
New issues

Digging deeply into my own material, staying home and staying healthy has resulted in much personal progress. And while there have been challenges professionally, there’s also been remarkable progress here, too. Thank you for finding your way to read the blog in its new home, and my apologies for any glitches along the way.

Now that I am streaking my blog here, and streaming my classes and meditations on Hatha Yoga Center live streaming group page, and doing most of my private sessions remotely, old issues, problems, conflicts, complexities are gone. New issues have come up, requiring attention, patience, perseverance, and new skills.

What has your deep digging revealed to you? What new issues have come up? Ki to Happiness knows the old issues are resolved when replaced by new ones.


Still streaking

As we continue staying home and staying healthy, I am delighted that I’m able to still blog. Having made tremendous changes to my website, it was a tiny hiccup yesterday in which perhaps it looked like my assistant did this blog. And it may not have posted in the right spot either. And yet I am here. I will continue.

We have small A boards which we put on the street as our marketing. One of them is chained there, to inhibit theft. It often gets knocked down by big winds or by belligerent neighbors. Each morning as I return from getting the newspaper, I check it. And I put it back up again. And again. It again. It’s resilience inspires my own. It stands up.

Are you able to continue what you have started despite setbacks? Can you get back up when you’ve been knocked down? Will you let others help you? Ki to Happiness resiliently continues to get back up.



Staying home and staying healthy has allowed me to get just the right help so that I could re-launch my Ki to Happiness website. My blog has a new home. May it serve you.

Creative juices, together with persistence, patience, and plenty of technical support have helped me to manifest. Check it out, when you get a chance. And feel free to “ask Ki anything“.

What do your creative juices want to manifest? What support do you need? Ki to Happiness supports each of our true creative desires.


Reconciling the irreconcilables

As we continue staying home and staying healthy, more choices present themselves to us as soft openings are happening in this area, and perhaps in yours as well. Conflicts arise as people with different opinions and different experiences clash. And yet for those of us with spiritual practices, yoga among them, are able to see from a higher perspective that the One who unites us all is on all things, in all things, in each one of us. Always and in all ways.

The Sufis call this “reconciling the irreconcilables”. Within each one of us, there are a multitude of opinions, having had plenty of variable experiences. As we become more coherent and integrated we have greater access to the Higher Power.

What disparities within can you heal today? Are you willing to forgive others who have not yet done this work? Ki to Happiness forgives God’s world.


Tending violets

Continuing happily to stay home and healthy, I’m able to improve my surroundings in the tiniest ways. Looking at the mighty violets gracing our studio, with their cheerful blooms, I am happy simply to tend to them.

Violets from a spiritual perspective encourage correct movements. Learning such, and recognizing that they could thrive in our north facing yoga studio, I’m so glad I got them years ago on the recommendation of one of our community members. So while she is not here in person, as I tend to them, I think of that dear one.

Any simple pleasures that you are finding in this unusual time? Able to feel the love for those who you are unable to physically be with? Ki to Happiness loves you all, and sends loving support for you and your correct movements.


Cooler heads

The spring swing has shifted our temperatures. As we drop back into the 50s and 60s, perhaps some of the heated division on the planet, in our country, and in our local area and will start to chill.

Yogic theory as stated in the Upanishads includes the postulate that what is within is with out, and that which is with out is also within. The microcosm and macrocosm are mirror reflections of one another. In this way, every effort we make to heal all the divisions within our self benefits humanity, as well as life on Earth.

Do you notice how the weather affects you? With cooler temperatures, what division within yourself can you heal? Ki to Happiness recognizes that “cooler heads prevail”.


Warmth and light

The sun has made a strong appearance in our area. Record breaking heat this weekend, and now a cloudy morning. Spring is showing her stuff: Green grasses, puffy white clouds, blue blue sky, lots of birds. Humans in masks and gloves, and little else.

I am noticing that when I stay inside, at home, and healthy, I don’t notice all the changes that have taken place. It’s only when I venture out, that I encounter the many individual differences in the reopening, one tier at a time. My yogic lifestyle continues to support me so I can serve.

Is your lifestyle supporting you? What adjustments are needed so it does? Ki to Happiness changes her clothes.


Mother’s Day

Today we honor our mothers, our grandmothers, and the Divine Mother principal. All that has nourished and nurtured comes from that great Goddess energy, materializing care and comfort.

On one level, it is a Hallmark holiday. Easy to disregard. Yet through all cultures, and at all times, there has been a recognition that without mothers, there would be nothing. No life. Without sending a card or presenting flowers, every day we do well to honor that mothering instinct. Especially today.

Who has nourished and nurtured you? What have you nourished and nurtured? Ki to Happiness loves her mother.


Sunshine, daydream

We are having beautiful spring weather in the Seattle area. More and more people are out and about. Some are continuing to observe social distancing, wearing masks and gloves, and others letting down those measures. I ventured out to our local Whole Foods. This required I stand in a long line in the sun. Inwas masked mandatorily before I entered. The one item I wanted I bought in bulk, so I don’t have to repeat that trip for another three months. As I returned with my goods, I came across a local businessman. He is starting to lose it. The reopening has had greater challenges, and more conflict than the shut down did from his perspective.

My practices sustain me. I walk alone. I see a world that is evolving. Feeling fortunate and blessed for the perspective that the practices yield.

What do you see from your vantage point? What practices sustain that view? Ki to Happiness forgives the world and looks upon it with loving eyes.


The Darkside of the moon

As this moon begins to subside, there may be remnants of material needing to be processed more completely. Some aspects of unconsciousness may have come forward, requiring attention.

Sex, death and other people’s money is presided over by Scorpio, the Transformer, with a strong effect to the nervous system. Perhaps with a more calm nervous system today, a clear path will begin to present itself, showing the way forward.

What needs to be transformed? In calm clarity, what way forward is revealed? Ki to Happiness transforms lemons into lemonade.