
Rain blessing

Finally the rains have returned to our area. Fresh air and coolness replaces the dry smoke and smog. The trees let go of some gorgeous leaves of every hue,

Like our tears when they pour forth from our deepest pains, we are blessed with freshness. Trees convey the blessing from their leaves and limbs as the moisture wicks downward into the unseen depths of roots. After our own catharsis, we are renewed.

What renews you? Are you open to that blessing? Ki to Happiness opens to the blessed rain.


First Thing

Before the sun rises, the day has already begun. I get up to meditate and practice alone in the dark. I sort through my personal material to set my intentions for each day.

At night before I go to bed, I prepare my hot water and store it in thermoses so I’m ready to make tea. The rituals we do last thing at night set the stage for what we do first thing in the morning. There’s very little we can control in the world, so let’s courageously choose what we do before bed and upon awakening.

What would you like to do first thing? How can you prepare for that? Ki to Happiness sips tea as she practices yoga first thing.


Where there’s smoke

The wildfires continue to burn causing the worst air quality in the United States here. We keep our windows and doors shut and use our air purifier to safeguard our inside air. One more day until the rains are predicted to return and wash all of this away.

I am envisioning the release of all past errors as the burning offering on the altar of the Pacific Northwest. I am petitioning Saint Medarus to bring the rain. Teaching my yoga classes safely indoors at this time, we have been focusing on pranayama, breathing and releasing the tensions and toxins from the pollution.

How is the air quality in your area? Who do you turn to for help with the weather? Ki to Happiness turns to breath practices and prayer.


The healing arts

Back in the 80s I participated in a post modern dance company in which we used double strung trapezes to partner with contact improvisation. I had no medical insurance at the time and a mortgage which meant I needed to keep myself safe so I could meet my responsibilities. I turned to yoga as my safety net.

Over the years, I have included mixed healing arts. I incorporate abstaining from pollutants and avoiding injuries to all the methods I employ for myself. Massage, acupuncture, vegetarianism, herbal supplements, walking, journaling, meditating, prayer, drinking water are all a part of my self care.

How do you insure your health? In addition to having health insurance? Ki to Happiness lives responsibly.


Shifting winds

Our record-breaking heat at this late time of the year has ended. Shifting winds brought cool salty air from the ocean. Practicing yoga safely indoors, we opened the windows to invite in some of the fall freshness.

Soon the rains will return, and with it, darkness. I welcome these like old friends, cherishing the familiarity of seasonal changes. One student from the 90s returned to us yesterday on theses shifting winds.

How are things changing for you in your area? Are you ready for the cold wet darkness? Ki to Happiness changes with the wind and keeps constant the yoga practices in all kinds of weather.


Far Ripples

My presentation on the goddess made it up to the North Pole. Members of the private group also checked in from lots of other places where my ripples have made it to before. But this was the first time to have a live participant in any of my offerings from up there.

I made two mistakes. Both of them also rippled up there. They humble me and inspire my practice this morning as I repent for misspellings on the fly and invoke help to do better next time.

How far do your efforts ripple? When imperfect what do you do? Ki to Happiness allows 7 mistakes a day to ripple outward as she forgives herself and evolves.


Faces of the Goddess

I have been deeply immersing myself in the study of the Goddess as I prepare for an upcoming presentation. Whatever we call Her from any path, I always feel at home with Her and Her broadness. She may be worshiped in nature, in innocence, in birthing, in mothering, in wisdom, and in death.

When the world is in great distress, like now, even the Gods turn to Her. All of the great spiritual paths have their version of Her. When I lifted my head from my deep immersion, I saw her in each face I encountered, even my own.

What are you deeply immersing yourself in? Where do you turn at times of distress? Ki to Happiness prays the Goddess in each of us arises to safeguard the world from distress.


Same as it ever was

I am most confident in the realms of my expertise:counseling, teaching yoga, offering Reiki, bodywork, cooking, serving my community. When I venture into realms without expertise, I experience my edges, limitations and shortcomings, like most others do. Fortunately I can use my expertise on myself to move through my edges.

I like to do that privately yet I don’t always have that luxury. This morning I dreamt I had not yet turned on my live stream since I still had my eyes closed as I lay in bed. I relish the downtime which I can process my material so I’ll be confident as I serve again soon.

Do you have enough privacy to process your material? In what way are you ready to serve today?Ki to Happiness is just like you, sometimes confident, sometimes not, needing help from others and needing time alone, the same as it ever was…


Old and new

I received a link to a podcast from one of my clients. I would not have been exposed to it otherwise. In listening, I appreciated the new language and perspective put on some old concepts of healing and relating.

Whether old or new, truth is true. In our bodies we store our history unconsciously. Bringing it out of storage through conscious movement we get to choose to align with our wisdom instead.

When you get into trouble, can you take a breath, a walk, a break from the trigger? When you do, what does your wise self truly desire? Ki to Happiness chooses consciously to align with her truest desire for peace within and without.


Get up

Since moving to our new location my schedule has changed. I have resumed instructing the beginner’s class on Wednesday nights at 7 in addition to teaching the earlier 5:30 class as well as the Thursday morning class. The schedule makes it challenging to get up since it’s hard to get down and rest immediately after the invigorating practice of teaching others.

As I stirred this morning with my hungry cats’ schedule, I wanted to stay in bed a while longer. Instead, while petting Paka my light turned itself on. I took it as a sign that Somebody wanted me to get up.

What signs are you seeing? Do you have a sense that Somebody wants you to do Something? Ki to Happiness awakens and gets up since Somebody wants her to practice yoga, pranayama, mantra, meditation, prayer…