
Self care

After teaching yesterday morning, one of the students gave me the finest compliment. She thanked me for my self-care as a model for students. She’s a long-term practitioner who has witnessed my approach to teaching and practicing for over 20 years.

It’s working. Self-care is allowing my body to heal itself with the right support as I receive assistance from my helpers. Chief among them is my husband.

Do you allow enough time for self-care? Who helps you to care for yourself? Ki to Happiness takes all the time healing needs and receives help from many.



Martin Luther King had a dream which has inspired us. His dream awakened the dream in my heart as a child. I grew up in St. Louis at the time of the attempt at integration through bussing.

I got on the Metropolitan bus and went to the gifted school in another area of our city. All the other kids came from their areas, and represented a diverse group of every walk of life. We all got along and learned, making that dream a bit closer reality.

What dream is in your heart? How can you make that dream a bit closer to reality? Ki to Happiness wishes all dreamers a Happy MLK Day.


Good clothing

I returned to the US mainland after living 10 years in the tropics afraid of bad weather. That’s when I learned the Scandinavian expression “there is no bad weather, only bad clothing”. I tuned up my wardrobe, replacing sarongs and bikinis with warm scarves and beanies.

This record-breaking cold has me putting on extra layers of snow pants, and double down vests. With good clothing, Bob and I took our afternoon walk and enjoyed the beautiful crisp clear day. Returning to our warm home and studio, we watched the crows fly back to their roost in the pink sunset.

Do you have good clothing for this weather? With enough warmth, can you delight in aspects of this cold snap? Ki to Happiness marvels at the birds “who neither sow or reap”.


Hard Freeze

Winter proceeds with a hard freeze. Staying warm requires hot drinks and extra layers. Bundled up, all is safe and snug here with cats on laps and enough power for our electric heat.

Movement of the body is important to our body, mind and spirit. Yoga practices, including engaging the triple heaters in the arms, stimulate our internal temperature.Walking outdoors in sensible footwear invites us to experience the beauty and wonder of nature.

Are you at peace with the weather? Can you accept it as you courageously change your practices and yourself? Ki to Happiness grows in wisdoms and serenity during this hard freeze.


New Moon portal

Yesterday’s new moon continues to invite us to get clear about our intentions for this new year. Transforming any conflict into an opportunity for learning and evolving is advised. Using one’s curiosity about the issues can facilitate this process as 1/11 represents a portal of manifestation.

I find it helps a lot to remember one’s personal history and highest values. Being guided to act in alignment with values may remember you to your purpose. Recommitting to it before sleeping can deepen our ability to manifest our intentions, especially as we reflect on all the tiny miracles occurring each day.

What are you curious about regarding your issues? Are you willing to use those issues to grow and evolve in alignment with your highest values? Ki to Happiness remembers and aligns in the dark of moon.


Voice for the Voiceless

Sometimes in my private work with others, they reveal traumas that render them voiceless. As they begin to feel safe enough to express themselves with me, they access their voice. Later, their voice may be used to speak up for the others who are still voiceless.

In this way, it’s quite possible to make use of trauma for the good of others as well as oneself. Reclaiming our voice empowers our choice. Choosing to make good use voice gives us a chance to redeem our past from ruin and create a better future for ourselves and the world.

What would you like to say? Where is it safe to express yourself? Ki to Happiness says thank you for finding your voice and using it to help the voiceless.


Noble Mission

Early in my life, I had a keen sense of my calling. Some call it, a noble mission. I wanted to take the issues I survived and use them to help others survive to the extent of potential thriving.

Being raised Irish Catholic in St. Louis, I figured if I could do it, anybody could. While none of my particular helpers (therapists, supervisors, mentors, teachers…) were perfect, all offered me something, I learned from each and offer that to the world through private sessions and yoga classes.

What gives your life meaning and purpose? Do you have a noble mission? Ki to Happiness listens to that which has called her.


Blustery Winter

The chilly winds are howling. Gusts blow our outdoor lights into our windows, scratching and pinging. The cats scatter as they search out quiet and safe nooks for hunkering down.

I sit for meditation, solo. I marvel at mother nature and feel her stirring inside me. This winter storm clears the way for spring newness, inside and out.

Do you have a safe and quiet nook to ride out the storms of your life? Can you marvel at the clearing such storms bring? Ki to Happiness awaits Spring’s newness after the winter storms from her safe and quiet nook, the Hatha Yoga Center.


Perfect imperfection

Today I resume instruction. I will experiment with my imperfection in a new way. I trust that it will work out perfectly, as ever.

Being a human requires an ongoing willingness to accept our imperfection. Lord Shiva, the first Yogi, encourages us to dance with our limitations. I have certainly danced with many of my limitations in the past, which builds my confidence in my ability to do so again.

Have you let go of your perfectionism? Can you embrace imperfection and dance with your limitations? Ki to Happiness experiments with this new dance.


Epiphany morning

Three wisemen followed the star in the east to bring gifts to the sweet baby Jesus laying in the manger. January 6 is the memorial feast day for that blessed occurrence. This morning after, we bask in the glow of the holiday season, reflecting on the gifts we’ve given and received.

With 17 days having passed since solstice, we are entering into more light. Our weather pattern has shifted toward winter with a huge thunder clap and sudden temperature drop. Giving and receiving love, deepens the bonds of our most essential relationships as we hibernate, heal and count our blessings in our hermitages.

What gives have you received this holiday season? What presents have you offered to the Light you see in others? Ki to Happiness heals as she hibernates in her hermitage at Hatha Yoga Center.