
Welcome rain

Our two week dry spell has concluded with this morning’s gentle rain. My cats and I gaze out in wonder as we see the gentle blessing descending from above. In preparation I swept up the gorgeous orange and golden leaves, which continued to change color on the ground after they fell into soft pinks and deep crimsons.

The sound of the rain pitter pats like my cat’s paws on our bamboo floor. It softens my heart. I open up to receive the moment like the Earth does to let in the moisture as tears of gratitude fill my eyes.

What softens your heart? Can you feel it now? Ki to Happiness feels gratitude for the gentle blessing of the welcome rain.


Another record

We have just experienced the longest dry spell in November. Together with our longest heat spell, highest temperatures, and smokiest year, it has been a record year of records. I took advantage of the conditions with a long sunny dry walk.

I took in the beauty of the fall colors set against the evergreens. I saw snow capping the mountains to the east and west. I breathed in sweet clear air as I experienced myself as part of nature.

Are you spending enough time in nature? Can you take in the beauty and feel yourself part of it? Ki to Happiness climbs her own material to reach the summit of unity.


All encompassing

As life keeps coming at me, I am challenged to open up to it all. in my early life, I had a small sense of how life works. Over the decades, I have expanded my awareness to encompass all I perceive.

All of it. Without judgment. Aligning with the Greatest of the great, the Holiest of the holies, the One in All, I am humbled to take my place as witness of this immense unfolding of potential.

What are you witnessing? Can you release judgment and open up to it? Ki to Happiness aligns with that which is All Encompassing.


Singing, dancing, crying

In between clients and classes yesterday I had a little time home alone with the cats as Bob ran a couple of errands for us. I put on some oldies music and got busy in the kitchen with Thanksgiving preparation. Soon I was singing, dancing and crying.

One expressive release led to another. I stirred it all into the ingredients for vegan delights: cranberry apple pandowdy, asparagus and mushroom quiche, and corn pudding. The recipes include no specific measurement of any of the ingredients.

What will you serve on Thanksgiving? Are there special ingredients that you’d like to add which cannot be measured? Ki to Happiness stirs in immeasurable gratitude for the ability to express and release her spirit in creative ways.


Gold Friends

I was still a teenager when I left my first husband and his abusive criminal strategies. In my trauma, I bonded with two young women who could withstand my story. Now, in our 60s, the three of us continue to you remember our histories and celebrate our victories.

We shared a FaceTime video conference call for their birthdays. Scheduling it around work, family, surgeries and travel left us with a few golden moments of reconnection. Long after the traumas that once bound us, we continue to bond over our shared stories of survival and thrival.

Have you checked in with your old friends? When you’ve released your trauma bonds, what’s left? Ki to Happiness thrives on the golden relationships that once contributed to survival.


Unknown Brother

I was teaching last night with a focus on low back care. Wanting to save the young adults from the trajectory toward chronic issues, I emphasized maintaining a neutral spine in postures as I usually do. As we concluded class, I grounded the need for a neutral spine in our meditation practice as well as in our daily activities.

On our live streaming Hatha Yoga Center group page, an unknown member expressed his appreciation for my teaching. In checking out his profile, I see he is another brother on the path. My heart is touched with the awareness that many of us are working toward the same intention without ever having met.

Are you aware that others you’ve never met are working toward the same intention as you? Can you feel the support of our mutual efforts? Ki to Happiness senses the invisible web connecting all of us to the One path with over 8 billion hearts.


Answered Prayers

Years ago I witnessed someone else’s descent into a complete breakdown on all levels. Powerless, I could do nothing but pray. Accepting what I could not change, I turned myself over to my Higher Power to guide me alone toward the direction of my solo path which we all share.

Yesterday, I overheard evidence of my prayers being answered. At first I dismissed it, as if I couldn’t trust what I heard. After a while I revisited the story and learned from the storyteller that I heard right, in right timing, that breakdown has yielded a breakthrough and healing has occurred on all levels.

How long can you wait for your prayers to be answered? What will you do with yourself until then? Ki to Happiness continues alone along her solo path which we all share.


In the we hours

Sometimes my cats get me up earlier than I planned. In the past, I have gotten irritated over it. This morning, I witnessed that possible reaction as I remained detached.

I set out their wet food and noticed their usually always available dry food dish empty. This made me understand their otherwise annoying behavior. They needed me, so we can all have our needs met.

Who is your “we”? How early would you get up to attend to their needs? Ki to Happiness gets up in the wee hours to meet the needs of her “we”.


Gratitude Revealed

Louie Schwartzberg’s most recent movie is Gratitude Revealed. We watched it last night to our upliftment. Having a had a daily gratitude practice for decades, I now wish to elevate it to top priority, the holiest of the holies.

Through gratitude, we connect to all the spiritual practices as each contains a seed of thanksgiving at It’s root. From gratitude we open into happiness, generosity, courage and creativity. Counting our blessings, overtime even our lessons are included in the list as we align our vibration with the One in All.

For what are you grateful? How can you best express and embody that? Ki to Happiness is grateful for you, dear readers, and our connection to the One who teaches us the simple spiritual practice of gratitude.


Book nook

After teaching my classes and tending to all the details of our live-work space I retreated into my nook with a book. Toni Morrison‘s Home has accompanied my transition from my yurt home to my Hatha Yoga Center home. It’s pages deepen my commitment to my heart.

When I was 28, I separated from my second husband and traveled to Egypt. At the pyramids, I placed a ring on my toe to symbolize my marriage to God. Reading Home in my book nook, I recommit to that which never disappoints, betrays or fails.

What never disappoints, betrays or fails you? Have you wedded your life to It? Ki to Happiness renews her vows.