
Overflowing Joy

As the moon has subdued her fullness, I’m left with overflowing joy. At mid summer, I celebrate the growth of the year, our 5 year old cats, our one year anniversary in the present location and Bob’s renewed vitality. This joy is springing forth in freedom from tumult.

I’ve noticed that when I am really good, I can be a bit much for others to take. Without apologizing for my big energy, I will do my best to channel it into appropriate action and service. The broad path of yoga always gives me a place to allow this inherent joy to expand.

When’s the last time you’ve experienced this inherent joy? Can you call it to mind now and allow it to overflow? Ki to Happiness celebrates freedom from tumult with deepening commitment to yoga and service.


Book Nook

During the heat of the summer, I retreat into my cool nook with a good book. My girlfriend gave it to me during my last trip to the heartland. Reading it keeps me connected to her, knowing her eyes were on these pages.

Reading focuses the mind and transport us to another place and time. Consciously choosing what we put our attention on, this particular book takes me into the myths and magic of gods and witches. It reminds me of the sacred voices we hear when we are still, emitting from Nature’s animals, plants and stones.

What are you consciously choosing to put your attention on? Does your choice result in what you intend? Ki to Happiness focuses on the uplifting sacred voices of Nature.


Truth Cake

After serving our community anniversary treats, we had some leftover sheet cake. I saw an opportunity to enter the building and placed the cake on the entryway table for the neighbors who live above us. I left some napkins and a knife as well as a thank you note for our generally good relationships this first year here.

Later, we saw one of the neighbors locked outside again, for just about the millionth time. We’ve used our key to help them gain access until somebody stole our key, breaking in through our screened window. In offering the man some cake from outside, I let him know I couldn’t let him in, since our key was stolen, which resulted in his truthful reaction indicating he realized this was the consequence for one of his apartment mates breaking in and stealing it.

Where does the truth come from? Can you wait patiently for it to be revealed? Ki to Happiness celebrates the truth coming out in the end, even if it requires cake.


One year anniversary

One year ago today we held our first classes in our present location. We’ve been celebrating with our Hatha Yoga Community. Members have been expressing how fast the year has flown by.

This full moon brings a fullness to my heart. I reflect on the many changes that have occurred here in the year. Soon we may be joined in our building by another community member who is in search of a new living circumstance.

How full is your heart with this full moon? What is being revealed in it’s reflective light? Ki to Happiness shares her gratitude with you all from her overflowing heart for all that has occurred this year.


Thoughts are things

Checking off names in our accounting book, I saw the name of one person who hadn’t made it back to us since the pandemic. I wished her well from a distance. Yesterday she showed up at the 9 o’clock class!

Her presence reminded me that “thoughts are things”. Thinking about someone, then they call or they show up gives us reason to be mindful of our train of thoughts, keeping them on track with our values. Especially now as the moon fills and the veil between the worlds thins, stay vigilant and watchful so to manifest what you intend.

What do you intend to manifest? Can you keep your thoughts on track with that which you value? Ki to Happiness reminds us that thoughts are things.


Self Care

One year ago this weekend, we moved Hatha Yoga Center, our home, and our cats to our present location. During that time, my practices sustained me and my discipline structured the transition. Other self care took a backseat to the driving force of focusing on the move.

This year in celebration I have resumed greater self care. I have also attended to our container garden to welcome our students and neighbors. After our morning classes, I’ll serve some vegan treats to those who have assembled.

What sustains you when you are facing great transition? What disciplines do you keep and which do you let go of? Ki to Happiness resumes greater self care in honor of our 1 year anniversary here.



Returning from my trip to celebrate my mother’s birthday, I have grounded myself with yoga practices and services. Walking and eating local organic foods have also helped me reconnect to this part of the Earth. For an hour yesterday, that was not enough, and I needed something else.

Our container garden called me to it. As I deadheaded, re-potted, watered and propagated, my energies roots reconnected me to the Good Mother Earth. Afterwards, I relished the sunshine, the water, the fresh air and the dirt under my nails. Feeling akin to the elements, I smiled from within for only the plants and animals to see.

What helps you ground? How can you best honor the four elements of which you are comprised? Ki to Happiness uses many tools as directed by Higher Self.


5th birthday

Yesterday we celebrated our cats’ fifth birthday. I got them their favorite treats, and also a new snack to try. We gathered five feathers during our walk in the neighborhood and played with them together.

Last year their birthday got a bit neglected as we were deeply in the process of moving here. They have adapted well to the change, and have stayed safe and healthy in this luv-work environment. We emphasized Cat posture, in both classes in honor of them.

How do you celebrate the animals in your life? Are you willing to risk being silly and playful? Ki to Happiness celebrates our cats as energetic protectors of Hatha Yoga Center.


Sinead O’Connor

May the angelic, Irish singer Sinead O’Conner, rest in peace. Her music moved my generation and deepened our compassion for each other which rippled outward to other generations both older and younger. She will be missed by her myriad fans and especially by her surviving children.

In her lyrics “ I went to the doctor and guess what he told me? He said ‘girl, you better have fun no matter what you do”. She thought he was a fool in her next line of lyrics, but I took that prescription to heart. I have had my fun, and I’m still here with or without her.

What fun have you had lately? Since you’re still here with me, how can you best enjoy your life? Ki to Happiness enjoys the fun of yoga, cats, gardening and encouraging others.



My dear friend, picked me up at the airport, and kindly drove me home. Each cat greeted me in their special ways as Bob and I hugged and kissed. I opened my luggage and all three cats rolled around in the smells of my journey.

I went into the kitchen to prepare for my morning practices. I saw Bob already purified my water and poured it into my cups. Such thoughtfulness and kindness touches my heart.

What acts of kindness have you been experiencing? What kindness can you offer? Ki to Happiness marvels in the kind gestures.