
Connecting contacts

In reuniting with two of my mentors, each expressed a desire to connect with the other. It gave me great pleasure to share their contact information to facilitate the process. When I leave, a part of me stays behind in their getting to know one another better.

They represent different streams of evolving consciousness within me. One stream is my body mind spirit psychotherapeutic understanding and the other is my dancing writing yogic embodiment. Together these streams merge and flow onward to the Ocean of Oneness.

Who are your mentors? How well do they get along? Ki to Happiness embraces all who’ve contributed to my evolution as they harmoniously commingle.


Different Eyes

I return to my alma mater yet again with different eyes. This quaint little University town blesses me with feedback regarding my own growth. The town itself has not changed much, which lets me know that I have changed.

As a young undergraduate student, I always wondered about the relationship between perception and projection. This trip validates my hypothesis that perception is based on projection. My growth and evolution has effected what I see since my last time here.

Have you ever wondered about the relationship between your perception and what you project?  What change is required in order for you to see things differently? Ki to Happiness sees things differently with eyes full of Shine.


Tornado gear

I traveled with a lot of warm clothes. The high temperatures here have been in the 80s. The weather pattern shifted yesterday bringing tornadic conditions.

I layered sun dresses over knit pants. Mom said I was wearing tornado gear as we got together with our best friends here. During our deep visits, none of the outer mattered a bit as we delved into our inner worlds and shared the contents of our hearts.

How flexible can you be to adapt to your outer conditions? Can you be flexible adapting to your inner conditions? Ki to Happiness wears tornado gear on the outside and inside when necessary.


Hugging practices

Today, I am giving my practices a hug. Dedicating my early awakening time to aligning myself with my truest intentions starts my day right. Taking a break midday for other practices and getting myself to bed early ensures that I stay on my path, refining and self correcting as I proceed through each day.

One of my students years ago said joyously in our teaching training program “I’m going to give my practices a hug”. She taught me this expression even as I taught her how to teach yoga. The benefits of these practices cannot be measured, many go unseen and beyond this realm.

Which of your practices would you like to hug? Are there additional practices you would like to add to sustain you on your path? Ki to Happiness is forever blessed to have found the gift of Hatha Yoga and hugs each practice.


Looking Glass

In 2016 during a visit here to see my family, we all went out to see the movie In Through the Looking Glass. Afterword, we stopped at the nearby grocery store to pick up a few things and dropped some trash off behind the store. In doing so, we spotted a huge, beautiful intact mirror, framed in ornate gold plastic. 

I picked it up and put it in our trunk to bring to my yurt. Since then, it graced my yurt and reminded me of our good time together.  My brother and I recycled it yesterday, giving someone else a chance to use it since it no longer serves my purposes. 

 Can you detach from objects that have sentimental value? Are you able to keep the loving memory without the physical reminder? Ki to Happiness practices loving detachment.



My brother drove us up from St. Louis to our mom’s house in East Central Illinois.  The tangle of the metropolitan area gave way to the open road once we crossed the Mississippi River. A few small hills and trees flattened out to the long broad horizon.

The familiarity of the prairie delighted my senses with sweet air and red bud trees.  We chatted, reminisced, and enjoyed quiet together as the flat miles rolled by.  Mom‘s doors and arms were wide open to welcome us.

 Where do you come from? What’s it like to return there? Ki to Happiness gains perspective returning to the flat horizon.


Meditation and prayer

One of my clients asked me how I pray. In answer to the question, I could write a whole book about the development into my method. But briefly, I ask for help.

First I meditate. I listen for guidance. That helps me frame my request for assistance.

How do you pray? How is it similar or different from meditation? Ki to Happiness meditates and prays daily.


Hug mama

One of our community members has just informed me of her mother’s passing away. She led an epic life and died peacefully and naturally at her daughters’ home. In sharing this information with me, she concluded by telling me to hug my mother.

I sure will. Every hug, smile and conversation, every laugh, tear, or quiet moment together is a blessed opportunity for healing and loving. I share this with you as a reminder to hug your mother, and cherish your times together.

What memories do you cherish of your mother? Are you fortunate enough to be able to create new memories with her? Ki to Happiness will hug her memories today and hug mama tomorrow if at all able.


Travel day

In preparation for my upcoming trip, I’ve called on Saint Christopher, Rafael, and Anthony to assist me. They never let me down. Opening the channel between my home in Seattle and my Midwestern yurt requires advance planning and rehearsal.

When all of that is done, I simply move in the appointed way at the specific time. There may still be delays or other issues along the way, but I won’t be alone with them. My invisible helpers will companion me through this, like every other journey when I invoke them.

What helps you prepare for travel? Can you rehearse and envision a smooth and safe journey? Ki to Happiness rehearses for life each day with Hatha Yoga practices of prayer and meditation.


Teaching Joy

At the end of a busy day with clients and errands, I taught my 530 class. Moving the body consciously with yoga practices released the stress and tension of my busyness along with my students’. We concluded in joy.

One of our community members came by with special treats for the ending of Ramadan. Students who wished to partake enjoyed the stuffed dates. Sacred and blessed food grounded the joy in the body, replacing the daily struggles.

How do you access the joy that lives within? Can you consciously choose enjoyment of your life? Ki to Happiness removes obstacles to the ever present indwelling joy with Hatha Yoga.