
Red, orange, yellow, pink

This glorious day begins, like every other day for me. I light my candle and drink my warm water as I practice mantra, pranayama, meditation and prayer. At each moment, dark night recedes as dawn breaks.

Watching the horizon across the river valley in between practices, red, orange, yellow and pink take turns illuminating the sky. I brighten with the day coming on. I smile in anticipation of joining my family and my good friend who’s coming to visit, now as my practice is complete.

How does your day begin? Do you get up early enough to have a few private moments in which to observe the simple spectacle of dawn? Ki to Happiness dawns with the day.


Hallowed Eve

Rain and mist obscure the beautiful river valley from my view here on my folk’s property. Many leaves have fallen, revealing dark bark on limbs and trunks. Nature signals us to let go into wonder.

My family sat together and watched a double feature. My dad shared sweet memories of his childhood with us in between as my Mom listened to his story again, always happy to have us all together. My brother leaves today as we wonder.

How will you celebrate this Halloween? What do you need to release in order to be free to wonder? Ki to Happiness wanders in the woods and wonders at the beauty of letting go.



Being with my family brings me to want to give a big shout out to all caregivers (CGs). These hard workers are the unsung heroes of our society. Working at minimum wage, they provide the care and attention our families are otherwise unable to give other family members themselves.

When my dad had his stroke nearly 3 years ago today, and my family’s world changed. With plenty of medical attention and an army of caregivers, he continues to live at home with mom, her loving attention, and constant quality care. I am forever grateful to have been able to continue my life and lifestyle choices with my folks well tended to from Spoon River Home Health and their CGs.

Who’s care helps you live your life choices? Any unsung heroes in your life come to mind? Ki to Happiness sings the praises of those who care.


Candy kisses

I have safely arrived at my family’s home. I reached in to my luggage and pulled out a bag of Halloween candies to gift my folks. As they dug in, Dad said he’d just been asking for candy!

These moments of coincidence reinforce my path. Synchronicities tell me to keep going this way, listening to guidance and acting on it. Like tiny soul kisses, I feel the affection and love that connects us to each other and to the Great Family of Humanity.

What kisses your soul? Are you open to the tiniest signals of coincidence? Ki to Happiness follows the Signs.


In good hands

I prepare to leave my sweet new live work space so I can visit my family. During the three months of settling in, I anticipated this day. I have done everything I can to ensure that my cats, my home, and the Hatha Yoga Center are in good hands.

The reward for my willingness to let go and depart has already been delivered. We are all healthy, and my last class had full attendance. Bob will tend to the cats, our home and his classes as our studio manager covers most of my classes. H

How willing are you to let go? In who’s hands do you place your most precious concerns? Ki to Happiness puts her life in the good hands of her Higher Power.


6pm sunset

We had our last sunset at 6 PM. For the next six months it will set earlier than that. Darkness, rain and wind send us inward.

So does yoga. Turning our attention inward, we cultivate an awareness of our interior landscape. Mapping it out, we may become as familiar with it as we are with the streets where we live.

How well have you mapped out your interior landscape? How well can you navigate it? Ki to Happiness is comfortable with both the inner and the outer journeys.


After the eclipse

On yesterday‘s new moon we had a solar eclipse in Scorpio. These energies combined give us a chance to work with our shadow nature and bring it to the light. Today is a good day to clean up from any messes that occurred in the process.

Using these energies we may organize and harmonize on any and all levels. Making use of what we have and what we have learned from encountering our shadow nature can set us in our intended direction. The effect will contribute to how we proceed through until the next eclipse in two weeks and ultimately until next years eclipse pattern.

Have you been bumping into your shadow lately? What is needed for you to shed some light on this otherwise unconscious aspect of yourself? Ki to Happiness is conscious that where there’s shadow, there’s light casting them.


Leaves and light

Our first autumn storm came and went without much wind. The trees continue to display their true leaf colors, freshly washed by the rain. Sun breaks illuminated the glorious contrast between darkened branches and rich golden, orange, scarlet, crimson, purple and green leaves.

The light called me out to photograph the beauty before it disappears with the next storm. Stirring me from my inner world of yoga, I walked out into our nearby woods. The glory that surrounded me could not be captured.

What does this season inspire in you? Can you take a moment to simply be surrounded by the light and the glory it illuminates? Ki to Happiness basks in that which cannot be captured.



It’s been nearly 3 months in our new location. As we enter into the wet and dark fall, new needs have revealed themselves. I’ve been rearranging our space to accommodate the ever changing reality.

We had a couple of items to release as they were not being used and took up too much space. I posted pictures of the free items on my neighborhood Facebook group page and placed them on the curb. In 10 minutes, they were removed from the curb with smiles and waves as the new owners pulled away.

How is your ever-changing reality? What do you need to rearrange in your life? Ki to Happiness changes what she can, accepts what she can’t and grows wise as she continues learning the difference.



At one crucial point in my healing journey, I committed to taking care of my smallest most dependent self. No more outsourcing responsibility to anyone outside who’d fail, delay, or disappoint. Instead I resolved to always be available and present to my needs.

I found a lovely statue that symbolized my commitment and purchased it as a gift to celebrate and honor my significant resolution. The 3 foot tall ceramic sculpture of an Indigenous Woman holding a little baby in her arms graced my psychotherapeutic office to remind me of my commitment even while attending to others. Over the years, I’ve integrated the symbolic statue into my yoga practice as it is a living breathing method of embodying my commitment.

Are you willing to always be there for yourself? What symbolizes this for you? Ki to Happiness is responsible for herself always.