
Perfect Happiness

The yoga sutras of Patanjali and A Course in Miracles as well as other spiritual texts concur that our innate state is perfect happiness. Letting go of all distractions from that state reveals it within. It may take a lifetime to do so, and yet what remains is a life worth living.

Whether on the yoga mat, or in the process of psychotherapy we are invited to explore our hindrances to this indwelling state. Ceasing from identifying with our issues we instead identify with our consciousness that precedes and envelopes them. Identifying with consciousness, peace and contentment are the result.

How happy are you? What hindrances and distractions do you need to process in order to cease from identifying with them? Ki to Happiness celebrates identifying with innate peace, contentment and perfect happiness and is honored to facilitate others through yoga and private sessions.


40 years

Tomorrow will be my 40 year anniversary of working as a psychotherapist. I will celebrate by contacting my former supervisor, and serving my clients as well as teaching my yoga classes. I continue to do what I love and love what I do.

In my ever-expanding holistic approach to counseling, I have healed myself and witnessed others heal from all that holds us back from happiness, health and wholeness. Yoga continues to be a practice that promotes this. Integration of body, mind, emotions and spirit aligns us with the One in All.

Do you do what you love and love what you do? What requires further healing? Ki to Happiness celebrates 40 years of serving and being served by the One.


Hallelujah let’s breathe

Half my life ago, I participated in a massage training program. In it our primary instructor included breathing practices, like pranayama. Whatever came up in the process of receiving or giving massage, he encouraged us to breathe through—pain, pleasure, tension, ease all were to be met with breath.

In watching Leonard Cohen’s biopic, I discovered one of his intentions with his vastly popular hit song, Hallelujah shared that same intention. The poet, Rumi, encourages us similarly in his offering entitled The Guesthouse. Whatever we each phase, each moment in our life, is to be greeted like a guest, with breath, hallelujah, and may be a cup of tea.

What are you facing? Can you breathe with it, pour it a cup of tea, and say Hallelujah? Ki to Happiness shares the tea with you.


Mama duck

As we went out for our walk in the cool dark wet afternoon, we saw a mama duck waddling our way with her three ducklings behind her. A couple of helpful neighbors ushered them safely across the big street, but didn’t know where to guide them. I suggested our nearby park with its creek.

These neighbors didn’t know about Victory Creek Park. They appreciated the suggestion and continued in that direction, slowly and tenderly. By the time we returned from our walk, all had found their way to safety.

How well do you know your neighborhood? Are you friendly with your neighbors? Ki to Happiness aspires to being a good neighbor with all residents of the Earth.


Irises and Peonies

Students have been gifting us with chocolates, fruit, and flowers. Our altar overflows with their generosity. These are tokens of love.

Every day I photograph the altar with a fresh Reiki infused candle to offer its healing vibration to those in need. It’s impossible to photograph the love symbolized by the gifts. The combination of love and healing is available, by simply putting one’s hand on the image and taking a few slow deep breaths.

How do you symbolize love? Can you open up to receive the vibration of healing at a distance? Ki to Happiness gives the love and healing she’s received.



In Seattle the month of June is often wet, windy and chilly. This year, we have had warm, dry clear weather instead. Today, Junuary returns with a dark dawn, drizzle and a strong breeze.

I am ready for it this year, and I even missed it until now. Snuggling with my cats in my blankets, sipping warm tea, and practicing yoga in the light in the warmth of my altar candle, I am content in any kind of weather. I awakened to the news of the slow hand of justice reaching out across our land with further consequences for our former president.

Where do you turn to when the chilly winds blow through your life? What practices sustain you in all kinds of weather? Ki to Happiness returns to Hatha Yoga daily, no matter the political climate or the environment.


Month of light

The warm evening drew us out into the long lingering light of 9pm sunset. Soft, pink wispy clouds hung in our clear air. Taking in the beauty before bed soothed some of the day’s edgy quality.

In two more weeks, summer solstice will bring us maximum light. In another two weeks after, we will be back to the amount of potential light we have right now. This month of light replenishes our internal solar cells and our soul as well.

Are you spending enough time outdoors? Can you let nature soothe you? Ki to Happiness lets in the light.


Peace and Happiness

In the wee hours with much of Seattle slumbering, I get up with my cats to meditate. I steep in the quietude as I process my daily material until I hit the bedrock of my consciousness. Like you, my natural state is peace and happiness.

Awakening to this reality beyond time and space a very long time ago, I love to immerse myself in it daily. Facilitating others through teaching and counseling, each finds their way into this awareness. As we join together in common Consciousness, we access our Oneness with each other and with what Is.

What practices help you process your material? Have you awakened to the awareness of indwelling peace and happiness? Ki to Happiness looks inside and finds what Is.


Gifts from my brother

Since my stepdad passed away, I’m noticing unexpected changes. My brother has sent me gifts two times, which he’s never done before. It seems there’s more space in his heart to think about me.

It’s not about the value of the gifts. It’s also not about reciprocity or an exchange. Feels like there’s more room for love.

Have you experienced unexpected blessings from loss? What might give you more room for love? Ki to Happiness receives the gift of love.


Mount Rainier

After morning practices and Hatha Yoga classes we took a small bike ride up to Maple Leaf Park. In the cloudless cool afternoon, as we entered the park, Mount Rainier stood majestically in view. Breathtaking, it’s splendor made us stop and get off the bikes.

As we lounged on the grass, we looked up at its snowy slopes. Feeling held by the Earth, we let the sun enter our cells as we stripped off our outer layers of clothing. Simple Sunday smiles emerged on our cheeks as we returned home.

Do you love where you live? When’s the last time you let yourself simply bask in the beauty? Ki to Happiness loves Mount Rainier and practices Mountain Pose daily to learn to stand still in the majesty of Presence.