
Invisible Helpers

Every day when I run into my human limitations about affecting change that is beyond my ken, I reach out to the invisible helpers. Ancestors, Saints and Archangels are available to hear our specific prayers and intervene on our behalf, when we make right offerings to them. Invoking them and lighting a candle with the symbols to which they respond, I then release my burden with confidence that I’ve done all I can.

As a child, I depended on my elders, found inspiration in the lives of Saints, and learned to call upon my guardian angels before bed. These simple childhood methods have grown along with me, and round out my practices of yogic meditation. These disembodied entities are available to us all, offering comfort, healing, guidance and energetic support.

What help have you been missing? What entities might most give you that help? Ki to Happiness turns to those who’ve gone before us and those that they have relied upon.


Happiness Supreme

A Course in Miracles states that Divine Will intends for us to choose “Happiness Supreme” as we “let miraculous forgiveness replace all grievances”. In doing so, “no one is healed alone”. With the world as it is, that’s a pretty heavy lift sometimes.

That’s why I like to get up early and allow myself to be honest about my grievances. Fear is a call for love so in self compassion I bring all my fears to the Divine before my day of service begins. In this way, my portable safety zone I can extend to others through yoga and private session.

What are your grievances? Are you willing to allow miracles to replace every single one of them? Ki to Happiness extends safety and service having healed through Grace, one more time that happens over and over again.


Shared Loss

One of our community members lost her sweet dog yesterday. She shared the news just before bed. Having suffered such loss in the past myself, I am full of compassion.

Earthly life is full of birth and death, joy and sorrow, every kind of polarity. Remembering this, I am ever grateful for our cats, and every animal I’ve ever loved, who are still with me in my heart. That gratitude extends to all the people I have also loved and lost, making me appreciate the moments of true love, mutual support and connection while we are here together.

How are you doing with your losses today? Can you share them enough to lighten the load and feel the joy of having loved, even for a flickering moment those who have departed? Ki to Happiness loves anyway, even in the face of loss.


Channel Change

I got into a frustrating situation yesterday. I dealt with it directly and made the necessary changes for forward progress. Afterwards, I called my mom to change the channel of my biochemistry.

Without talking about my situation, we simply visited, deepening my roots with my origins. We laughed a bit and reminisced, as well as chatted about aspects of our lives. With improved biochemistry, stimulating positive neurotransmitters, I walked into the world of birdsongs and 50 degree weather, my heart full of gratitude.

How do you change the channel? Who helps you deepen your roots in the attitude of gratitude? Ki to Happiness takes action for forward progress, calls mom, takes a walk, listens to birdsongs, pet the cats and practices yoga.


Caffeine and Criticism

Bob spilled his 1st cup of green tea yesterday. As he cleaned it up, he drank the rest of the brewed tea and planned for a fresh brew later in the day. He restricts his intake for good sleep.

I made his afternoon tea and enjoyed a bit more of it than usual.  I noticed it gave me a little lift during our walk and sharpened my critical thinking. Those effects may be positive for certain purposes, but not for all. 

How much caffeine do you consume? Could restricting it bring you more rest and peace? Ki to Happiness drinks jasmine green tea for its healthful benefits and restricts it to avoid its drawbacks.


President’s Day, 2025

On this national holiday, like most of the others except for Christmas and New Year’s, the Hatha Yoga Center continues to offer classes on our regular schedule. As each administration comes and goes, yoga offers us practices to align the body with mind and spirit. This integration helps us reduce stress and improve wellness.

With courage, we change the things we can- namely ourselves and our reactions to the distractions of divisive forces. Accepting what we cannot change- namely this new administration, we express ourselves with freedom of speech and right to assemble peacefully. In time, we grow wise and serene in knowing the difference as we continue to practice yoga on and off the mat.

What supports your serenity? How would you like to react to distractions? Ki to Happiness chooses to respond to all circumstances with conscious breathing, grounding Guidance and Serenity here and now.


Lap cats and Naps

After a beautiful morning of teaching well attended classes, I rested. Awaking from my nap, I sat for a little left over tea as one cat found his way to my lap. Bob and I walked before settling in to movie time.

That made my lap available for another of our cats. Viewing the movie until bedtime, I stirred the napping kitty to get ready for bed and prepared for early morning practice. Awakening early, I had a little extra time for a reclined meditation and two cats laid on me to insist I rest consciously and allow time for deep healing.

When do you allow yourself to consciously rest? Are you aware that that’s the best time for deep healing? Ki to Happiness allows for conscious resting daily, sometimes enforced by my cats.


Welcome Return

The snow has melted in the welcome return to our more seasonal pattern. Seattle is known for its cloudy, rainy days, and now that the Polar vortex has moved on, regular activities resume. Class attendance was back up to normal and all enjoyed treats from our Valentine’s altar. 

Some treats remain for those who attend today. Our anniversary date renewed our memories as we made a new one. The values we share continue to bind us to Hatha Yoga Center. 

 Can you welcome the return of clouds and rain? Do you appreciate regular activities? Ki to Happiness delights in the deep patterns of healthy habits.


Valentines Flurries

This Valentine’s Day begins with soft snow flurries. 25 years ago when Bob and I had our first date in Mexico we had different kinds of flurries. We celebrate both the romance and the reality of life centered on common values today.

It will be a day like any other. We will work first, serve our community and tend to our responsibilities. Afterwards, we will have a date at our local Mexican restaurant as we share a flurry of memories and make another new one. 

How will you observe Valentine’s Day this year?  With whom can you celebrate Divine Love? Ki to Happiness wishes you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day filled with Divine Love.


Mudras and Chakras

In my evening classes last night, a couple of students expressed an interest in meditation. On the full moon without any brand new members, I offered the tools of mudras to direct energy to chakras at the end of class. It was well received.

Some of us are more kinesthetic learners than visual or auditory, and the hand movements gave them the felt sense of the energy centers in the body. Some practitioners can awaken the energy centers through visualization while others can follow the sound vibration of instruction to do so. Optimally all three pathways of learning are presented in every class to reach each and every student.

Which pathway of learning works best for you? Visual, auditory or kinesthetic? Ki to Happiness learns best through repetition and the combined approach of all three.