
Thanksgiving Monday

As we enter into Thanksgiving week, this often is a day of preparation. Grocery shopping, preparing in advance special dishes, getting the house ready for perhaps dinner companions, all can make Thursday’s celebration enjoyable.

The ritual of gathering with those we love and sharing our gratitude for our bountiful table is beautiful. Overconsumption, political disputes, family infighting, best avoided. Setting these intentions may also be an important part of your preparation.

How are your preparations coming along? Who are you grateful to share your table with? Ki to Happiness observes Thanksgiving every day!


Hitting Limits

 Sometimes the demands on us are too great. Hungry, angry, tired, lonely people are limited in the ability to respond. The result can be disastrous, reactions compounding the present issues.

With nutrition, rest, fellowship, and perspective, our ability to respond consciously improves. The result can be miraculous! Solutions appear and are recognized as such. Issues may be managed one at a time. Peace may be restored.

What demands have been on you lately? What will help you manage your hunger, emotions, fatigue, and sense of separateness? Ki to Happiness taps into the Infinite Supply….


Still falling

The northern hemisphere is deepening now into the third month of fall. Darkness ever gains on the light. Cold winds blow the remnants of the leaves down. Rains are icy now, clearing the air of fog.

Habits turn toward hibernation. Spending more time indoors out of the elements, eating more stews and soups, and wearing layers of clothes are some obvious changes.

How about the inner changes? As we naturally turning more inward, what are you finding inside yourself? Ki to Happiness sees your inner light shining forth.


Energy Return

From time to time issues come up with other people. Different needs, and differing resources, may result in a clash. We see this on the global level, here in our country, and at every boundary level.

Staying out of reactivity, defense, or insistence, may result in a feeling of powerlessness. This is when it’s good to turn to a Higher Power. Requesting assistance from your own version of a higher power in whatever name you use, and whatever belief system you live within is ever available.

What clashes of energy have you been experiencing?How about returning that energy to its source? Ki to Happiness’ Higher Power is willing to assist always and in All Ways!


Mercury – the thinker

Now that has Mercury has gone direct, perhaps thinking has, also. Astrologers through the ages have often referred to Mercury as the thinker. it is believed that this planet has an influence on our thought process, as well as our ability to communicate it, and to convey our thoughts around.

Some of us were born under the influence of Mercury in its retrograde phase. We may welcome the three times per year that it looks to be moving in reverse. Much is potentially gained through our reflecting, reviewing, and refining our thought process.

What have you been thinking about these past three weeks? How is it that you experience the shift in your thoughts now as Mercury has changed its apparent direction? Ki to Happiness is thinking of you!


Mercury direct

As the planet mercury apparently shifts it’s direction, it’s influence also shifts. For the past three weeks there have been challenges in communication and transportation. Now those energies are clearing.

Along the way, miscommunications, breakdowns of electronics and vehicles for transportation all needed attention. And as all is righted again, the net effect is forward progress.

What might be easier to communicate now? Where is it that you may like to travel? How have the last three weeks of deeper reflection forwarded your movement?Ki to Happiness moves forward…



Today, my dad comes home. My mom has been very attentive to him as he has been in the medical system for three weeks. He’s gotten wonderful care. And at 94, his homecoming is eminent.

I’m physically removed from them by thousands of miles. My daily contact keeps me informed as to how they are doing. I share with you my relief, and my anticipation.

How well do you do with family members, at what distance?  When have you experienced medical homecomings? Ki to Happiness celebrates this early Thanksgiving moment for my family and shares it with you and yours.


Tambourine Man

Bob Dylan sang of truth. His activism inspired a generation. Without an attractive appearance, or any particular talents, he came forward and shared what he had.

Today’s rappers do the same. Their youthful perspective shines lights on dark places in our society we might prefer to look away from. Using rhythm and breath, heart beats and respiration are linked.

How do you give breath to the truth that you see? When have you experienced rhythm connecting you to that which is beyond yourself? Ki to Happiness recognizes the connection between…



Celebrating National Volunteers Day! I want to thank all of those who give so generously of their time and heart without seeking payment. Many aspects of our society and civilization would not be able to continue without the countless hours and the many many hands and feet required to keep regular institutions functioning.

In the healthcare industry, armies of men and women help to fill in the gaps that the so-called system leave empty. In shelters and soup kitchens across the country, volunteers are feeding and sheltering many. in education, many are paid so little they feel like they are volunteers.

What are you willing to do without remuneration? Where are your skills most able to serve? Ki to Happiness appreciates all volunteers.


Windows and Mirrors

Windows and mirrors both give us the possibility of new perspectives. Seeing ourselves in the reflection gives us a chance to know what others may see of us.Looking through the glass of the window, we are able to see beyond our immediate surroundings.

Mirrors also let us see that which is beyond our internal awareness. Windows similarly give us an opportunity to see what others may see as the set in which we can be viewed.

There is a way in which other people, additionally, give us a chance to see ourselves from another perspective and experience what others may see surrounding us. Others, in this way, can be seen as our mirrors, as well as potentially windows into other vantage points.

Ki to Happiness opens windows and cleans mirrors.