
New moon

Now, in the midst of letting go, the lunar cycle prepares us for what will come to fill the void. The last moon has emptied itself of its light and energy. In this moment of deeper darkness, it serves to become thoughtful, intentional, and specific.

Releasing any attachments to what you have let go of, burying any hatchets, forgiving all that is possible frees us to create a next new cycle full of transformation. Resisting the temptation to hold on to being right, or any grudges, or any outmoded patterns of being allows us to utilize the Scorpionic aspect of the energy upon us.

What would you like to transform? How can you best set your intentions for the next month? Ki to Happiness welcomes the new while releasing the old…


Big Wind

As autumn continues, the big winds begin to blow. The rains come, sometimes hail, then back to rain. The gorgeous leaves splatter down from the trees onto the earth. A mosaic of their hues create a carpet to walk on, softening our steps. Tree trunks and branches are exposed, like skeletons.

Sometimes, transitions similarly enter life like these big winds, exposing structures underneath. When releasing the agents of growth, like the gorgeous leaves, what remains? Now, visible is the result of efforts. Summer yields taller trees, longer branches, thicker trunks.

How do you handle the big winds in your life?What are you able to see now, having lost some of your leaves? What growth and progress is now visible as you release your agents of the last growth cycle? Ki to Happiness sees.


Morning Practice

Whatever is done first thing in the morning sets the tone for the day. In the quiet dark coolness, solitude surrounds like a blanket. Lighting a candle, the awareness of a greater Presence is ignited. Dipping into It, by giving It attention, gratitude, and an opening, the day is illuminated from within. Diving into It, and swimming in It, the day is saturated with Its golden liquid light.

This resources Body-mind-emotion-spirit for a full day of intentional living. Doing so habitually, one day leads to the next with an ongoing consciousness Presence. Refining ourselves, correcting our choices, evolving into the Presence, life becomes smoother.

What needs refinement in your life? In what way could you shift your morning practices to include that intention? Ki to Happiness awakens with you.


The heroine of flight 1165

Boarding flight 1165, one passenger was reeking of alcohol and other perhaps controlled substances. His behavior was erratic, he was couldn’t communicate clearly, he thought he was going to another city, and he was unable to manage his seatbelt.

Discreetly, a passenger seated across his aisle alerted the flight attendants. They had seen his irregular gait, and seemed to have an awareness that he was perhaps a danger to himself or others on the flight. Yet it took a passenger making a statement about it, for them to act on that awareness. And they did. Without resistance, he exited. And the flight proceeded. All was safe for the hundreds of passengers and the flight crew for our trip.

What heroic acts have you witnessed? How gracefully are you able to handle inappropriate behavior? How can you best appreciate those who take right actions? Ki to Happiness applauds the unsung heroes!


On time

Readying for flight, loving the words “on time”. May it be so! Prepared with all that’s needed for a safe and comfortable trip, and now letting go of any efforts to control.

So many lessons for travelers. Many benefits from the ability to move about on the earth, experiencing different ways to live, different needs and adjustments, different beliefs and philosophies. Broadening and expanding compassion, understanding, and connection.

What have you learned from your travels? How do you benefit from moving about? Who else benefits? Where do you wanna go next? Ki to Happiness would love a “Post card”.


‘Tis Autumn

The chlorophyll exits the foliage, and what remains? The true colors of the leaves, previously obscured by efforting towards the sun, towards nutrition, towards life, towards reproduction, are now revealed. The brilliance of reds, oranges, yellows, goldens, and purples, glow forth. The fertility of the green goddess is removed like a dressing gown. In the buff, the Crone struts her stuff.

Wisdom, knowledge, and experience replace ignorance, naïvety, and ignorance. As we sync with nature and her rhythms, our losses become true gains.

What are your true colors? How have your efforts obscured them? When maturity beckons, will you greet it with open eyes and arms? Ki to Happiness welcomes its process, as well as your questions, comments and contributions…



In the fading light of autumn sunset, a sense of memories drift down like the red leaves from Maple trees. Octobers past inform the present. An awareness that I am who I have been, as well as keen sense of being very different, land on moist dark earth. Together, YesterSelf and me-here-now disintegrate into the possibilities of FutureSelf.

Making apologies, amends, and correcting the course of one’s actions brings about the greater likelihood of growing into that which we are here to be. Appreciating the gift of life, eyes, ears, nose, skin, and mouth all align so Consciousness may experience the joy of being.

How are you with who you were before? What about you is different now? In what ways can you refine yourself ?Ki to Happiness encourages you to forgive YesterSelf…



41 years ago today I married. While it was tumultuous and didn’t last long, I did grow and learn a great deal in the process. Finding my way out of “extreme and repeated physical and sexual abuse” as the court termed it, I have been able to assist many others similarly.

I mark the occasion by treating myself well, enjoying the life path I have chosen, and celebrating with my family and friends. Within myself, I embrace who I once was as well as who I have become.

What anniversaries come to mind as you read these words? How might you best lift them up into the light of who you have become? What integration of your former states of consciousness will bring you to greater wholeness? Ki to Happiness congratulates you as you persevere… 


To the moon

Congratulations to the sister astronauts who have made history! We all benefit as others blast through the established social norms, expressing more completely our limitless potential.

Sunrise, the moon and her cycles, the stars and planets, galaxies whirling in our universe, and universes beyond ours all inspire us to lift our heads from the plow and screen. To look up. To contemplate our place in the cosmos. To be humbled by the grandeur.

What limits have you broken through? Whose shoulders have you stood on?  When were you last taken beyond yourself? Ki to Happiness applauds!


Indigenous People’s Summer

While Autumn is in her full glorious thrust, a clear crisp beautiful day dawns. Joyous to be awakening in the startling shocking pink beauty. In the hour between first light and sunrise, each moment expresses nuances of shades and hues from full spectral possibilities.

The surprise of a warm day amidst the many chilly must have heartened the indigenous people who once lived and loved here. Their spirits join me in my morning reverie. A sense of encouragement, a feeling of their powerful presence, as well as their ritualistic celebration of the elements continue to live in me.

What is your relationship with those who have gone before? When are you most aware of the elements? What season awakens for you a sense of grandeur? Ki to Happiness loves all kinds of weather…