altar.

For what are you grateful this summer? What would you like to draw toward you in the next month? Ki to Happiness attracts abundant blessings by expressing appreciation for all that has occurred so far.


Gladiolus and Dahlias

I planted bulbs in the spring for summer bloom. Hungry squirrels ate most of them. The survivors are gracing our deck with tall Gladius and enormous Dahlias.

Our Hatha Yoga community members express their delight over their blooming colors: vibrant scarlet and deep crimson. Neighbors both in the building, as well as on our street have shared their appreciation for the beautification. No one loves it more than we do, as we sit among them during this warm summer enjoying our smoothies. 

What did you plant while the weather was still cool and damp?  Did any of your efforts succeed? Ki to Happiness sits and sips among the successful survivors.


Ayurveda and Accupuncture

Returning to Seattle, I immediately resumed my health care treatments for my wrist. Working with my acupuncturist as well as my Ayurvedic physician, soft tissue is healing. Long after the bones have mended, connective tissues are being supported with the ancient techniques of complementary medicine. 

Herbs, oils, needles and massage are working on my subtle bodies as well as my physical form. Consultation reinforces my lifelong efforts to integrate body issues with mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Overall, my inherent light is allowed to shine through this healing without need for my personality to compensate.

Are you open to ancient and complementary approaches to healing? What has your experience been with acupuncture or Ayurveda? Ki to Happiness receives the support needed to let Light shine.


2 Dozen

In celebration of our second year here, our altar is set with 2 dozen roses. Offerings of myrrh swirl up to those energies that helped us find our way here. An apple, green tea and a fresh candle symbolize earth, water and fire in addition to the air represented by the incense.

All elements coalesce in the roses. All assistance on each plane of consciousness brought us together here. Causal, Astral and Physical planes align as I express gratitude for these blessings.

What blessings can you count this morning? How would you like to symbolize your gratitude for those on your altar? Ki to Happiness lets go of the lessons required to get here as the blessings are counted.


2 Years Here

We moved to our present location two years ago. When realtors say “location, location, location“, I have a new appreciation for what that means. This location has offered us affordable convenience for all of our needs, an abundance of students, and a safer neighborhood to live and walk in.

Proximity to Bob’s childhood golf course means he is happier and healthier having resumed playing. That contributes to greater healing in our relationship. Our cats enjoy being more interactive with our community in this live work space since there’s no door separating them from class here.

Do you love the location where you live? How about your work location? Ki to Happiness loves safe, affordable locations from which to offer Hatha Yoga and private sessions.


Awakening unalarmed

As I settle back into my life here, I know where I am when I wake up. Our cats are adjusting to my presence and allowing me to awaken on my own. I don’t use an alarm clock so my I can stir when natural rhythms want me to.

Starting each day in this way gives me a chance to consciously intend to align with my Higher Self. My yoga practices begin with mantra, singing like the birds. We welcome the dawn before first light, building faith in its victory over the “darkness of unwisdom” as stated in the Yoga Sutras.

Do you use an alarm? How do you awaken? Ki to Happiness wakes up to offer her life of service to the One in All.


Brother Man

My brother and I chat on Sundays. We check in to make sure that we are both covering Mom well. They are both doing great after our most recent visit which relieves me of any concern.

I returned to the mainland from my tropical homes a long time ago to assist them more readily. It’s been a tremendous sacrifice and well worth it. I honor their choices to live their lives as they do and we are each happy with our choices.

How is your relationship to your family of origin? Can you honor their choices? Ki to Happiness lives a responsible life of conscious choosing and honors family members doing the same.


6 year olds

We are celebrating our cats’ birthday. They were found hungry, abandoned, and in need by our veterinarian’s family. We made our best guess at their birthday, so we observe it each year at this time.

Their presence in our life brings us joy.  They contribute to the Hatha Yoga Center community as they are social, friendly and love to participate in their ways. We honor them with fresh catnip and their favorite food, extra grooming and lots of time together.

Do you include animals in your community? Can you celebrate their contribution? Ki to Happiness cherishes life in all its forms.