
Breaking Fasts

As some of our students observe Ramadan, I’ve been assisting with their issues around fasting. On this 18th day of their 30 day commitment, there is ample feedback they’re receiving from their bodies which requires adjustment.

It’s not the abstaining from food and water during the daylight hours that disturbs their energy, it’s the breaking of the fast with gorging late at night. Breaking fasts with light, easy to digest foods helps with good sleep. Preparing for morning consumption before bed insures sustenance is available for predawn hydration and nutrition.

What kind of fasts have you observed? What lessons have you learned from them that influence your every day life? Ki to Happiness breaks fasts in the way that Ayurveda and Hatha Yoga teach.


Feet on the ground

I’m celebrating the progress my clients are making. Letting go of fantasies, whether positive or negative, gives freedom to face reality. Putting feet on the ground, progress is possible.

When we are unsettled, things need to clear before progress can be made. Overtime we learn the kind of circumstances that destabilize us. Choosing stability, consistent practices are more likely to reveal peaceful guidance.

What fantasies appeal to you? Can you let them go with love and face your reality with your feet on the ground? Ki to Happiness faces the reality that consistent practices will guide progress toward peace.



“All of this is full. All of that is full. From fullness, fullness comes. When fullness is removed, fullness remains.” This prayer begins one of the classic Upanishads texts which underpins the Yoga Path. On this full moon morning, I feel the truth of it.

My heart is full of gratitude for all that has occurred in my life. Our classes are full of students, as my schedule for private sessions is also full. All my relationships are full of love and compassion arising from practices that fulfill my connection the One in All.

What is your life full of? From your bounty, what do you offer the world? Ki to Happiness is “full of it”… and makes a silly word play about it for you to chuckle.


Full Moon Eclipse in Libra

Today’s full moon lunar eclipse prepares the way for the the upcoming solar eclipse. Those of us who are sensitive to such patterns may be experiencing disruption in sleep, and a general sense of being unsettled. Drinking lots of water, exercising outdoors in nature, and practicing yoga are all advised daily, and especially at times like these.

The specific way that each of us experiences these patterns depends upon one’s own astrology. While many scoff at what some refer to as pseudoscience, others benefit from aligning with helpful suggestions to navigate disruptive energies. Hatha Yoga practices the integration of the sun and moon channels within the body daily so these energies can be utilized for growth in consciousness.

Have you been feeling unsettled? Can you take a walk in nature, drink extra water or practice Hatha Yoga? Ki to Happiness stays grounded in these energies by practicing what she preaches.


Origin of Caste

I read Isabel Wilkerson‘s book, Caste, in 2020. Last night we watched the movie, Origin, based on the book and the author’s process of writing it. Both the book and the movie are worth the time.

As we explore the “origins of our discontent”which is the subtitle of the book, we gain perspective on the issues plaguing our planet. Personally enlightening, we are each moved to overcome the divisions within ourselves so as to cease from projecting them outward. Yoga which means Union give us tools to overcome the unconscious conditioning of caste and offers a method of finding contentment in connection to spirit, available for all.

Have you read the book or seen the movie? Can you take the time to become conscious of these issues and overcome the conditioning within? Ki to Happiness is content since doing this work through Hatha Yoga.


Freedom of Speech

Our first amendment right brought me to blogging years ago. I appreciate this platform as it gives me a place to exercise that right. In doing so, I encourage you to exercise that right yourself.

In totalitarian societies where censorship reigns. there is no protection of free speech. Without that protection, freedom suffers. Yoga supports freedom to choose what speech we expose ourselves to as well as what we express.

Can you choose consciously what to express yourself? Are you willing to take responsibility to avoid exposing yourself to undesirable expressions from others? Ki to Happiness freely expresses the benefits of practices which support peace and chooses to abstain from divisive expressions.


Dreams Alive

I awakened this morning from a vivid dream. One of my many teachers and mentors and I were catching up. I told him I heard he died, and he let me know he is very alive in another plane of consciousness.

He had to wear special glasses to be able to see me in this realm. I wanted to share with him a project. I’ve been working on to get his input. Being with him is all the input I needed in order to keep my dreams alive.

Have you been visited in your dreams by others who have left this realm? Who might inspire you to keep your dreams alive? Ki to Happiness dreams of energy continuing beyond this earthy realm.


Committee Meeting

In working with one of my clients yesterday, I introduced the concept of holding committee meetings with aspects of self. She hadn’t considered doing that before. It helped her let go of the black-and-white thinking, which is common for those of us who were raised in dysfunctional families.

When we acknowledge that we have several different reactions to any given distraction from our inherent peace, we become empowered. Learning to preside over one’s committee of reactions gives us pause to respond from our totality. In doing so, all the colors, shades, and hues become available for us to choose from which frees us to experiment.

When’s the last time you had a committee meeting with your various aspects of self? Can your Higher Self preside over all your internal reactions so you can respond instead of react? Ki to Happiness pauses to choose from a rainbow of responses, coloring her world with playful experimentation.


Clarity and Courage

When our minds are clear, our focus can become one pointed. Fears, doubts, uncertainties all defuse our focus. Processing the information in those hindrances can help us modify our intentions until clarity is found.

One pointed focus gives us the courage to act. Yoga practices help to “calm the perturbations of the mind” as stated in the Sutras. Energy flows in the direction of our intention, courageously acting in alignment and integrity, like my wrist healing in its own time without a doubt.

How clear is your mind? With one pointed focus, what courageous act is called for? Ki to Happiness courageously continues to serve as an instrument of clarity, healing and integration as her body aligns with that one pointed focus.


Welcome Spring

Tonight, astronomical Spring occurs. This vernal equinox brings us equal times of light and dark in the northern hemisphere at 11:06 pm EDT. In preparation, it’s a good day to do some Spring cleaning and remove some of your winter gear.

Yoga practice gives us tools with which to keep our spirit’s house clean. Our physical bodies benefit through the postures as well as the breath-work, especially when aligned with our spiritual intention. I propose Salutations to the Sun and alternate nostril breathing on this day, to open the way for an uplifting Spring of Spiritual renewal, hope and peace.

What Spring cleaning do you need to do? What are your intentions for this season of light and growth? Ki to Happiness welcomes Spring.