
Manifest miracles

Today’s numerology of 11/11/22 represents the greatest opening of the year into potential manifestation. Consciously participating gives us a chance to fulfill our dreams, whether they be personal, political, or planetary. Throughout the year, perhaps many of your dreams have been realized, and yet those that have not yet been are welcome to miraculous materialization.

My healthy body-mind-spirit are happy in our new Hatha Yoga Center location. All of my relations are harmonious. These simple truths encourage me to participate in manifesting other miracles.

What would you most like to manifest? How can you best participate with that desire on this powerful day? Ki to Happiness miraculously manifests peace on earth, starting with herself first.


No Bad Weather

Living in Seattle I learned from the strong and hardy Scandinavian community the expression “ no bad weather, just bad clothes”. This taught me the need to have good clothes here, with water resistance and warmth. In our new location, both are essential.

Bob and I have been getting the right gear so we can continue walking in our gorgeous and chilly area. In our last location, before Bob’s stroke, he barely left the building. In our hooded parkas and snow pants with water resistant lined boots we are ready for whatever comes.

Can you embrace the cold dark wet? What requirements do your circumstances call for? Ki to Happiness love all kinds of weather with the right gear.


Voting with breath

Today we will learn the results of yesterday’s midterm election. Whatever the outcome, every day we have a chance to vote with our breath for peaceful balance. From steady slow breathing, healthy choice are more likely to be made about all our actions.

In this awareness, we take responsibility for our actions, reactions and responses. Freedom lovers exercise sovereignty over themselves in this self governing practice. Vote again today with your breath to be loving, joyous, and kind to yourself and others.

Did you vote? Did you know you are free to choose peace whatever the circumstances? Ki to Happiness votes again and again for unity and harmony in diversity.


Pacha Mama is on my lap

The Full blood moon lunar eclipse may be visible right now, but I can’t see it. I’ve got my queen cat on my lap. She is the center of our universe, together with her brothers, keeping us connected to nature.

Despite the many challenges of travel, the energy of my morning practices makes my lap calm and welcoming to her. Just like it was before I left, consistent and stable love vibrations are exchanged between us. We send this out to you, dear readers.

Can you find calm during this full moon lunar eclipse? Which practices could consistently stabilize your energy? Ki to Happiness practices so Pacha Mama, the Mother Goddess in her cat costume, sits on my lap.



Reading Toni Morrison‘s book, Home, will accompany me as I travel. I leave behind the home of my family of origin as I fly to my Hatha Yoga Center home of creation. In all my years of traveling, I have learned to make my heart my home.

One last gorgeous dawn illuminated my morning practices. I take with me sweet memories of mom‘s tender hug and dad’s kisses. I look towards the embraces of my homecoming in Seattle.

What does home mean to you? Can you feel it in your heart no matter where your body might be? Ki to Happiness is Home.


Falling back

Today as we reset our clocks back one hour, my own body clock said get up anyway. I’m so glad I did. Another gorgeous sunrise and a wonderful yoga practice begins my day. I will take the joy of both into my last day with family here.

It may be the last time that we fall back. The change of the clock twice a year has awakened us all to the challenges that come with disruption. Perhaps if we have learned well enough, we can diminish disruptions in our lives as a choice.

How do you react to disruptions? What response do you prefer? Ki to Happiness practices yoga regardless of disruptions.


Friendly Folks

I was born in the Midwest. It is called the heartland for a reason. The folks out here are mighty friendly.

Out and about yesterday, running errands, I encountered such warmth and tenderness from several locals. Perfect strangers, with a willingness to help and serve with a smile not just on their face, but radiating from their heart. It makes me glad I am from here.

What quality or characteristic is associated with where you are from? Can you celebrate it? Ki to Happiness brings the best of the Midwest with her and leaves the rest.


All the leaves are down

Suddenly the breezy winds have brought all the leaves down. The valley exposes trunks, limbs and the Illinois River against a somber sky. Soon I will be leaving, like the leaves themselves.

This signals the importance of ending well. I am blessed to have had enough class coverage so I could exit our new location for this family visit. With the uncertainty of our times and my parent’s advanced ages, there’s no guarantee of our reuniting in the Spring.

What is most important in your family of origin? In your family of creation? Ki to Happiness leaves both in the Hands of the One.


Fear calls for love

Spending time with my parents, I expose myself to their lifestyle. This involves watching TV, which is not a part of my lifestyle. I found myself alarmed and afraid as I viewed.

I checked my breathing, and calmed it down with my yoga practices. When I exited for early bed in my yurt, I found the love in silence, solitude, and nature. Early rest and morning yoga practice bring me back to Source, Safety, Love, Peace and sharing it here with you.

What does your fear call for ? How readily available is loving safety? Ki to Happiness practices choosing safety easily in loving practices.


All Souls

After Halloween and all saints day, today we honor all the souls who have passed in the last calendar year. Together with all the souls who have ever been, we let them know their lives mattered. We reMember them to the Light of our common Source.

It is kind to our own souls to participate in some way. This sets the stage for our own exit, committing our efforts to the One so our soul travels that path when we pass away. The All Pervading Light birthed suns and planets and all else, and awaits our return in Divine Timing.

Who do you remember that has passed away? Who will remember you when you are gone? Ki to Happiness reMembers.