

Hello dear readers. I am attempting to switch devices before my upcoming trip to visit my mom. Let’s see if this works. I wouldn’t want to miss a day with you.



Life and Death

As our community members support their families, we are called upon to help with practices regarding both life and death. I lead my class in a life and death meditation yesterday, which I learned from Shahabadeen, a Sufi mystic. Since learning the practice in 2007, it has been a part of my morning ritual.

The students responded well to the practice. The soul deserves such kindness as preparing for the eventuality for oneself. It brings peace to those who comfort others as well.

Are you willing to practice such kindness? Can you sit with one who is transitioning and offer comfort? Ki to Happiness loves life even as deaths loom.


Eclipse portal

As we continue a few more days in this portal between lunar and solar eclipses, our students and clients report the effect it is having on them. Old unresolved issues are surfacing and progress is slow. Any attempt to force progress backfires.

I find it helpful to go slowly, walk in nature, and deepen my commitment to Hatha Yoga practices. These basic tools ground me in the present. This too shall pass, and when it does, the unresolved issues may have benefited from slow and steady application to the principles of yoga.

How are these unsettling energies affecting you? Can you make use of the challenges during this eclipse portal? Ki to Happiness breathes consciously with firm and soft postures aligning her will with the Divine.


Taiwan Quake

I learned about the 7.7 earthquake in Taiwan last night. I sent the information immediately to one of our community members who planned to go there soon. Those plans will need to change.

As we remain in the portal between eclipses with mercury retrograde, many plans will require change. It’s so important to not take these issues personally. When upheaval, chaos, and uncertainty occur, staying grounded and impartial will calm the nervous system so the way forward appears.

What helps you stay grounded? How can you best calm your nervous system? Ki to Happiness practices yoga and waits for the way forward to appear.


First Trip

My mom has informed me that she is taking her first trip since dad passed away. She is venturing out on a boss with a group of others to see Amish country in her area. I’m happy for her as it is evidence of her healthy grieving process.

I’m also happy that she has not taken a trip until now. She has got her legs under her and her feet on the ground during her first year of widowhood. Now she gets to walk her accomplishments around and we will celebrate in person soon during my upcoming visit.

How healthy is your grieving process? What’s the best way to celebrate your survival? Ki to Happiness witnesses her own grief process and celebrates survival with thriving in right timing.


April fool’s mercury retrograde

On this day, 12 years ago, I began blogging. I did so to provide some continuity for our community as we transitioned from our old location in the little blue church to our space on University Way. Little did I know that 12 years later I’d be blogging from Pinehurst.

This is a good day for such reflections, as mercury has gone retrograde. Only fools would embark on new projects, especially if they require transportation, communication, or electronics. Instead, it’s a good day to avoid such foolishness in favor of review, redo, and renew, for the next 3 weeks.

What are you reflecting on today? How would you like to use this new month for renewal? Ki to Happiness renews with Hatha Yoga.


Hoppy Easter

Hatha Yoga Center offers classes today onsite as well as online. Bob has consistently offered Easter Sunday classes since 1977. I’ll serve scones and tea with a few Easter treats in between and after classes.

Last year I was not in attendance as my family gathered to memorialize my dad’s life. He would always quote his grammar school teaching, “ Easter time is the time for eggs and the time for eggs is the Easter time.” Remembering him on this day brings me joy.

How will you observe Easter? What is resurrecting in you? Ki to Happiness resurrects her true identity of Eternal Spirit in temporal matter daily with Hatha Yoga.


Holy Saturday

During this last day of Lent, some observe Holy Saturday. At this point, any of us who have given some thing up, have recognized that we didn’t need it after all. Some give up the drink, others abstain from junk food as new habits replace those that no longer serve.

This year, I gave up cussing in recognition that my language had devolved since breaking my wrist. My wrist is doing quite well and I feel better about my word choice. I don’t plan to resume cussing as I prefer using my voice to sing the praises of what’s good and right.

How uplifting are your habits? When you let go of one habit, what do you replace it with? Ki to Happiness wishes you all a Holy Saturday.


Great Friday

This year’s Good Friday lands on a personal day of celebration. 40 years ago on this date, I had my first visionary experience. It rocked my world and awakened my heart to what transpires beyond what appears.

Beatitude replaced my view of dumpsters, rats, and overgrown weeds. The celestial music of the Spheres sounded the trumpets, obliterating the beeping of delivery trucks backing up in my alley. The Earth softened to cushion my path as I continued on my corrected way ever toward the One.

What is good about this Friday for you? What would it take for you to feel great? Ki to Happiness celebrates 40 years of awakening to the reality beyond appearances.