
Perfect strangers

Having just celebrated my ten year anniversary with social media, I’m here to shout out to all the perfect strangers in my life. Some of you are reading this blog. Others of you I have gotten to know on Facebook, Instagram, or through Twitter. While we do not know each other intimately, I am ongoingly appreciating the support and love that we share.

In the complexity of intimacy,  sometimes the support and love become diluted, or otherwise obscured. Mired in the details of exchange. And sometimes resentments are bred, and unresolved. Then there’s the moral gap that occurs when one of us is too supportive or loving for the other.

How do you do with strangers? When relationships become more intimate, what comes up for you? What is the best proximity and timing for you and your deepest relationships? Ki to Happiness uplifts all relationships!



Yesterday, there was an opportunity to express opinions at the ballot box. In exercising this right, the democratic process lives. As a female, I am so blessed by the efforts of my grandmother and so many other suffragettes who labored, and risked their lives for this possibility.

Learning of the local referendums, participating in local governance and choosing among the options, I feel more connected to my neighbors, as well as my city, county, state and country. I am grateful to participate.

Did you vote? How did you do it? Mail in, ballot box, or with your wallet? Ki to Happiness appreciates your way of expression.


One day at a time

Appreciating the stillness of morning, in the heavy fog as it descends. The day awaits.

Many items on the to do list. Lots of nuts to gather, squirreling them away for the winter. And yet nothing more important, then enjoying this cup of tea, this cat talking to me, and this breath.

Many unknowns ahead. Much left behind. In between, here I am. With you, reading these words. Take a breath with me. Join me in this moment. Ki to Happiness enjoys life, One day at a time.



Foggy morning. Branches emptied of leaves. Browns replacing crimson and golden hues. Another blanket on the bed. Early evening darkness

No wonder. It’s November. Seems like another good name for the month could easily be Nowonder.

No wonder the peoples of the past have gathered at this time in gratitude and Thanksgiving for their bountiful harvest. No wonder agriculture initially prolonged life spans.No wonder the pursuits in the northern hemisphere have become ever more inside, on the screen, away from the elements and their changes.

Ki to Happiness wonders how you are doing with these transitions…


Fall Back

As we adjust our clocks to standard time, we have a chance to experience what an illusion time is! With a simple gesture of pushing a couple of buttons or turning a couple of knobs, suddenly it’s a different time.

Most of us have adhered to this social agreement. And yet it creates a challenge for our natural rhythms. Often it takes four days of adjustment to get back into our regular rhythms. Many states have voted to abolish this no longer useful practice. Perhaps this will be the last year we’ll have to be so inconvenienced.

What other social agreements have you adhered to that disturb your own natural rhythms? How could you best recognize the illusion, and yet still participate in a way that allows you to belong to our society? Ki to Happiness recognizes your sovereignty, even as we choose to “fall back” once again.


All Souls

Today, we observe the solemnity of pausing to consider all who have departed from the earthly plane. Those faithful who have gone before us, have left a trail for us to follow. We are blessed from their efforts, and as such, we stand on their shoulders.

While the times that are upon us are challenging, so has it been forever. Issues of dealing with weather, famine, boundary disputes, and all the intricacies of living on the earth among others brings us together. Releasing conflicting wishes, we may unite in a common goal.

How do you express that common goal? In what words can we best express our desire for peace on earth? Tolerance among differences? Civilized use of resources? Equitable distribution of those resources? Ki to Happiness thanks those who have gone before…


All the Saints

In all times and places, there have been those among us with exceptional faculties. We celebrate their miraculous manifestations on the earth.

These Way Show-ers have demonstrated some of the infinite potential encoded in our DNA. Previously much of our DNA has been considered junk. Now we’re finding that, when activated, tremendous powers and abilities are available to us.

Invoking particular saints for specific needs opens the portal to the possibility. Saint Anthony, for instance, is called upon by many different peoples for assistance with finding lost objects. Reaching out to these energies, calling upon them for assistance, we are able to manifest their potential here and now.

What assistance could you use? In what areas of your life could you benefit from a broader potential? Who in your life has manifested miraculous possibilities? Ki to Happiness thanks all the saints on this, their day.!


Hallowed eve

Today’s holiday prepares for tomorrow’s celebration. All of the dearly departed are welcomed, danced with, given treats, and acknowledged for their contribution. Tonight, allowing their tricks to come forward, and giving them treats is the way this holiday began.

The ancient ones considered the veil between the worlds to be thinnest on this particular day. Opening consciousness to the awareness that life will not continue in this flesh forever, it is kind to the soul to ready for this eventuality. As we remember others who have come and gone, we set the path for our exit.

Which rituals of this holiday serve you? How can you best express your higher consciousness amidst so much commercialism? Who has departed this year from your life, and how can you best acknowledge them at this time? Ki to Happiness appreciates your connection to the Holy in this day.

And will show up this morning at Hatha Yoga Center’s 10 AM class…



As change occurs around us, with the seasons, and with life itself, our habits sustain us. Good habits draw other good habits to them. As do bad habits. Each of us gets to decide on which is good and bad for our particular constitution and needs. Of course, this evolves through our life span.

In these ways, when change is upon us beyond our control, what may bring through our truest intention is collection of good habits that we have set forward every day. Brushing the teeth, making the bed, taking out the trash are good examples of habits that continue even during transitions in life. Adding new habits to these may be insure they become established and continue along with those already ingrained.

What habits would you like to add to those that are already existing in your life? Flossing adds nicely to the brushing ritual. Putting away the pajamas works well with making the bed. Taking out recycling combines with the trash removal. Reading Ki to Happiness may join with your established patterns for greater body-mind-emotion-spirit integration!


Deepening Darkness

Finding the light within becomes easier in contrast to the deepening darkness. The yogic Mahamantra of the Gayatri encourages this awareness. In the chant, we ask that the outer light be subdued so that we may find this light within ourselves.

Spending time in areas and times on the planet of tremendous sunlight, these days of deepening darkness are appreciated. Now, in the autumnal increase in dark nights, morning practice is illuminated from the Christ-light within you. The Buddha- light. The Highest-light. looking outward from this Light, all shines.

What gifts are you experiencing in this darkness? What light is revealed to you when the outer realm is subdued. What strength have you found when you have admitted your own weakness? What practices support you in these ways?Ki to Happiness joins you in this all pervading Light!