
Signs of progress

As we continue staying home and staying healthy a while longer, there are signs of progress. Retail stores are beginning to have lights on inside. Deliveries of new inventories are arriving. Soon some will be stocking the shelves. Signs are being posted in accordance with our state’s guidelines.

In photographing and posting one of the signs, doing so as an act of encouragement, the wording was immediately challenged. Disputes over corrections have emerged.

Do you see signs of progress? Can you stay balanced as you interact with others who would like to criticize? Ki to Happiness sees the glass and its contents.. not half full, not half empty. Half a glass.



Today marks another personal anniversary. My husband and I married socially on this day 18 years ago here in Seattle, Washington. Last month I blogged about the accidental wedding ceremony we had in Bali. The ceremony on May 26, 2002 was not an accident.

We consciously chose to enter into an agreement publicly “for as long as possible “. This conclusory statement of our vows brought tremendous laughter from our friends and families who had gathered. With the help and support of many, it is still possible.

How are your commitments holding up during this planetary situation? What assistance has made that possible? Ki to Happiness thanks our entire community for somehow continuing with us.


Memorial Day

Wishing you all a happy and safe Memorial Day. It will be like no other. As we stay home and stay healthy, we may elect to create a small altar, in tribute to those who have fallen while serving. Especially, as we may be unable to safely go to the cemetery to put flowers and pay our respects.

In Bali, we have learned to also assemble on an altar favorite foods, drinks and objects that were desired by the one who has left us. In doing so, we are able to express our gratitude, and our remembrance, even if we are at a great distance.

Ki to Happiness honors all who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of service as Lightworkers and Peacekeepers.


Make it right

Along the way, staying home and healthy this spring may have used up your resources, your patience, and your ability to choose from your highest guidance. Circumstances may tempt wrong actions.

In recognizing one’s limitations, and being willing to own up to one’s errors, strategies can be put in place to safeguard repeated errors. Making it right, forgiving oneself, and growing from the experience means changing one’s behavior to avoid repeated lessons.

What limitations have you become aware of? What errors have you made? Ki to Happiness humbly acknowledges human limitations, and corrects errors, forgiving and evolving.


Memorial Day weekend

Wishing you all a happy Memorial Day weekend. As we stay home and stay healthy a while longer, this will be one to remember. Generally considered the threshold into summer activities, gatherings outdoors, and festive times, this year will be on a much smaller scale.

Nationally, this is a day of remembrance of those who have fallen while serving in the military. Many have likened this pandemic to a global war. Those who have fallen, may be among those we memorialize this weekend. Perhaps then will be celebrating those who have survived later when it’s Veterans Day.

Who will you memorialize this weekend? How best can we uphold the memory of those who have fallen? Ki to Happiness re-members us all to The One.


New moon in Gemini

Today, we have our last new moon during our stay home and stay healthy time. This is a great opportunity for us to set clear intention is for how it is we would like to participate in the re-opening, safely and sanely.

During our time of dealing with this global circumstance, much personal information has come forward. Finishing up projects that we have started, so we can set the stage for the shift that’s coming is advised.

What project can you finish today? How would you like to manifest that which has been valuable from this unusual time as we move forward into the next lunar cycle?Ki to Happiness finishes what she started.


Good news

Just as I was coming to the end of my ability to remain flexible and open, we receive some good news. Our governor has shifted his categorization of yoga studios like ours from phase 3 to phase 2 for a re-opening plan. This prompted me to immediately learn all of the guidelines so I can get everything in place in the next 11 days.

With just five students here, we will be honoring all restrictions. Many will choose to remain practicing yoga remotely. And we will all stay tuned for further information regarding more complete re-opening.

What good news have you had? What is necessary for you to prepare for the re-openings in your world? Ki to Happiness reopens the heart to this flexible shift.



It happened yesterday. After all of this time staying home and staying healthy, I felt the desire to control the reopening. Learning that our attorney general is suing the state for closing his gym, and that the state is suing two different gyms for not closing has catapulted me into the desire to simply re-open June 1. I can make it till then.

As soon as I could recognize this, I “turned it all over” immediately. To my Higher Self. To the Higher Power that connects us all. Just because I am over it, does not mean it is over. Or that it will be over on my timeline. Letting go of my desire to control, and accepting Life on Life’s terms, returns me to today and the gift that is now here.

How is your desire to control? What is your sense of timing? Ki to Happiness relinquishes control now.


Oregon reopens

As we continue staying home and staying healthy, our neighbors to the south have reopened. Finding their orders to be unconstitutional, people are encouraged now to go out and get their haircut. And maybe have some dinner out.

I cut my own hair. I love to cook for myself and others. Much of my life will remain the same. Tethering my efforts to the central principles and values most encapsulated by the yoga path, keeps me consistent.

What will change for you as we continue to re-open? And what will remain unchanged?Ki to Happiness accepts that the only constant is change.


Monday Monday

Today, more nonessential medical and dental procedures resume in our area. Masks and gloves and social distancing becomes more commonplace. We adjust to the new rules, day by day, one location at a time.

I have put a mask on one of the teddy bears in our window. A small boy was delighted when he looked up and saw it. He showed his dad. Small moments of grace lift me, so I share with you. Another-my antisocial husband welcomed an opportunity to have me safely serve someone lunch! The highlight of our week.

What are the new rules in your area? Where have you experience delight? Ki to Happiness sniffs out grace, with or without the mask on.