

Two things happen at the same time. Sometimes we noticed that they are related. In the relationship between, there is a thread. The connection between them is evident to those of us with eyes to see.

When we’ve had time to process the events in our life, our eyes are more open to witness such synchronicities. There’s a joy in recognizing the invisible web weaving us together.

Have you been recognizing synchronicities? Are simultaneous events occurring in your life? Ki to Happiness delights in the evidence of the great Weaver.


The language of tea

Tea is the preferred drink in most of the world. Dried leaves and hot water and a little time bring together an uplifting beverage. Served either hot or cold, with milk, sugar, or lemon, it is appreciated in all kinds of weather, as well as most circumstances in life.

Serving tea to others, we join in this ritual of pausing and appreciating these simple pleasures.  Sniffing the brew, taking a sip, acknowledging the flavors all are components of delighting in common refreshment.

What accompanies the pauses you take? What is your brew? Ki to Happiness would love to share a cup with you!


Unity and organicity

These are two concepts I ongoingly find helpful. Unity is what joins us. Basic human needs and the will with which to meet those needs are common to all. Supporting one another and our ability to meet these needs is a helpful aspect of civilized society.

Individually, our own specific needs also require attention and responsibility. For instance, I love to get up early in the quiet for my morning practices. Others may prefer evening practice time. These differences need not divide us. We do well to respect one another and afford space for us each to find a way to satisfy these needs.

How well do you balance your individual needs within the context of others with whom you live and work? Which side of this balance requires more attention? Ki to Happiness honors both…


Full Moon

The effects of the full moon go on for days. hospitals, police, and institutional settings are all aware of this. Unconscious aspects come forward.

Bodies retain water. Swelling, inflammation, and a feeling of fullness accompany this phase of the lunar cycle. A sense of pressure builds, and is about to begin to dissipate.

What pressure have you been feeling? Where in your life do you experience inflammation? How relieved will you be when this dissipates? Ki to Happiness welcomes the growing consciousness available in the Full Moon.


Lingering leaves

The rains have returned again, helping to clear the air, as well as bringing down most of the leaves from the trees. Early snow is blanketing half of the country, with flight cancellations and school closures.

I walk in gratitude for the leaves that linger. The mighty Larch displays it’s russet needles against an increasingly Evergreen background of conifers. Some golden Madrona leaves continue to cling as well as Plum shaded Maples, both delighting my eyes as I crunch through what has fallen.

On this Full Moon, what lingers? What is revealed, have let go of much this Fall? Ki the Happiness is grateful for both…



Certainly, we are benefited by all the many veterans who have served our country in all branches of the military. I thank you all for your service. I am appreciating the family members who have supported our military. All are welcome to attend my morning class at no charge.

My service has been non military. Civilian service is not recognized on this day. And yet I wish to include all of those who work for peace on this day, as we have all benefited additionally from Peace corps,AmeriCorps, the Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, and in numerable others who offer service generously. I also thank you.

How have you benefited from those who serve? In what ways do you serve? Ki to Happiness gives thanks for all who serve as instruments of peace. 


Fire, Aim, Ready!

With all of the releasing this fall, space becomes open. Energy becomes available. New inspiration, and insight, offer direction. 

Following that direction, more is revealed. Free from past patterns, a new possibility emerges. A new perspective. The potential for more of your higher self to be manifested here, now.

Are you ready?Ki to Happiness suggests readiness may follow, not lead the process…



Personal items reflect life. Life changes, and with it, the needs also change. Releasing no longer helpful items results in space for new life to manifest.

As the leaves release from the trees, we also do well to release the old items. Special clothing worn for a particular celebration perhaps no longer has purpose. The leaves compost, and the clothes would like to be recycled, instead of composting in the back of the closet.

What can you let go of today? Who will you become as you release your attachments to the past? What will become of all of your stuff if you don’t take care of it? Ki to Happiness welcomes the empty space.


Blue wave

There is a political shift occurring across the nation. As more marginalized voices have come forward, a different result is manifesting. Representation of minority groups and intersectionally disenfranchised members of society is highlighted.

Yoga includes all peoples and it efforts toward recognizing that which is common among us all. All have light within. All breathe. All need water, food, shelter, clothing, and a sense of belonging. As we join one another in our commonality, difference dissolves.

How are you doing with the results so far of election day? Can you commit to expressing yourself in voting next year? Ki to Happiness joins with you in our humanity.


Perfect strangers

Having just celebrated my ten year anniversary with social media, I’m here to shout out to all the perfect strangers in my life. Some of you are reading this blog. Others of you I have gotten to know on Facebook, Instagram, or through Twitter. While we do not know each other intimately, I am ongoingly appreciating the support and love that we share.

In the complexity of intimacy,  sometimes the support and love become diluted, or otherwise obscured. Mired in the details of exchange. And sometimes resentments are bred, and unresolved. Then there’s the moral gap that occurs when one of us is too supportive or loving for the other.

How do you do with strangers? When relationships become more intimate, what comes up for you? What is the best proximity and timing for you and your deepest relationships? Ki to Happiness uplifts all relationships!