
Beauty and light

In the frigid temperatures, we walked out onto the snowy icy earth. Bob wanted to see the beauty in the sunlight reflected on the trees with icicles sparkling. We bundled up and made our way into the elements.

The simple joy brought tears to my eyes and infused my classes and private sessions with a felt sense of Winter Solstice. I continued to see light glistening from my students, and heard the beautiful sounds of my client’s voices as they make their way through the darkness into the light of consciousness. We honored the moment’s blessing with meditation and sun salutations.

Where do you find beauty at this time of year? Can you feel light returning within as you face your darkness? Ki to Happiness sees beauty in the light of consciousness.


Winter Solstice 2022

Happy winter solstice. During this coldest, darkest time of year, I reflect on my warming and illuminating practices. Only those that can bear up against the snow and ice of days with only eight hours of dim sunlight will go with me into 2023.

With green warm tea and candle light, I give thanks for that which sustains us. My healthy body, clear mind, balanced emotions are sustained by Grace. I’m grateful for nearly 62 years of seasons and cycles, witnessing miracles.

What sustains you in your coldest and darkest times? What miracles have you witnessed that bring you hope? Ki to Happiness has seen healing, forgiveness, and compassion.


Secret Santa

We went out yesterday for a little Christmas shopping. We returned to find a delivery on our doorstep. A box of chocolate Santas from Bissinger’s was sent to us to share some sweetness with our community.

The thoughtful gift took me back to my memories of growing up in St. Louis and window shopping at the great confectioners. My girlfriend and I loved to browse around the central west end where the hippies and international students freely ranged long before the area became gentrified. Those memories are rapped up in the gifting as one by one I distribute the Secret Santa’s to our students.

What memories does this Holiday season bring up for you? Can you remember some sweetness? Ki to Happiness shares the treats.


Bob’s laughter

After Bob taught the last Sunday classes of 2022, I served vegan treats and tea for our small gathering. I used my grandmother’s poinsettia tablecloth to spread out the trays of scones, blueberry bars and a fig bread wreath with ginger and jasmine green tea service on the studio floor. We enjoyed the intimate ritual celebration and wished each other well as we said our goodbyes until Sunday class resumes in 2023.

Bob and I settled in to watch a holiday movie, resisting the new trends and avoiding the old traditions. In between, we landed on the first Christmas Chronicles. Silly, light and uplifting, Bob’s laughter let me know we made the right choice.

What traditions and rituals will you observe this holiday season? Which will make you laugh, uplift your spirit, and dispel the darkness? Ki to Happiness choose Hatha Yoga Center community celebrations and anything that makes Bob laugh.


Old and new

I taught my classes yesterday to old students who’ve been coming to Hatha Yoga Center since the 80’s along with new students from our new neighborhood. I marveled at their blending. Community has its true meaning in these instances.

On the live stream, old and new students participated as well. After offering 1800 live streaming classes, the new technology blends with the old method of instruction seamlessly. Old and new are holding hands in my heart.

Are you able to integrate the old with the new? How healthy is your sense of community? Ki to Happiness cherishes moments of healthy integration.


900 streak

Yesterday I blogged for the 900th day in a row in this way. 350 days before that I blogged in a different way, so it’s not counted as part of my “streak”, but I count it. What counts to me is consistent efforts to express something of my journey in a way that might companion and inspire you.

To do anything for 1250 days in a row digs a deep pattern in one’s psyche. Where I once had ignorance this technology, fear of mistakes and anxiety over continuing through traveling, instead now I have replaced that with knowledge, skill and confidence. And YOU…thanks for reading.

What have you done for 1250 days in a row? What deep pattern would you like to create? Ki to Happiness wants you to begin…again and again.


Vanilla morning

Each day, there is a color and a scent suggested for making offerings on our altars as deemed by Earth Based Spirituality. I align with these suggestions to amplify the best possibility of each day. Today’s scent is vanilla.

As I place drops of vanilla oil into my burner the scent warms me and I smile as I inhale. It brings a feeling of safety here on this beautiful earth, replacing any feeling of being in the wrong place. This Earth is my hOMe for now and I want to continue to care for it and it’s creatures, naturally.

Have you ever felt like a stranger on the Earth? What has helped you ground into a sense of belonging here? Ki to Happiness grounds with Hatha Yoga and daily offerings, including Vanilla today.


Step in it

While carrying out dead plants to compost, I stepped in something nasty. I realized it as I started to return home. I couldn’t easily clean my boot outside but didn’t want to track it in so I stopped and took my boot off in the cold night before I entered inside.

I share with you the details of my life, as they speak volumes metaphorically. We all step in it, the nasty filth of some excrement, or the drama and trauma of relationships or the conflict of political division. The question is: do we take the responsibility to clean our boot or do we make more of a mess as we track the crap all over?

What have you stepped in lately? Have you cleaned your boot yet? Ki to Happiness takes responsibility for whatever she steps in.


Request for Prayers

No, I am not requesting prayers myself. That being stated, I do appreciate everyone of them, and thank you. I wanted to bring up my approach to praying for others, since today prayers were requested of me for a family in need.

I am always happy to respond immediately to a direct request with prayers. Without a direct request, I keep my prayers to myself although I pray for our world, the Earth and our global circumstances. In this way, I keep a respectful boundary regarding my spiritual involvement with all.

When do you pray for others? When do you have others pray for you? Ki to Happiness prays for specific others as requested.


Ethics of Care

I love to help people and serve them in my capacity as a teacher, as well as a holistic counselor. I’ve had to learn how to facilitate others in finding their way. Not my way, although my path informs my efforts.

I started out as a young adult, seriously determined to move through my material so I could be an agent of possibility. Others may also or may start late, with little commitment or capacity for change. As I care for any and all of them, I remember to respect their timing and ethically offer options so their consent teams with mine toward body-mind-spirit integration.

What ethics guide your care? How can you best embody your respect of other’s timing and choices? Ki to Happiness remember that there is A Way for each of us.