
Returning to teaching

 This morning, I resume my full schedule teaching yoga. I do so with many new memories from my family visit. In attending Bob’s class yesterday morning, I felt renewed vigor and appreciation of yoga, Hatha Yoga Center and our community.

Solo practice, wherever I travel has been the bedrock of my experience of yoga. Group practice reinvigorates my dedication and commitment. From that full well, I look forward to giving back to my community today.

What benefit do you find from practicing in groups? How is that as compared to practicing by yourself? Ki to Happiness benefits from both and shares those benefits with others.


Guard Dog

I returned home after my delayed flight to Bob conducting his class. I wanted to avoid disrupting him, however, the guard dog insisted she announce my intrusion. Ava is our mascot and knows me well, so her bark was tempered by her wagging tail.

I left my luggage at the door and came up to our living space separate from the yoga class. All three cats greeted me as I sang their song, pet them, and offered lots of catnip. This morning, we all got right into rhythm with our healthy habits and rituals.

What practices travel with you? What’s the best part of homecoming? Ki to Happiness feels at home with yoga practice.


Duck walk

My brother came over for dinner on my last night here in St. Louis. We went outside for sunset as the heat of the day subsided. On our way to the patio, we heard ducks quacking.

We looked around and saw a family of ducks walking toward us. They were all together, and yet looked very different from one another and seemed to have a different sense of timing and direction about their movement. It felt like a reflection of our family.

How do you interpret the signs of nature around you? When you gather with family and friends, is there space for all of your differences? Ki to Happiness accepts the natural differences that occur with togetherness.


Joan and Alanis

Last night, my friends included me in their concert date. We sat outside on the lawn of the venue as Joan Jett and Alanis Morissette took to the stage. Both inspired me as a guitarist as well as a singer.

We left before the concert finished to avoid the traffic and to ensure early bedtime. Today is another day, in which I am happy to get up early and sit for my practice before my final day here in my hometown. My brother and I have plans tonight , concluding this summer trip of visiting family and friends.

Who do you prefer, Joan or Alanis? Are you drawn to guitar riffs or incredible vocal range? Ki to Happiness appreciates women using their voices and talents to unite us.


Spontaneous Ritual

When I wake up, I get right into my morning rituals. I chant, meditate, do pranayama and conclude with prayer. My healthy body from all the asana practice gives me feedback about what refinements are necessary.

Sometimes, if I awaken earlier than usual, I lay in bed and witness the rituals come forth from within. Today, I spontaneously began with prayer instead, so both spontaneous and ritual practices align my will with Thy Will.

What rituals do you practice? How spontaneous are your prayers? Ki to Happiness practices rituals so these habits anchor me and spontaneously arise.


Inclusion and Diversity

I went to church with mom. The reading was all about inclusion of diverse peoples. We sang and embraced one another as well as the message.

Today is the feast day of Saint Mary Magdalene. While there are different accounts of her story, the overarching message one of inclusion. Like on the yogic path, all are forever welcome to rise above differences and unite with Light and Love.

Can you put aside differences? Are you willing to align with a higher principle? Ki to Happiness aligns with All in Light and Love.


Full Heart Moon

Today the sun moves from the sign of Cancer into the sign of Leo. This occurs with the full moon, bringing lots of energy (Leo) and feelings (Cancer). The heart may especially feel this fullness as it is the physical representation of Leo.

My heart is full of gratitude for this family visit, which we’ve shared with plenty of friends. My grateful heart appreciates those who have assisted me in taking this trip, covering my classes, tending cats, adapting schedules, and all my invisible helpers paving the way for this day. I share this fullness with you, dear readers, and wish you the same.

How full is your heart today? For what are you grateful? Ki to Happiness is grateful for all that has led up to this present moment.


Mom’s Stories

We went out for dinner, just the two of us, to our favorite restaurant. We were the first ones in, and had the place to ourselves. Slowly, the restaurant filled up with lots of other diners.

Mom shared several juicy stories with me as we enjoyed our meal. The other diners became louder to the extent that it was hard to hear her. As we returned home, mom continued with her stories so I could suck all the juice out of them.

Do you relish the stories of your elders? With repetition do you become bored, or more riveted on every detail? Ki to Happiness listens to absorb the wisdom.



When mom returned from her grief group, she offered me the Hawaiian reconciliation process known as ho’oponopono. I readily joined her in reciprocating. This morning, my eyes open wider to behold a world where such miracles occur naturally.

“I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”These four statements restore goodness. Uttering them to the living or the deceased frees oneself.

What relationship would benefit from this process in your life? Are you willing to utter these words and free yourself? Ki to Happiness freely forgives as her primary function in alignment with all spiritual teachings.


Hairy Jerry

Today, my mother and I will go to her hair salon. Her stylist, Jerry, is like a family member. It’s one of our few mother daughter rituals we enjoy.

I’ll pack a lunch for us to enjoy picnic style there. I’ll surrender my locks to him as he does what he thinks is best this time. So far, he’s been keeping me with a kitty cut, letting it get longer and longer like I wore it when I was 19.

What rituals do you love with your family members? Are you willing to detach from the outcome? Ki to Happiness loves ritually detaching from outcome.