

I had a great visit with my brother on the phone as he celebrated his good friends’ 30th wedding anniversary. We spoke privately so that he could tell me what awaited him when he returned home. One of his dear cats may not have made it through his brief time away.

After he told me his story, he put it aside so that he could exit the gathering well. I supported him in using his compartmentalization skills. He shared with me his process later and again today as he continues on, taking care of himself, his surviving 3 cats, and his job.

How are your skills at compartmentalization? Can you make use of them when the circumstances call for such, and let them go when not necessary? Ki to Happiness uses the skills without letting them use her.


Community participation

Our neighborhood is part of a larger district which was having its annual free market day. 80 locations put free items out for others to browse through, and take what they want. Hatha Yoga Center joined by contributing unwanted cat food which was all removed by the end of the day.

When I was at the Kripalu Ashram’s spiritual lifestyle training years ago I learned of the yogic practice of varagya, which means detachment. Discarded clothing and personal items were available in a special spot in the basement for others to make use of freely. The community participated and bonded through sharing instead of attaching to stuff.

How do you participate in your communities? What might you have that is no longer is useful for you that others might appreciate? Ki to Happiness detaches from stuff and bonds with others through community participation.


Consistent Habits

Doing my yoga practices first thing in the morning has become a cornerstone of my life. It gives me an instant feedback loop into how I am doing on all levels: body, mind, emotions and spirit. That feedback encourages me to make the changes needed for my health and happiness with which I serve others as a yoga teacher and holistic counselor.

This is the life I have chosen and grown to know so well. When other teacher’s don’t have a daily practice I pray they find their way to the consistent habit so they resource themselves from within to be a good model for others. Asana, pranayama, meditation and devotion practices of mantra and prayer work for me and have worked for others on the pathless path for thousands of years.

What habits do you want to develop? How can you start today with consistence? Ki to Happiness is grateful to have learned to be kind to body-mind-emotions-spirit by consistently practicing habits of yogis.


Returning students

Last evening, two students from 26 years ago returned to the Hatha Yoga Center. I’m so glad HYC still exists so we could welcome them back to the community. One of them will resume her yoga teacher training which the COVID pandemic put on hold as the other returns to her home in California.

They looked at us in stunned amazement saying we haven’t changed a bit. But of course we have. And yet the practice has been consistent and holds us in its grace.

What grace consistently upholds you through the passing of time? As you change what remains the same? Ki to Happiness changes into the grace that constantly upholds her.


1 week

Last week Bob shared a news item from his feed regarding the cast of the Barbie movie. He read that they had a physical contest to see who could hold a plank posture, the longest. Margot Robbie won by holding the plank for four minutes and 20 seconds.

I took it as a challenge and started with one minute. Yesterday I beat her record by 10 seconds. It’s amazing what this 62 year old body can do in one week.

What have you improved in a week? What do you think is impossible that next week you might find you’ve already accomplished? Ki to Happiness sees the word impossible as containing the two words “I’m possible”.



An old friend of mine had a young daughter who used to say “I have contestines” when her belly was upset. I appreciated her young language skills, combining those two big words, contest and intestines. She expressed well what I have often experienced.

There’s an old expression which is “we are what we eat.“ I prefer the expression which is less familiar. “We are what we have not evacuated.” which is perhaps a polite way of putting it for you, dear readers.

How is your digestion, assimilation and evacuation? What changes do you need to make so your intestines do not contest what you have consumed? Ki to Happiness digests light organic plant based foods best.


Lion’s Gate

Midsummer is a perfect time for manifestation. Some refer to it as Lion’s Gate as we are in the Sun Sign of Leo, the Lion. Today is 8/8, which is the peak of the portal’s opening.

It’s a good time to look around and see if you have manifested all that you intended to during this season of growth. I’ve been using the energies to improve our space. I’ll throw some cinnamon out our threshold with an intention of further manifestation.

When you look around you, what can you improve? What remains to be manifested in this season? Ki to Happiness intends to manifest peace, abundance, harmony and love which nature reflects beautifully around me.


Surprise Donation

I assessed one long-standing community member’s physical structure yesterday. I found he could benefit from realignment of his right hip. He reported feeling more stable and strong afterward.

In years past, he has exchanged covering classes while we’ve been gone or helping us with his many handy skills for taking classes and having private sessions with me. He surprised us with a generous donation yesterday instead. After he left us, Bob opened the sealed envelope without knowing what it contained and shared it’s contents directly with me.

How reciprocal are your relationships? What do you exchange? Ki to Happiness detaches from the outcome of work and delights in the surprise donation!


Rut or Routine

In my 20s, the structure of my life felt like a rut. “Birth, school, work, death” were the lyrics of one alternative popular song. I had to break free of that feeling of enslavement.

In my 60s, having fulfilled many of my childhood dreams and youthful desires, my disciplined life feels like a routine that upholds my contribution to free other. Asana, pranayama, meditation and prayer replace the old lyrics. This freedom I offer to all I encounter.

How do you experience the rhythms of your life? As a rut or a routine? Ki to Happiness lifts herself out of the rut and places her routine on her alter as an offering to the Great One.


Maybe later

We made plans together for Bob‘s first movie at a theater since Covid. As the day developed our private sessions and classes took priority. Instead of pushing on, Bob said he’d rather go maybe later.

I agreed immediately. Diminishing stress and retaining our energy for our most important efforts takes discernment. With time and space we chose other activities which further our main purpose.

What is your main purpose? Are you willing to stay on track even if it means letting go of other things? Ki to Happiness avoids activities that may detract from it.