
Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung, the sun has riz and I know where the birdies is…

This playful poem accompanied me through many childhood seasonal shifts. In the Pacific Northwest, I saw my first Robin and her red breast about a month ago. Now that we’re warming up, the outer world is very inviting.

I took a long walk yesterday. I love how the trees are leafing out, and the buds are bursting forth. Safely maintaining correct socializing distance, it was also uplifting to see many other people out of doors, enjoying the benefit of this very unusual time on the planet.

How springy are you feeling? What will help you put a little more spring in your step? Ki to Happiness appreciates the small safe blessings of nature.


Saint Joseph’s day

This day we honor all who have raised children who are not of their own reproduction. It’s hard work, for which St. Joe is also the patron saint. Setting a table with candles and flowers, his image, a hammer, some nails and homemade bread in various symbolic shapes is traditional.

My grandparents certainly help to raise me. My grandfather‘s name is Joe. And he had his own workbench. His efforts inspired me to participate in raising my stepson, as well as to contribute to protecting and sheltering many of his friends. Now with the pandemic, I will have a chance again to shelter him as he is about to return to us from Bali where visas are no longer being issued.

Who have you contributed to raising, apart from your own offspring?How comfortable are you with hard work? Ki to Happiness works hard for the good of all children.


Conscious breathing

At this time with the national guidelines of sheltering in place, socially distancing, avoiding groups of more than 10, only interacting in essential ways, one practice we can engage in that is guaranteed to help, is conscious breathing. Right now put your attention on the breath as it enters and exits through your nostrils.

For a moment reflect on the Breathgiver. Give thanks for this breath with your attention, and observe the effect that has helping you to slow down your breathing rhythm, deepen it, expand your heart, and your chest.

What tool is closer than consciously breathing? Where and when in your life could you most benefit from this now? Ki to Happiness breathes with you at a distance.


St. Patrick’s Day

On this day, we reflect on the Irish. Many of my ancestors, and perhaps yours as well or of Irish dissent. While the lore surrounding this day includes Saint Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland, we do well to use this energy for transformation.

Snakes symbolize transformation. They shed their skins. Thus, releasing old ways, letting go of the past, allowing tender fresh new possibilities to exist.

In your hibernation and deeper introspection of the winter, what have you found that you need to transform? What outer covering is ready to be released? Ki to Happiness releases fear, and transforms it into compassion for others who are fearful.


Winter’s End

This is the last Monday of Winder. It’s very chilly where I am. And breezy. I’m happy to enjoy my last bit of hibernation and deep introspection. Much has been gained during this season. I celebrate that now as we begin to shift ever more towards Spring.

With the global focus on the virus, it may be a different spring for many of us. Staying safe, healthy, with good choices, and a high vibrational frequency may be our best way to celebrate the return of the growing season. In addition to an anti-inflammatory diet, plenty of freshwater, and good practices such as breath work, we may be able to move through this time well.

What has been gained during this season? How may further hibernation and introspection serve you if your community is locked down due to the virus? Ki to Happiness finds joy within the heart and shares it across all social distances.


The Ides of March

Caesar was forewarned to beware of this day. He did not take heed. Ignored the warning. And was killed on this day about 2000 years ago. Drink a glass of red wine in his honor, celebrating the best of the ancient civilization of Rome.

Shakespeare wrote about that moment in history, for us all to remember. When a civilization outgrows its values and is led by one such as Cesar, it’s falling will occur. For the betterment of the greater good.

What aspects of the ancient world do you still value? What warnings must must we heed in the New World of democracy to avoid a similar fall? Ki to Happiness honors this day with Self-sovereignty.


Pi Day

This is another day of significance for those of us who pay attention to numbers. March 14 is abbreviated 3.14 which is the beginning of the mathematical ratio of any circles circumference to its diameter. The Pi ratio.This number was of vital importance to the ancient cultures around the world. As such, it connects us to the transcendent and infinite nature of the cosmos and the entire physical world in the same way it is for thousands of years.

What connects you to the ancient ones? How can you best celebrate this mathematical constant? Ki to Happiness recognizes the Great One in the details of life.


Friday the 13th

Superstition around the significance of the number 13 proceeds today. The power of numerology indicates that there is a significant powerful energy upon us. Instead of being afraid of the power of it, let’s work with it.

When we are afraid, we vibrationally draw to us that which we are fearing. When we are safe, we magnetically attract that with which we are safe. Choose wisely, the safety you feel in your practices on this powerful day. So that we may benefit the whole community from our practices, to the planet.

What are you afraid of? What practices helps you feel safe? Ki to Happiness feels safe inside the heart today and everyday.



During this time of increasing restrictions on our freedom of movement, our constricted social spaces, and the concern over our health, it is very important to stay adaptable. One of the many things that yoga teaches us is how to balance strength with flexibility and breath. This helps us every day, and especially these days.

Previously, I was sharing my morning practices. Once all of those preparations are made for my day, I enter into my physical practice. I usually start with handstands. They turned my world upside down, and ask me to be strong, balanced, and flexible. Invigorating my brain, this practice helps me to see clearly, and think calmly.

How adaptable are you? Which practices will support your need for Balance? Strength? Flexibility? Breath? Ki to Happiness adapts practices to meet present needs.

Join our Hatha Yoga Center Facebook page, so you may participate in our live streaming group, to help you adaptably face the challenges upon us now…



“Is next to Godliness “ as the old adage goes. During Mercury retrograde, I shared with this space my morning practices including lots of practices in the bathroom. These ritual cleanings of the physical form are traditional and many of the different great spiritual paths embrace versions of same. In doing so, the body is to made into an ever more clean and perfect temple for our own indwelling spirit to manifest.

Additionally, cleansing our spaces at this time of the concern over the rampant Coronavirus. At the Hatha Yoga Center I am using one part apple cider vinegar, three parts pure water, 20 drops of rosemary essential oil, 20 drops of Teatree essential oil on all surfaces, all props, all mats. And we are live streaming our classes for those who are prudently staying home, until this has passed. Join us through the Hatha Yoga Center Facebook page, by becoming a member of the live streaming group. Donations and regular class payments are welcome.

How clean is your physical temple? Are you sanitizing your physical spaces? Ki to Happiness says “ As within, without.!”