

As the full moon continues bestowing upon us the reflection of how we have utilized the energies in the last couple of weeks, it is a perfect time for making offerings. Scent and light draw and feed benevolent entities. Lighting a candle and some incense, write down your particular needs, offering all to those Helpers of the angelic, and spiritual realm.

Commune a while with Them, in gratitude for their presence in your life. Envision your needs being met fully! And go about your day as if it has already occurred. Take action supporting your new reality.

What are your needs? How will you feel when those needs are met? Ki to Happiness needs you to know how delightful it feels to live life as an offering.


Manifesting Moon

This afternoon, the moon will be full and there will be a lunar eclipse. The intentions that we set forth two weeks ago when the moon was dark are now coming to fruition. This eclipse pattern enables greater manifestation of truest intentions.

Two weeks ago I set my intentions for a successful conclusion of “staying home and staying healthy”. That has occurred! As we have shifted into “safe start”, all is ready for reopening when the time is right.

How conscious were you of setting intentions two weeks ago? What does the light of the full Moon reveal to you about your ability to maintain your intention? Ki to Happiness manifests peaceful progress, as intended.


Calming down

Yesterday, our mayor met with the spokesperson regarding the race riots. Instead of Billy clubs and mustard spray they used talking and listening. Like a large balloon filled nearly to bursting, there’s nearly an audible release of tension, now that the air has been let out.

Simultaneously, I am witnessing others stopping midstride. Changing direction. And heading towards peace. This reminds me of a poem from Hafiz, which I will share at the end of this blog.

What progress do you see in the outer realms?What progress are you seeing more inwardly? Ki to Happiness sees the inner reflected in the outer, mirrored back to the inner for further refinement.

I Have Come Into This World to See This

I have come into this world to see this: the sword drop from men’s hands even at the height of their arc of anger because we have finally realized there’s just one flesh to wound and it is His– the Christ’s, our Beloved’s.

I have come into this world to see this: all creatures hold hands as we pass through this miraculous existence we share on the way to even a greater being of soul, a being of just ecstatic light, forever entwined and at play with Him.

I have come into this world to hear this: every song the earth has sung since it was conceived in the Divine‘s womb and began spinning from His wish, every song by wing and fin and hoof, every song by hill and field and tree and woman and child, every song of stream and rock, every song of tool and lyre and flute, every song of gold and fire, every song the heart should cry with magnificent dignity to know itself as God;

For all other knowledge will leave us again for want and aching-only imbibing the glorious Sun will complete us.

I have come into the world to experience this: men so true to love they would rather die before speaking an unkind word, men so true their lives are His covenant- the promise of hope.

I have come into this world to see this: the sword drop from men’s hands even at the height of their arc of rage because we have finally realized there is just one flesh we can wound.



In our “safe start” program here in the state of Washington, today I will be resuming one normal activity. I will drive. And receive chiropractic assistance. For the first time in almost 3 months. I’m sure I will get an eye full.

As I drive through our city, which is mostly boarded up, I will see that spring has sprung while I have stayed sequestered. And behind the masks in the cars and on the streets, I will see other people who have gone through this also.

What are you resuming? How does what was once familiar look to you now? Ki to Happiness starts safe and stays safe.



In the Pacific Northwest, the month of June is often referred to as Junuary. Cloudy, dark, wet, and windy, we bundle up. With clothing layered, if there’s a sun break, we might disrobe a bit. Only to cover up again when the sun break has passed.

Our new program of “safe start” feels like a brief Sun break. The political climate here is absolutely dark, wet and windy. Protests and opinions about protests like rain, drop on our city, requiring another layer.

What practices will best help you in this climate? How can you best layer your practices to assist you “in all kinds of weather“? Ki to Happiness covers up with layers of asana, pranayama, meditation, prayers.


Safe start

The state of Washington has shifted into its new program.“Safe start” now allows most counties to resume business once many requirements are met. This, however, coincides with my city being on curfew, due to the demonstrations downtown. The contrast is very clear.

We are seeing that the external world and its rules, orders, mandates and guidelines are constantly changing and shifting. The good news about that is that we are learning to look within. As we follow guidance from within our Higher Self, we will be led safely toward peace.

What guidance do you receive within? How can you peacefully and safely conduct yourself? Ki to Happiness observes the old adage “ Safety First”.



Today, we conclude our time of “staying home and staying healthy.”. Tomorrow begins the next new program which our governor is calling “stay safe”. And yet last night, protesters and police clashed to such an extent that evacuation was ordered from downtown Seattle and our whole city was put on curfew.

I am safe. My lifestyle protects me in many ways. I haven’t been downtown for months. And I am aware that many of the protesters were not from here. They were on a mission to create upset. Setting fire to a car was very effective. That results in tighter controls. It looks as if the powers that be have been losing control, and so all efforts are being made to try to regain that.

What controls you? Can you experience your freedom to choose which vibration you will track on? Ki to Happiness controls personal freedom with which to choose wisely.


Saint Joan of Arc

As our state concludes our “staying home and staying healthy”, we will shift into “safe start”. Our challenges are great, so it’s very helpful for us to turn to the help and support of those who have demonstrated their greatness before us.

John of Arc is celebrated on this day. There is no saint more popular, familiar, or inspirational. As an un educated, impoverished, simple 13-year-old, she began seeing visions. She acted on them, with no military training, bringing victory to the French army. For such, she was burned at the stake, considered a witch at age 19. 500 years later her sainthood was declared, officially.

What inspiration are you in need of? Who has gone before you, showing you the way? Ki to Happiness is inspired by all the saints, prophets and mystics.



As we continue staying home and staying healthy, we all have an opportunity to reflect on the many challenges in our world. I was raised in St. Louis. There was a lot of racial and cultural diversity. I was able to ride the metropolitan bus as a youngster, surrounded by people of all walks of life. I paid for my ride like they did. I got off at my right stop.

Later, when we moved into a small village, I was alarmed at the homogeneity of it. I became aware that I was colorblind and that my eyes now were experiencing a monochromatic world. Whenever I would encounter someone representing a different race, or different culture, I would nod to them like we used to on the bus.

What was your early experience of diversity? Can you open up to others who represent difference? Ki to Happiness sees the common thread uniting us all.


Super powers

As we come to the end of our states mandate to stay home and stay healthy, I start to reflect on other great challenges in my life. I’m aware that times in which I have had to stay back, be in solitude, keep my own counsel, have resulted in tremendous strength in my confidence to survive.

Thriving often comes later, once the healing has become integrated and the crisis has passed. Making use of the many super powers that remain gives value to the experience.

What superpowers have you developed? How can you best use them to serve? Ki to Happiness values each experience.