
Virgo full moon

Today’s full moon in Virgo illuminates our issues with health, work, and systems that support both. We are invited to see our approaches to those aspects of our lives in order to improve in the way indicated. Without forcing, slow, systemic changes in the direction of improved work and health are recommended.

Hatha Yoga is a beautiful system that offers tools to improve in these ways. Physical postures, breath work and meditation help body mind spirit integrate. Especially today,

How is your health? What work do you need to do to improve it as you offer your right livelihood to serve the world? Ki to Happiness employs the system of Hatha Yoga to help improve herself and offers it to others.


Shifting schedules

Having resumed my full schedule with Hatha Yoga Center I have had to shift my other appointments. Working privately with my clients and seeing my doctor require adaptability. So far, i’ve been able to work it all out.

I feel nervous with conflicting priorities. Slowing down, taking one step at a time, breathing and following Guidance, the nervousness yields. In gratitude, I follow the Leader as the path appears.

How do you handle your conflicting priorities? Can you slow down and ask for what you need? Ki to Happiness follows the Leader of her Soul.


Serious Determination

The yoga path is open to all. The sutras underpinning the path indicate that those with serious determination progress best. The Sanskrit term for that is shraddha.

Steady effort with serious determination yields consistent rewards. I witnessed such rewards in my students who have persevered in their practice despite my 2 months of absence from teaching some of my classes. I also experienced my own progress with increased range of motion of my wrist after this first week of resuming my full schedule.

How serious is your determination to progress on the yoga path? What can help you stay steady and consistent? Ki to Happiness utilizes shraddha with daily practice through all of life’s hindrances.


Wanting what you have

This morning, I have a renewed sense of appreciation for what I have. Returning to my full schedule, I have a different perspective. Hatha Yoga Center has supported me during the last two months enough so I could heal and resume my duties.

I look with fresh eyes at our cats, my marriage, the students, my clients and at our son’s posts. The healing of my wrist projected outward offers healing of my heart which I didn’t even realize was possible. Instead of having what I want, I am aware that I want what I have.

How fresh are your eyes? What is necessary in order for you to appreciate what you have? Ki to Happiness thanks you for reading these words and contemplating their meaning as applies to your life.


Don’t Help

Serving my clients before and after teaching my morning class kept me focused. During that time our very handyman came back to his job installing new flooring in our galley kitchen. I finished my work, grabbed my lunch and took a rest as he continued.

I got back up and had my tea, watching him finish. He jokingly made it clear to me that watching results in charging 1 1/2 times the usual amount whereas helping would cost double. We laughed about it as I did the hardest thing for me, abstaining from “helping”.

What’s the hardest thing for you? When your help is not helpful, how easily can you let it go? Ki to Happiness sometimes helps best by not helping.


President’s Day

As the United States of America observes this National Holiday today, Hatha Yoga Center continues to offer daily classes. We celebrate our forefathers, and their dedication to freedom, bravery, and the Constitution. This democratic republic has changed greatly since it’s origins as their efforts and vision light the way forward.

This country of immigrants was never intended to be for the elite, but for common folks to be free to express themselves and have representation for fair governance. Our government works for us. Those in charge are to be celebrated and honored by us as they continue in the way appointed.

How long ago did your ancestors immigrate to the USA? Can you remember their hard work and struggle? Ki to Happiness is grateful to be an American, having benefitted greatly from those who fairly represent our common interests.


Urban Garden

After successfully teaching my two Saturday classes, I celebrated my healing by gardening. In our urban setting, we have a few containers on our deck, and a 5 inch strip between it and the sidewalk. There’s only about 2 inches of poor quality dirt, mixed with gravel from the street in which to plant anything.

The few bulbs I planted last fall are beginning to bud. I transplanted hens and chicks from 12 years ago into the poor soil. Now those hardy survivors are surrounded by Primrose and Cacti.

Under what conditions are you willing to grow? How can you best celebrate your healing? Ki to Happiness needs just a little space, sun, water and soil in which to grow hardy and healthy.


Yoga Benefits

As I return to full participation at the Hatha Yoga Center, teaching and practicing, I observe the benefits. As a result of my lifestyle choices, I have a strong baseline to return to after my two months of healing.My general alignment, strength, flexibility, and balance have waited for my return.

All of my private practices have aided my mind, emotions and Spirit. Continuing to serve others with my half time teaching schedule, as well as in private sessions, also has kept me whole. My deep appreciation for Bob Smith, Chris List, Kelly Kalac, and Karen Bullard, as well as all the students has also strengthened my bond with our community.

What benefits do you experience from your yoga practice? What other practices offer you such benefits? Ki to Happiness is renewed and grateful for all yoga benefits.



I experimented on Valentine’s Day with returning to attend Bob‘s class. Since I had no setback, I proceeded to attend his class last night as well. Without committing to resuming attendance in all of his classes, I am pacing myself with one class at a time.

Experimenting in this way helps me develop confidence in my healing. I am committed to resuming my full schedule of teaching. I do so, with renewed appreciation for the Hatha Yoga Center, my daily practice and yoga’s versatile and broad path with tools to help heal.

What practice have you let go of? How will you know if and when to resume? Ki to Happiness paces herself, one experiment at a time.


Hearts and Ashes

The unique combination of Valentine’s Day occurring on Ash Wednesday meant different things to our Hatha Yoga Center community. One student dashed in with a sweet Valentines card for us, as another was unable to attend due to receiving ashes on her forehead. Later we learned of a long time member having passed away, leaving behind ashes and hearts full of memories.

As some of our members grieve, others welcome new life and love. In between, conscious breathing and presence remind us to be grateful for life. While I practice pranayama this morning, exhaling and inhaling rhythmically, the snow turns into rain.

Did you participate in Valentine’s Day or Ash Wednesday observations? What helps you remember to be grateful for your life while you’re living it? Ki to Happiness awakens in gratitude for this precious gift of life, inhaling and exhaling.