
International Neighbors

Part of what I love about Seattle is the international community. Our neighborhood is rich with diversity, equity and inclusion as is the Hatha Yoga Center. There’s no need for policies or programs to make that happen.

All are always welcome on the very broad yoga path. As yoga means union, we are all invited to come together and connect with our Higher Self. Traditional practices including the body, mind, emotions and spirit regardless of affiliation continue to uplift us all. 

What practices uplift you? What helps you connect your various aspects together in one integrated whole alongside your neighbors? Ki to Happiness values uplifting practices the unite us within so we spread that out. 


 First Full Moon of 2025

Tonight’s full moon in the sign of Cancer promises to bring up a lot of intense emotions. It helps to know this so that we are ready with our tissues and our willingness to take responsibility for our feelings.  It’s a good time to rest and nourish ourselves, and wait until the emotions have cleared for any new pursuits. 

The sun sign of Cancer is ruled by the moon. It loves nostalgia, family and protective nesting in one’s comfortable home. From the safety of one’s nest, allow yourself to process any emotions that have come up through the holiday season without engaging in conflict or fantasies. 

How are you feeling emotionally? Can you take responsibility for those feelings in the safety of your home? Ki to Happiness nests and shares her nest and tissues with all who are in need.


Gentle Fog

I awaken in the wee hours and find fog enshrouding us. Its gentleness reflects my own. I open the windows to let the freshness in as the cats jump up on the sill to take a sniff.

My yoga practices have sustained me so I am able to witness this: upwelling joy, robust health, miraculous healing and abiding contentment. All injuries, illnesses, abandonments, neglects, demands, criticisms, losses rise up and evaporate like the fog will when the sun shines. Attending the inner Sun in my Heart of hearts, I am grateful for it all.

What practices sustain you? Can you attend to your inner Sun enough to burn off the fog that obscures its Light ? Ki to Happiness practices Santosha, choosing Contentment.



Right before the evening class, I heard a disturbance at our door. I asked Bob to assist me in investigating its source. Together, we discovered the need to call 911 to have assistance in removing the trespasser who blocked our doorway and aggressed at our insistence that he move on.

After the trespasser left, we cleaned up the trash he left behind, smudged the area to remove the negativity and lit incense to bring in positive intentions for a peaceful class. Bob and I shared a high 5 for good teamwork and welcomed the teacher into a safe and calm studio for her class. We learned class proceeded without further disturbance. 

How quickly can you remove negativity and invite positivity in to replace it? Who is on your team? Ki to Happiness alerts her team immediately to restore peace and shares a high 5.


Altar Candles

As the California wild fires burn, I light extra altar candles safely. I let in the fresh moist air as wind and rain bestow blessings on us. I send these blessings and prayers to those in need.

My near world is safe and holy as far away horrific destruction continues. Reconciling these irreconcilable realities, I find peace and joy within my heart. I dare to “fight fire with fire” in this way, accepting life on life’s terms and playing my part in these dark times.

What helps you reconcile the irreconcilables? Can you extend your peace within to those in need without? Ki to Happiness fights fire with Altar fire.


Rose and Primrose

I celebrated my one year anniversary with my chiropractor by spreading white and pale pink rose petals from my altar along the sidewalk as I went for my treatment. I gifted him a red Primrose plant as a symbol of the hope and renewal my sessions with him facilitated. I offered them to all of our students who attended classes, spreading gratitude and optimism.

White roses represent completion and pale pink roses represent gratitude for a job well done. Together with the tough hardy beauty of the Primrose, I appreciate the language of flowers. Especially in the deep dark of winter, they remind us that Spring will return and grace us with loveliness.

Are you aware of the spiritual significance of flowers and the healing potential of their essence? Have you worked with aromatherapy or Bach Flower remedies? Ki to Happiness spreads gratitude and optimism with flowers, petals, fragrance and plants.


3 Dog Evening

In my class last night, two students reported having some unusual symptoms in their low backs. In my year of working with Dr. Lee to heal my broken wrist, he also taught me techniques to help with such symptoms since my back suffered from my injury and ensuing compensation patterns. After warming up the students with Sun Saltations, I set them up in trios for spinal decompression and shoulder release in Downward Dog.

Once all three students had a chance in their trios to take turns changing places, each reported relief and joy.  Class proceeded onward from there, integrating and stabilizing the improvements. As class ended, I expressed gratitude for them, their willingness to experiment with the 3 Dog variation in my evening class and for Dr. Chong Il Lee helping me heal in many ways.

Have you ever been grateful for an injury since it taught you how to heal? Have you shared that healing process with others? Ki to Happiness is giving thanks for everything that has resulted in tools to share with you, dear readers, students and clients.


Prayer Hands

Whenever I lay back to rest, if it’s at bedtime or nap time or corpse meditation, I fold my hands in prayer. This joining reminds me to express Gratitude to the One for those things that occurred since my previous prayer. In addition to my ritual prayers in the morning and in the bathtub, I’m sure there are at least five times daily that I express my thanks to the Great One.

This does not require a prayer rug, a candle or any other external object. It simply requires two hands and a humble heart recognizing I do nothing on my own. I started doing this as soon as my wrist would allow me last year when it began to heal from its injury.

How often do you pray? Can you put your two hands together right now and offer a simple prayer of gratitude? Ki to Happiness balances prayer with meditation throughout each day.


Following Guidance

After the morning classes, I went outside to sniff around. Guidance directed me to walk a different path. There I found a left behind shovel which I borrowed to plant our Christmas tree in the nearby Victory Creek Park.

Gentle rain watered the tree as I returned the shovel to the place where I found it. If the mild weather continues, our little tree may take root and spread the memories of this holiday season for years to come. That last task opens me up for today’s Feast of the Epiphany on this first Monday of 2025.

How did you conclude your holidays? What will remain of your festivities? Ki to Happiness follows Guidance in conclusion of this Season of Light and plants the Evergreen to anchor the Joy.


12th Night

Today concludes the 12 days of Christmas. It is the eve of epiphany. With it, we start to return to our regular schedules and rhythms.

Maintaining consistent practices throughout the festivities helps us stay healthy. Keeping a regular sleep schedule and eating wholesome foods makes a huge difference so the “flu season” is mitigated. Every effort to ground in the truth of our being responsible for our Selves rewards us.

How do you feel at the end of these holidays? Heavy, bloated and confused or light, uplifted and clear? Ki to Happiness takes responsibility by caring for the Higher Self through all seasons.