Across the street, the helicopter beats out the sound of warning for our district. Crime scene? Cops in pursuit? No- a major gas leak due to construction destructing a gas line, threatening the local businesses and residents.
So there easily could be a good reason to not be blogging! Yet, the habits of doing so carries me forward. The evacuation order is for my neighbors, across the street. I do taste the slightly metallic gas. And I have sequestered my cats, in case we need to exit in a hurry. Meanwhile, I’ve learned more about my new devise! And I’m using it now to reach out.
This emergency isn’t mine. I’m safe, even as others hurriedly close stores and restaurants. We’ll continue to teach classes and listen for updates. Otherwise, I’m celebrating the calmness in my nervous system. The lack of drama in a dramatic situation. The ability to stay present and safe even as the emergency vehicles block the streets and all traffic is diverted.
How are you in an emergency? What close calls have you escaped? How is your gratitude reflex? Ki to Happiness encourages the practices that will sustain you in case of such…