
Big Day

Two years ago at the northwest yoga conference (NWYC), there was conflict. Today, I meet with the organizer for the first time since then. The intention is towards healing for the purpose of grace as we move forward to this year’s NWYC.

I will be conducting a workshop again as I did two years ago. I personally witnessed the conflict. I have recorded it. Many have their own stories about what occurred. several of the most outspoken voices weren’t even present. 

What conflicts are you ready to resolve? How clear are your intentions? Ki to Happiness joyously faces this big day resolved and healed into the true spirit of Yoga, which is union.


Leaning Up

In the yoga practice of physical asana, backbends open the heart. When pushed too far or too fast there can be a sense of compression in the back. This is to be avoided by distributing the extension of the spine throughout as evenly as possible. I refer to this often as “leaning up”. Rather instead of “leaning back”.

In our lives, similarly, they are times when we feel we are pushed too far or too fast. Once we can identify that, we can do something about it. Slowing down, distributing our efforts thru all the aspects of our lives is helpful. Leaning up in this way gives us a chance to utilize our issues toward spiritual growth.

Are you feeling pushed too far or too fast? Can you slow down ? Leaning up into your Higher Nature, what lesson are you learning for your spiritual growth? Ki to Happiness sees all of life experience as an opportunity for spiritual evolution.


Anybody here?

After Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, together with the others that occurred in the social movements of the 60s, a song became popular memorializing them. The lyrics included “anybody here seen my old friend Martin? Can you tell me where he’s gone?”.

Yoga philosophy begins to answer the questions. So does science. As energy is never created nor destroyed, we know his energy continues, like the song still playing in my heart. His essential nature is with us still, in truth, freedom, equality, and efforts to bring these basic principles evermore into manifestation now.

What songs of your childhood continue to enliven your heart? Which philosophies help answer your big questions? Ki to Happiness remembers the essential nature of those who’ve gone before us.


Those Ahead

Today, I celebrate the birth of one of my mentors. At age 77, this pioneering woman has held the door open for many to enter into yogic practices for decades. She is an inspiration to all, in her healthy, fit, compassionate presence. 

When we met over 20 years ago, I was already teaching for years, training others to do so, from one of my four studios as well as conducting international retreats and privately serving with many therapeutic modalities. And yet, she showed me how to pace myself, so that I can continue as she has all these years.

Who is ahead of you on your path? What way have they been showing you?Ki to Happiness appreciates all those who’ve opened the doors for others.



Today I awaken clearer, and fresher for my having fasted yesterday. My experience of having rested my digestive system for one day brings me a greater sense of spaciousness and time. It seems to me that the word for abstaining from food could easily be “slowing” instead of fasting.

With these benefits, energy is available for other good habits to come to mind and manifest. Drinking more water, reflecting on our many blessings, self-healing, conscious resting, taking a long bath, practicing asana as well as all the other limbs of yoga, mutually support the Slowing.

What practice brings other practices to your attention? Which habits support other good habits? Ki to Happiness breaks the fast consciously, in gratitude for all that truly nourishes.



Several years ago I was dealing with ongoing chronic illness. After living in denial, exhausting every self care possibility, awakening to the need for medical attention, receiving appropriate care, I was still plagued with it.

I started working with a particular meditation as medicine which led me to prayer. I learned to petition a particular saint which required fasting. I committed to fast each year on his feast day. Today is that day. I awakened this morning surprised to that fact, as I have been so well for so long, I’d forgotten. I am free from symptoms. I am free from fear of the symptoms. I joyfully fast, in honor of the miracle.

What miracles have you received? Who helped? How can you best honor that assistance? Ki to Happiness thanks all helpers on all levels!


Having Dreams

While yesterday was the anniversary of Martin Luther King Junior’s birth, the national holiday will not be until Monday. His birth, and his life, as well as his death awaken the awareness of the importance of having dreams to inspire us.

Activists risk much in pursuit of dreams, as his assassination demonstrates. And yet his dream is a dream that continues today. Equality and peace among all remain guiding values for many activists.

What dreams activate you? How peaceful is your life?What equality does your life contribute to? Ki to Happiness manifests the dream in my Heart of hearts.


Snow globe

From inside the comfort of a warm shelter, looking at the snow falling, it’s like being inside a snow globe. The scene is blanketed by white freshness from above. Swirls of crystals descend, outlining all with pristine beauty. The trees, buildings, street, dumpsters, cars, litter all receive this grace.

From outside, the bracing cold precipitation and wind requires heads down, determination, and perseverance for the most basic needs to be met. Walking, breathing, and balance all require focus. Looking up in amazement at this grandeur costs valuable resources of body heat and calories some cannot afford.

Which view do you choose? How can one enhance the other? Ki to Happiness appreciates both.


The wintry mix

Rain, sleet, hail, snow all descend. In the realm of the 4 elements, water is considered to be symbolic of our emotions. Emotions are fluid, changing, variable, like the weather. Energy in motion propels action. When the feelings aren’t allowed expression, stagnation and freezing occur.

Frozen feelings, like snow, will melt when things warm up. When this occurs, tears may fall like rain, sadness may express itself sharply like sleet, long held resentments may ping down like hail, and each sentiment has its own unique design, like the snowflakes.The wintry mix gives pause to reflect during our hibernation and introspection.

What energy in you wants motion? How safely? With whom? Where and when? Ki to Happiness shores up strong banks on the emotional rivers to channel this energy into the right motion.



I love how my cats alerted me to this early morning snowfall. I get up with them to feed them first before my yoga practices. Yet this morning, their interest was in showing me outside, from one of their favorite warm windowsills, the dusting of white atop the trees, cars and streets.

Later with fresh falling snow, they stared transfixed, gazing out the window at this mysterious beauty. Seeing their rapture, I turned to look, enjoying the spectacle with them. We stayed together for a long time, in amazement, within the safe warm shelter of our home.

How do you react to snow? What natural events bring you to awe? When are you distracted from your usual habits to stop and revel in this spectacular world? Ki to Happiness marvels in small delights.