
Extra blanket

This morning, my chilly nook was only 60° as I awakened at 4 AM. I didn’t mind. I was snug with an extra blanket.

I watch the snowfall gracing my practice from the comfort of my altar, candle burning, Queen cat Paca on my lap and feel peace, joy, happiness, health and a generous spirit with which to serve as I begin my life again anew. Today and everyday, these wee hours of solitude and devotion to the One are worth all it has taken for me to be Here Now.

Do you have an extra blanket? Can that be enough? Ki to Happiness feels the comfort of the One surrounding me like the extra blanket.



I learned about the passing of Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac at age 79. Her voice is silent now, although I hear it in my heart having grown up listening to her. I saw them live in concert back in their heyday and like everyone else there, knew all the words and each note of all the songs.

As a tribute to her, I posted a Reiki infused candle to Facebook and cranked up their tunes. At first the tears threatened to choke back my voice until they fell like the sleet out my window. Nothing stops the song birds “like they know the score” as Christine wrote in her lyrics decades ago.

Do you know the score? What brings you to sing despite the weather in your life? Ki to Happiness lifts her voice in remembrance of those who have lifted theirs.


Higher Power

In the snowstorm, 80,000 of us lost power last night. The alarm on our Wi-Fi alerted me to the issue. Turning off the alarm, I turned to my higher power and surrendered to my confidence that all would be well enough that I could sleep.

I grabbed my battery operated camping lantern as I got up with my cats. I delighted in hearing the sound of our refrigerator humming with power restored. Simple delight continues as I sit in my morning practice with a grateful heart.

How is your relationship with your Higher Power? What builds confidence in your relationship to It? Ki to Happiness has surrendered into HP through many power outages and has grown confident as power has always been restored.


Snow is coming

I was born in a blizzard as 2 feet of snow fell. Each year before the first snowfall, I have this feeling of eager anticipation and excitement. It is as if I am about to be born again anew.

In Seattle, with our many hills and waterways, travel becomes dangerous and many dread the snow or head to the mountains for skiing. Instead of either of those options, the cats and I look out the window for the first flake. Whether it comes or not, I marvel in the sense of what’s about to happen, life!

What gives you a feeling of rebirth? How is your marvelous life? Ki to Happiness anticipates life even while living it.


Whole Lotta Shakin going on

Bob picked the movie Elvis for our viewing. We both learned a lot from the biopic. The poor white kid learned how to survive with music and dance in his otherwise impoverished home while his dad was incarcerated.

His style blended black and white, rich and poor, male and female at a time when the powers that be wanted control and status quo. Ultimately his survival strategy led to his demise. There’s still a whole Lotta Shakin going on in our culture about these very issues.

What strategies have helped you survive? How can you ensure they don’t lead to your demise? Ki to Happiness integrates her survival strategies with Hatha Yoga, joining body with mind, emotions and spirit..


Our second Thanksgiving

Our 30 year old son came to Thanksgivingdinner. He laid on the floor, exhausted after his trip to see other family members. I covered him with a blanket, and remembered so many times together.

One of those times was four years ago. He got locked out while cat sitting for our neighbor so he returned to us in the middle of the night. At first, I startled in seeing a body on our floor only to be flooded with unconditional love as I reached for a blanket to cover him once I recognized who it was.

What lets you know your love is unconditional? Who brings that feeling up for you? Ki to Happiness gives thanks again for a chance to unconditionally love.


Black Saturday

Whoever shopped yesterday may be on their way back to return items today. Whoever resisted shopping yesterday may allow some purchasing now that the traditional biggest consumption day of the year has passed. Whichever camp you belong to, I encourage your freedom to do what’s right for you as long as it’s not infringing upon anyone else.

I am not much of a consumer. My simple needs are easily met with wholesome organic plant based foods and drinks. Most of my clothing are hand-me-downs or thrift items with a few additional retail garments for weather wear.

How did you participate in Black Friday? Did you exercise your freedom to choose? Ki to Happiness chooses freedom and simplicity every day, whatever the color.


In right timing

Before our vegan feast, Bob and I took our constitutional afternoon walk. While the trees on our street have lost their leaves, just a few blocks away some continue to blaze in glorious reds. Others right next to them are already bare.

The evergreens and I take note, without hastening those still dressed in their true colors or chastising those with naked limbs. I apply the lesson from their acceptance of right timing to us as we walk by a man in his wheelchair in front of his assisted living residence. I walk quickly with my hair free in the cool air then circle back to Bob, on his cane, bundled up in the mild sunshine.

Can you accept other’s timing when different from yours? Are you able to take lessons from nature? Ki to Happiness grows in wisdom with the serene Pines.


Giving and receiving

Happy Thanksgiving, 2022. Today as we observe this national holiday in our own ways, I give thanks for each one of you, dear readers. I am grateful for my life and this unusual way in which I might share it with you.

A Course in Miracles and teachings along the traditional spiritual paths offer lessons about energy. What we put out comes back to us in right timing. In this way, giving and receiving are one, so as I give thanks today and everyday, I open to receive…for which I am grateful.

What would you like to receive? How can you best give it? Ki to Happiness opens up to receive all the love I have given in gratitude for this life we share.


New moon in Sagittarius

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we have entered into the sun sign of Sagittarius. Today, the new moon is also in that sign. Together, the essential spirit aligns with emotions for a truly grateful holiday.

In sync with these energies, we can set our intentions for the upcoming festivities. Sagittarius is gregarious, philosophical, and adventurous. It’s perfect time to travel in our mind if not in our body, to gather with those whom we love, and to share our gratitude for our freedom to explore philosophies and values.

What are your intentions for the next month? How can you best prepare? Ki to Happiness is already ready for what may be the best holiday season yet!