
Election day

With all of our spiritual practices, we deeply connect to the truth in our heart. Bringing through that truth into the greater world, we make choices. Today we have a invitation to make a bigger choice. One that may have far-reaching consequences.

After quiet listening, centering within, clearing away the past, integrating our lessons, and to becoming emboldened to come forward, I implore you to cast your vote.

Which candidate uplifts your heart? What could be more important than making your personal values political? Ki to Happiness votes!


Mercury Moon

Mercury has gone direct. And the moon is full. Many energies shift today. I am so grateful for the last three weeks of deep reflection during this introspective winter season. And sharing here the many steps in my morning practices.

Communication and transportation should become easier. This will be helpful with the intensive emotional energies which will be fluidly expressing themselves today.

What have you learned in the last month? What are you able to clearly communicate now? Ki to Happiness remembers happiness is a choice.


Conscious dressing

Finally, as I exit my private rituals, and prepare for the day I dress. Each day of the week is governed by a particular planetary ruler. Today is Sunday. As such it is ruled by the sun. The sun is represented by the colors yellow, gold, and orange. Wearing these colors on a day like today brings through the beneficial qualities of the planetary ruler. Vibrations of warmth, power, and brightness are supported in this way.

Mondays are ruled by the moon. Colors associated are black, white, silver, lavender. Tuesdays are ruled byMars. Colors associated are black, red, maroon. Wednesday’s are ruled by Mercury. Colors associated are yellow, topaz, brown. Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter. Colors associated are purple, turquoise, green. Fridays are ruled by Venus. Colors associated are Pink, coral, rose, purple. Saturdays are ruled by Saturn. Colors associated are blue, indigo, black.


Drying gratitude

As I exit my bath, and touch my body as I dry off, I give thanks for every part. I give thanks for my brain and its ability to create more building blocks for my immune system so that I can fend off bacteria, viruses and parasites on all levels:the causal level, the astral level, and the physical level. I give thanks for the many skills, talents and blessings that have so generously been bestowed upon me.


Bathtub backbend

Finally, in my bath, I roll over onto my belly for a gentle backbend in the warm water as I say allowed three formal Sufi prayers. I encourage you to also find formal prayers that work for you.

The Saum, Salat and Khatum invoke all possible Helpers from each of the spiritual paths in a broad and inclusive way.The prayers you choose will reflect your spiritual connection in a way that is right for you. Gentle backbending opens the heart, so that it is what is praying.


Netti pot

Next in my daily practices, I use a Netti pot to irrigate my sinuses. I boil the water the night before, and keep it in a thermos. I decant the hot water and mix it with a little bit of non-iodized salt. When it’s slightly warm on my wrist and slightly salty to taste, I am ready to irrigate my sinuses.

I silently say the Lady’s prayer as I pour the water in my right nostril and the water exits through my left nostril. When I reverse the direction, I silently say my own revision of the Lady’s prayer, which is heartfelt and personal. I encourage you to utilize your own prayers, both formal and of your own composing.


Oral hygiene

Yes, even as I brush my teeth, I practice consciousness. Recognizing that the teeth contain a map to the rest of the body, it helps to slow down and spend some time brushing, flossing, and also tongue scraping. I do so utilizing the Lady’s prayer six times in six different sections of my mouth with my electric toothbrush, using one hand for three sections and my other hand for the other three sections. Adding habits that are supportive to habits that are already established allows me too anchor daily flossing with prayer to my already established toothbrushing practice. And I’ve added to that tongue scraping, with the following brief prayer. “My thoughts are one with my words and my words are one of my heart”. I say it three times as I massage, milk and scrape my tongue.


Face yoga

In addition to the Lord’s prayer revisited, I have learned the Jesus prayer from the original Aramaic. I use my fingers to stimulate points on my face as I recite this renewed prayer.

There are 26 points on the face, which I stimulate. There are many systems, any which you are willing to work with are welcome. As are any of the formal prayers, which you may revisit and renew in your own way...


Formal prayers

When we learn memorized formal prayers, it facilitates the likelihood that when we are in challenge, we may find a way to spontaneous prayer. Like many, I was educated with memorization of the Lord’s Prayer and the Lady’s Prayer.The formal prayers I learned, I have relearned a new.

Each line in the Lords prayer is associated with a particular chakra, or energy center. When I get into the bath, with my crystals programmed, and my supplies around me, I begin singing my renewed version, which is translated directly from the Aramaic language, as I wash my body, each chakra with its particular line.



On my altar, I have other tools such as daily readings. I’ve been working with A Course in Miracles for over 30 years. Daily reading one lesson at a time, is a great way to anchor that awareness into our daily lives. ACIM redefines several Christian terms for modern application. You may, of course, have your own favorites, which you will be enjoying reading.

I also have little icons of Saints and Deities from a variety of beliefs systems. They love the tea and the incense I offer to them. I am honor the saint of the day, some of whom I have blogged about here.

Meanwhile, I run a bath into which I use several crystals, which I have cleansed and programmed for amplifying the next rituals that I will be sharing. You may wish to prepare some for our next practices.