
All Saints Day

After the ghouls and goblins have expressed themselves, the energy is clear to venerate those who have departed our physical realm. Removing the leftover treats, decorations and supplies for Halloween, I refreshed my altar in keeping with today’s focus.

Ever since my dad passed away 9 months ago, I keep him with me as I wear his watch. He regularly used the expression “that’s the time“. Today I place his watch on the altar as “ that’s the time” for doing so.

Have you lost anyone this year? How can you best venerate them? Ki to Happiness joins with many cultures in honoring the dearly departed.


Happy Halloween

The chill is in the air and the leaves are drying up into burnt orange and brown. Tonight the kids will put on costumes and go door to door or otherwise seek treats for their tricks. It’s Halloween, the first of our holiday of the season.

Expressing our shadow nature in costumes and pranks opens us up to the celebration of life in the face of death. All the dearly departed will be safely honored tomorrow with tonight’s expression clearing the way. All Saints will soon be praised in the clear energy these old rituals insure.

How will you observe this holiday? What shadow needs to be brought into the light? Ki to Happiness wishes you all a safe and Happy Halloween.


Breathing Practices

Every time we speak, we give life to what we wish to express. Singing and chanting structures the rhythm of that expression in intentional ways. Yogic breathing enlivens the physical practice of asana, grounding our intention for each practice in the body.

In these ways, we are able to integrate the body with the mind and spirit. The spirit is made flesh, evolving and growing as intended. Intending peace and wholeness within, we extend it outward to the world.

What would you like to give breath to? Can you join me in the intention for peace and wholeness? Ki to Happiness speaks, sings, chants and embodies integrated evolution.


5 Hummingbirds

While teaching the morning classes, I saw movement in the planters just outside our windows. I brought those planters closer to our building to protect them from freezing. Still blooming, the hanging baskets of petunias attracted hummingbirds.

While I understand hummingbirds are territorial, we have never seen them here before. Their wings fluttered so fast as they darted in and out of the blossoms that it was hard to count them. There were at least 5 gracing our deck, blessing us with their medicine on the full moon eclipse day.

Are you familiar with animal medicine? Do you have a spirit animal? Ki to Happiness receives the blessing of joy and lightness, staying in the present and the feeling of loved ones near.



With the freeze warning on our area, I attempted to remove our garden hose. My strong hands were unable so I asked Bob to try. When he failed, he grabbed a wrench.

Still unable, he returned inside. Undaunted, I took the wrench and succeeded in finding the right spot for turning the hose clamp on the spigot. The hose is safe from freezing, the tender plants are also, as is our relationship as we deepen our bond through teamwork.

Who’s on your team? Have you expressed your gratitude for them? Ki to Happiness thanks her teammates on this full moon, lunar eclipse day.


Pumpkin Day

As I entered our local grocery store to get our morning newspaper, I saw yesterday was Pumpkin Day. Even the biggest orange orb cost only $2.99. I got one to carve and struggled to carry it back on, it was so heavy.

I plan on placing peanut butter in the holes after I carve it to attract squirrels. Our cats will delight in watching them, devour the treat from their window perch. The result promises to be a ghoulish mess of tricks and treats.

How do you participate in Halloween preparations? What aspects of the holiday have meaning? Ki to Happiness shares her love of pumpkins with the animals.


Hippie Harvest

I received the bounty of a hippie harvest my friend found on the street. He discovered left behind produce in a box and shared cabbage, cauliflower, squash, ginger, ground cherries and radishes with me. I whomped it all up into yummy soup, roasted veg and stir fry with tofu.

The simple act of cooking in my kitchen helped to quiet my mind. Some of my the issues that my last trip brought up required processing. As I processed the produce, I imagined chopping, separating and cooking up my issues into something nutritious.

What helps you process your issues? Can you use what is at hand to further your efforts? Ki to Happiness stirs and stews what is available into delicious feasting.


I’m Back

After a smooth departure and easy flights, I’ve returned to my Seattle home. My friend picked me up at the airport and conveyed me back to a joyous reunion with my cats and husband. Unpacking, the cats sniffed all of my clothes, absorbing their scents as they have after each of my trips.

I continued with one of my practices that I was unable to get to in the morning with such an early departure. Later, when I laid down, one cat laid at my root chakra, as another laid on a pillow just above my crown, with a third cat on my solar plexus. Cat therapy grounds me into gratitude that I’m back.

What helps you ground? What aligns you with your grateful heart? Ki to Happiness grounds with cat therapy, gratitude and yoga.


Travel Day

I prepare to travel today. I’ve adjusted my practices so that I can do some at the airport without causing a disturbance. I’ve already done those practices that perhaps could raise an eyebrow.

I take with me fresh memories of my mother and brother, together with my old friends and associates. I also bring lots of pictures and videos of peak autumn colors. I’m glad to have come and ready to return to the Hatha Yoga Center, Bob, our cats and community.

Are you a happy traveler? Can you shift your practices to adapt to the demands of travel? Ki to Happiness travels well, adapting practices along the way.


Shoot the Hiils

I took my mom on a ride to see the peak autumn colors. Along this Illinois River Valley bluff there are 4 significant roads that traverse the climb through the woods. We drove up one, then down another as we remembered the many times we’ve shared this family ritual.

When dad was with us, we used to play his favorite Nat King Cole song as we would “Shoot the hills”. I have videotaped our drive in the past and taken several photos. this time, we made no record of our journey other than my sharing it with you here.

What family rituals do you find valuable? How can you keep them alive? Ki to Happiness values peaceful rituals connecting us to something greater, like Nature.