
On time

Readying for flight, loving the words “on time”. May it be so! Prepared with all that’s needed for a safe and comfortable trip, and now letting go of any efforts to control.

So many lessons for travelers. Many benefits from the ability to move about on the earth, experiencing different ways to live, different needs and adjustments, different beliefs and philosophies. Broadening and expanding compassion, understanding, and connection.

What have you learned from your travels? How do you benefit from moving about? Who else benefits? Where do you wanna go next? Ki to Happiness would love a “Post card”.


‘Tis Autumn

The chlorophyll exits the foliage, and what remains? The true colors of the leaves, previously obscured by efforting towards the sun, towards nutrition, towards life, towards reproduction, are now revealed. The brilliance of reds, oranges, yellows, goldens, and purples, glow forth. The fertility of the green goddess is removed like a dressing gown. In the buff, the Crone struts her stuff.

Wisdom, knowledge, and experience replace ignorance, naïvety, and ignorance. As we sync with nature and her rhythms, our losses become true gains.

What are your true colors? How have your efforts obscured them? When maturity beckons, will you greet it with open eyes and arms? Ki to Happiness welcomes its process, as well as your questions, comments and contributions…



In the fading light of autumn sunset, a sense of memories drift down like the red leaves from Maple trees. Octobers past inform the present. An awareness that I am who I have been, as well as keen sense of being very different, land on moist dark earth. Together, YesterSelf and me-here-now disintegrate into the possibilities of FutureSelf.

Making apologies, amends, and correcting the course of one’s actions brings about the greater likelihood of growing into that which we are here to be. Appreciating the gift of life, eyes, ears, nose, skin, and mouth all align so Consciousness may experience the joy of being.

How are you with who you were before? What about you is different now? In what ways can you refine yourself ?Ki to Happiness encourages you to forgive YesterSelf…



41 years ago today I married. While it was tumultuous and didn’t last long, I did grow and learn a great deal in the process. Finding my way out of “extreme and repeated physical and sexual abuse” as the court termed it, I have been able to assist many others similarly.

I mark the occasion by treating myself well, enjoying the life path I have chosen, and celebrating with my family and friends. Within myself, I embrace who I once was as well as who I have become.

What anniversaries come to mind as you read these words? How might you best lift them up into the light of who you have become? What integration of your former states of consciousness will bring you to greater wholeness? Ki to Happiness congratulates you as you persevere… 


To the moon

Congratulations to the sister astronauts who have made history! We all benefit as others blast through the established social norms, expressing more completely our limitless potential.

Sunrise, the moon and her cycles, the stars and planets, galaxies whirling in our universe, and universes beyond ours all inspire us to lift our heads from the plow and screen. To look up. To contemplate our place in the cosmos. To be humbled by the grandeur.

What limits have you broken through? Whose shoulders have you stood on?  When were you last taken beyond yourself? Ki to Happiness applauds!


Indigenous People’s Summer

While Autumn is in her full glorious thrust, a clear crisp beautiful day dawns. Joyous to be awakening in the startling shocking pink beauty. In the hour between first light and sunrise, each moment expresses nuances of shades and hues from full spectral possibilities.

The surprise of a warm day amidst the many chilly must have heartened the indigenous people who once lived and loved here. Their spirits join me in my morning reverie. A sense of encouragement, a feeling of their powerful presence, as well as their ritualistic celebration of the elements continue to live in me.

What is your relationship with those who have gone before? When are you most aware of the elements? What season awakens for you a sense of grandeur? Ki to Happiness loves all kinds of weather…


Delay, rebook, reroute

Now, blogging for the first time from my phone while traveling!

After four delays, it was necessary for me to re-book and reroute my trip. I chose to move through these stress challenges, evolving and learning. There was a moment when I felt my cortisol level begin to rise. Then, I kicked in one of my morning practice habits of balancing my breath. Inhaling for10 heartbeats, and exhaling for10 heartbeats, 3 times. In a more balanced state, I decided to lie down, and put a facial mask on while I rested.

At the end of my trip, balance continued. The usual dry conditions of the airplane air had no effect on my fresh face.  Overall, the journey was made without ill effects.

What do you do when your plans are upset? How well do you navigate delays, rebookings, reroutings? What is your approach to the stress challenges that evolve us? Ki to Happiness suggests balanced breathing!




Are you a happy traveler? How well do you transition? What habits assist you? Ki to Happiness offer a few that have worked over many trips!

Setting the schedule for departure, prepare in advance for challenges by invoking St.s Christopher, Anthony, and Raphael. Petition them to keep you safe and graceful. Turn to them in case of delay, traffic, and changes beyond our control. When finally at your destination, thank them for the assistance.

Doing your part, it may be helpful to shift your food and sleep rhythms toward the destination’s clock . Depending on how many time zones involved, this may get you in the groove, diminishing jet lag. Traveling within the zone, you may shift toward the anticipated rhythms of the destination.

Knowing yourself, do you resist change? Or instigate it? Or go along easily with it? Being aware of these inherent tendencies can help us navigate the issues even as we take a trip across town! Taking responsibility for your needs and meeting them yourself independently will assist in insuring the best possible outcome of your intended journey!


Roofy and Mickey

In an alternate universe, Roofy and Mickey went out for a drink. Awakening, freshly in the morning they were certain how they got there. Someone must have served them the Crystal blessed Holy water they’d been hearing about. Now they see clearly that all their lives have been a sham-drinking, drugging, dosing others without their consent, resulting in innumerable injuries, accidents, and crimes. In the vision of truth, balance is stretching out before them with full consequences on all levels. All that they have wronged will be righted. Their new state of consciousness disallows the diluting effect of drink or drugs, as now they’re no longer effected by attempts to alter themselves.

These and other fictions arise as I happily process through what is brought to me. Recognizing that karma takes its sweet time, and knowing that I’m not here on a mission of judgement, there are many circumstances I can let go of, patiently awaiting the rest of the story, as all gets played out in time.

Have you been Roofied? Mickeyed? Were there any repercussions to the perpetrator? What karma may have been getting worked out? What would justice look like? My present Happiness is all I see, says lesson 290 in A Course in Miracles. Ki to Happiness catalyzes happiness, free from judgement, with faith in karma, growing in patience.


St. Theresa of Avila

Today is St. Theresa of Avila’s feast Day. She awakened early in her life. Visions and mystical experiences carried her above and beyond religions and doctrines. My own visionary experiences started at age 23. The walls slid down into the boneyard creek, revealing the most gorgeous dawn, heralded by Gabriel’s trumpet. The heavenly choirs sang to me.

I feared walking out of my door-uncertain if the Earth herself would be solid or swallow my dog whole as she went out. It didn’t. She was safe. And so was I.

Safer than ever. As I remain 35 years later. Ever since, I’ve been amazed by my own dawn, just beyond the clouds, above the trees, over the creek, within the walls, and the melting, inside my eyes and brain….the dawning awareness of the all pervading Light, the heart’s home, the sense of a peaceful Presence, the sound of the voice of Guidance in the innermost ear.

Like St. Theresa, the voice spoke to me intimately. It said “And you will see the Lord of Love with the sunrise”. So I get up early each day to greet the sunrise, to re-member myself to the Highest Light.

What has awakened you? When did it happen? How has that transformed your life? Who around you slumbers still? Ki to Happiness celebrates the saints, mystics, prophets and poets who have blazed the path before us.