
Welcome Autumn

Today is the last full day of summer. We come into the autumnal equinox in the middle of the night while we are sleeping. Enjoying the beautiful warm clear day with gratitude and appreciation is in my agenda.

This is the time of balance between light and dark. This balance in the outer realm may facilitate a sense of balance within. It also may point out what needs to be re-balanced for the season ahead.

How balanced are you feeling? What needs to be re-balanced as you contemplate the months of darkness coming? Ki to Happiness welcomes Autumn with gratitude for the many blessings of the Summer.


Rebounding Health

Thank you for understanding my need for brevity during two days of unscheduled self care. Fasting, Epson salt treatment soaks and miso broth have cleansed my system. I’ve fortified myself with bubur, a rice porridge I learned to make in Bali as well as a special citrus soup.

At the 48 hour mark, my health rebounded. I celebrate my immune system and the self care practices I’ve learned over the years. My eyes now see with the eyes of Hafiz who says “ my life, what a bargain. I think I’ll buy it.”

How do you take care of yourself? When you do, how does your life look to you? Ki to Happiness looks at her life through fresh eyes with rebounding health.


Self care

I’m taking another self-care day. I encourage you all to do the same anytime you need to.


More later

This morning I need to take care of myself. I’ll blog more later.


Summer’s End

Slowly the maple trees on our street show their true colors. Bright red replaces the chlorophyll green of summer. Soft rain washes their faces, so all is fresh as we head toward summer’s end.

As I deadhead the flowers on our deck, I reflect on their having graced our entrance all season long. I love how removing one blossom that has spent its beauty, fragrance and seed leaves room for more to replace it. Nature’s cycles teach us much.

How will you observe this last week of summer? What do you need to deadhead? Ki to Happiness dances to Nature’s rhythm.


Ending Well

Our private retreatment concludes his week with us today. How ever long any retreat lasts, about midway through the participant generally hits a snag. Persisting in the process without forcing, deep lessons can be learned for progress, change and integration.

Every step on the path of yoga is to be celebrated. We will honor this process by having a small brunch buffet following the morning classes. All is well that ends well, which is our intention with his send off.

How do you honor your progress? What needs to be celebrated? Ki to Happiness honors another’s progress and celebrates with a good ending.



The Jewish calendar celebrates the new year of 5784. In Bali, I learned their usage of an entirely different measure of time resulting in multiple calendars. Only the priests could tell you exactly how they worked.

Whatever the day, the time, the year, I have learned to respect others and our individual differences. I hold the freedom to celebrate our own traditions as sacred. This democracy was founded on that principle which I continue to honor.

Have you spent time benefiting from other cultures? What have you learned that broadens your compassionate heart? Ki to Happiness celebrates our cultural differences with tolerance in the Eternal Now.


Mercury Direct

Along with the new moon energy, the planet Mercury has stationed direct. in the process, there can be a bit of confusion about which way we are going This may create interruptions and a bit of confusion as to whether we are heading forward or backward.

I find it empowering to know about these subtle influences, so I don’t take any of the present circumstances personally. Instead of trying to force progress, I find it helpful to breathe and slow down. Without trying to force the river, I am more able to float on its surface and enjoy to movement toward the Ocean of Oneness.

Have you been experiencing setbacks amidst progress? Can you stop trying to force your will on circumstances, and allow these energies to develop? Ki to Happiness slows down and breathes.


New moon in Virgo

Today we have a chance to begin again with fresh intentions for the month ahead. During this month we will transition into Autumn. Virgo is an Earth sign which will support our health and healing practices.

The summer has brought much growth and progress. Giving thanks as we harvest will ensure further bounty. Tuning up our self-care will safeguard us for the winter ahead.

For what are you grateful from this summer? What intentions can you set today for your health and healing practices? Ki to Happiness aligns with the energies of the day.


Perfect timing

Among the frustrations of trying to book my next trip to see my mom before the snow flies, and removing a trespasser from our deck an instance of perfect timing stood out. Bob and I went out our E bikes to take care of a few errands. We left at the same time and went to different destinations.

Upon returning, I heard him call my name from behind me. It brought me joy and delight. The simple gift of perfect timing overshadowed the perturbations as I chose to focus on the Divine Intervention at work in my life instead.

Where do you choose to put your focus? Frustrations and perturbations or on the gifts of the Divine which are everywhere? Ki to Happiness looks through grateful eyes at the Divine moments of perfect timing.