

The sun is setting earlier and getting up later. The air is cool and crisp without wildfire smoke. Flowers are drooping their heads after offering their beauty all summer long revealing seeds.

I love witnessing the subtle seasonal changes. Without big international trips like years before, I bask in the continuity of place as time marches on. Similarly, yogic practices stabilize my consciousness as my face in the mirror reflects 62 years of smiles, tears, sunshine and storms.

Can you feel the subtle changes of season beginning? What brings continuity to your life amidst these shifts? Ki to Happiness welcomes Augtober.


Life and death

The portal between life and death has opened for me since my dear friend’s passing. I blogged about it’s synchronicity with the timing of hearing from a childhood friend just two days ago. Yesterday morning I learned that one of HYC’s community members suddenly passed away at the exact moment that another former client reached out with a passionate life affirming message.

The coincidence prompted me to reach out to my brother and share my love with him. Afterwards, with permission, HYC converted the remaining classes on our deceased student’s account into a scholarship fund for others who work in emergency response or hospice. Life and death seem to be holding hands at the portal between worlds for me to observe and to share with you.

What does this observation on the open portal between life and death motivate you towards? Who do you want to express your love for? Ki to Happiness loves each of you, dear Readers, for taking the time to read these words and for referring any potential recipient of our scholarship fund to Hatha Yoga Center.


Sad go happy

I had back to back contacts yesterday. The first announced the passing of my dear friend. The second one reunited me with an even older friend.

My sadness at the loss of a dear one left me as the happiness of reconnection took its place. As I taught my morning class, I felt ever broadened and scooped out, wide enough to hold the sky. Available for what came next…a cancellation of a private session exactly when one of our students needed some extra attention.

Are you emotionally available to keep up with the changes that keep coming at you? Can you allow yourself to detach from one reaction to be open to the next now moment? Ki to Happiness embraces the changes required to live in the moment respond consciously.


Birthday beginnings

In anticipation of Bob‘s 75th birthday on Friday our son came to visit. Now that he’s 30, he looks ahead to his busy schedule to make sure he honors his dad early. They watched a great basketball movie together, and we shared burritos.

As a stepmom, I know to step aside and let them be together without my interference. I’m welcome to participate in whatever way I want, so I choose to be present at the beginning and ending, as well as serving them. Having seen Hustle 3 times, I easily step in and out with tea, ice water, chips, guacamole and burritos.

How are you satisfied on your birthday? are you willing to step in and out as is appropriate when you celebrate someone else? Ki to Happiness begins to celebrate Bob’s 75th birthday.


Client’s crisis

My morning practice in advance of teaching yoga, got derailed by one of my clients in crisis. I rallied after tending to the urgent needs and started on time. As my first class began, the rhythm of teaching and practicing steadied me.

By the time the second class ended, I learned from my client that the crisis passed. Miracles replaced grievances. My support team rose to the occasion so the client’s crisis didn’t spread or become my own.

Who is on your support team? Do you know how to contain someone else’s crisis so it does not become your own? Ki to Happiness knows when to reach out for support.


Revision #7

My assistant and I began to digitize my manuscript’s 7th revision. This time, the changes are like tiny puzzle pieces snapping into place. Until now it’s been loopy with huge reorganization necessary.

Before committing the changes to the digital file, I completed reading someone else’s book in which she concluded her story by describing her process writing it. It brought me into uncontrollable catharsis about what we all go through to take our life’s most significant material and convert it into an intelligible and compelling draft worthy of print. It’s so easy for readers to sit back and criticize others who have painstakingly sifted through their content to present it for the benefit of the reader.

Do you read with a metaphoric red pen in your hand? Can you write with out your internal editor taking over the process? Ki to Happiness reads and writes, learns and teaches as the Yoga Upanishads recommend.


Cool wave

Our heat wave has been replaced by a cool wave. Yoga practice easily adapts to all kinds of weather. We are fortunate to have escaped the threat of wildfires and smoke in our area for the most part.

As the death toll mounts in Maui, we count our blessings. Both Bob and I have memories from long ago participating and holding retreats there. We send love, compassion and prayers for healing in the direction of those who have suffered this grave horrific tragedy.

What do you do with your good fortune? How can you best share it? Ki to Happiness heals in the cool, freshness and sends it towards those in greater need.


New Leo Moon

In this heat wave, we have a new moon in Leo. Knowing this empowers us to not be too hotheaded. We want to make good use of this energy instead of allowing it to make use of us.

New moons gives us a chance to reflect, and set intentions for the next month. Occurring now, we put energy in motion for the last month of summer. Ignoring undesirable behaviors and strengthening positive efforts in ourselves and others may make for a bountiful harvest next month.

What would you like to have occur in a month? How can you best align with that truest desire? Ki to Happiness envisions progress, not perfection and healing into wholeness.


Me and You

Watching an interesting interview between Jordan Peterson and Russell Brand, I felt relief at them addressing an important paradox. Both of them are in favor of spiritual awareness, free will, and the protective rights in our Constitution. To safeguard against that becoming narcissistic hedonism, they emphasize the need to turn toward serving and protecting other’s rights to do the same.

We see this in the 12 step programs, where recovery and service go hand in hand. Along the yogic path, we come to see that others are an extension of our common connection to what we may refer to as The One. In these ways, as I take care of myself, I support others in taking care of themselves and offer assistance as I am able.

In what ways do you take care of yourself? In what ways do you serve others? Ki to Happiness cares for The One me and serves The One in you.


Cooling practices

During this hot spell, I’ve been appreciating iced drinks to cool off internally. Using multiple fans helps to cool the outside. Cooling yogic breaths modify my approach to asana.

I learned these simple modifications during my years teaching in the tropics. On Kauai, Guam and Bali every effort away to chill assisted with practical skills for living. Those skills and my memories of the beautiful islands inform my practices today..

How can you best chill? Can you try cooling breaths, in and out of your mouth like in Sitali pranayama? Ki to Happiness sips and smiles, adapts and adjusts, and keeps practicing.