
Practice, practice, practice

There’s the old joke about how to get to Carnegie hall. The punchline as many of us know is practice, practice, practice. It is funny, because it’s unexpected, simple and true.

With yoga, there is no Carnegie Hall to get to. Instead there is peace, serenity, and the bliss of accepting life on life‘s terms. The directions are still the same: practice, practice, practice.

How is your practice? Is there a need to start to practice, continue, or adjust it to meet the ever changing needs of life? Ki to Happiness practices daily, first thing, midday, in the evening as well as in between as needed.


Deep sleep

I awaken this morning from deep long sleep. I had no dreams to disturb me. Hungry cats waited patiently for me to arise.

Refreshed and rejuvenated, I sit in my practice of mantra, pranayama, meditation and prayer pain-free, clear of head, with an open loving heart. I am content and peaceful on this last day of September. This is my choice.

Are you content and peaceful? How does September end for you? Ki to Happiness chooses well.


Gentle rain

Washing away the smoke from the air and the ashes from the leaves, gentle rain fell yesterday. Our first rain of autumn brought with it the uplifting scent of renewal. I walked out into it and let it sprinkle my head, hair and face.

Elsewhere, hurricane Ian pounds Florida. Russia and the Ukraine exchange atrocities. From my space of renewal I send prayers for peace and protection outward.

What prayers can you send out today? Are you in need of renewal yourself or can you offer your attention to others? Ki to Happiness has been blessed by the first gentle rain of the season and offers her attention to others in greater need.


Dad’s 97

Today is my dad‘s birthday. At age 97, he still lives at home with mom as his home health care workers attend to him. He appreciates them, he loves my mom, their house, and the Bears.

The list of things he once loved stretched from his heart to the moon and back. An avid hunter and fisherman, elite athlete, captain of industry, international real estate investor, father of 4, grandfather of 4, great grandfather of 4 or 5, his epic life has been rich and full. He still enjoys it and offers his sweet smooth peacefulness to all he encounters.

What will you be like when you’re 97? What can you do today to grow in that direction? Ki to Happiness is growing herself into being a healthy, happy and peaceful elder with each yoga practice.


Soul Soothing

When I move my body consciously with a full breath I become more present to my circumstances. When I first experienced yoga in a class as a 9 year old, I felt equal to all the others in class. Over 50 years later, I have the consistent experience of feeling more present to myself and equal to others as I practice.

When I employ particular breathing practices for specific purposes, I am empowered in the awareness that I am free to choose my breathing pattern and with it, my mind. Quieting my mind with meditation, I receive guidance regarding all situations. My yoga, may be yours, too, without a brand or a gimmick.

What helps you feel present, empowered, and equal to others? How do you quiet your mind and receive guidance? Ki to Happiness soothes her soul by practicing yoga.


Libra New Moon

We awaken this morning into a dark moon phase. Libra loves beauty, balance and justice. Aligning our intentions with those principles may result in similar energies manifesting in the next 28 days.

I’m glad I waited for my hot topic to cool down. Now I can proceed with a level head and heart to set my intentions. I envision and intend for peace, harmony and beauty.

What would you like to see manifest in the next month? How can you align your energies with that today? Ki to Happiness harnesses the energy from hot issues to empower her truest intentions with a cool head.


Finding my shoes

Last night my husband brought up a hot topic. I was deep in my closet, finding my shoes. Since we’ve moved here, one of our cats has taken to nesting in the bottom of my closet making it impossible to get to them.

I responded to him. I appreciated his sharing his opinion and his plan, while I sidestepped the heat of the topic. When things cooled, I offered my opinion and made a different suggestion after finding my shoes.

How do you deal with hot topics? Are you able to sidestep the drama? Ki to Happiness lets things cool while she finds her shoes.


Welcome new readers

I want to take a moment and thank my loyal readers who perhaps have been with me since my beginning here, blogging on my website, Ki to Happiness. I’ve been at it well over 1000 days, since before Covid. I received notification this morning that there are many new readers for me to welcome. Welcome!

As a yoga teacher and psychotherapist, I have a daily journaling practice. This is not that. Instead, here I like to use my own material to share with you how my yoga practices address the issues I confront to benefit us all,

What practices help you confront your issues? How can I best meet you in your material? Ki to Happiness meets her own material daily with a long, tall spine and free, deep breathing, and her heart set on the Everlasting in order to confront her issues.


Fall fullness

In the northern hemisphere we have entered into this time of Balance. Light and dark equal each other as we circle around our earthly axis at this tilted angle. Hurling through space at this speed, we may pause to introject this balance into our issues.

I am full of light having faced times when I was full of darkness. This time of year always reminds me from where I come. I am humbled by the fullness of pumpkins on the vines, candles lit in the diminishing daylight, and spiders spinning webs.

Have you faced your darkness? Can you feel it balanced with your light? Ki to Happiness balances light and dark, sun and moon, male and female, active and receptive energies which is the purpose of Hatha Yoga practices.


New faces

I learned yesterday of yet another long-term yoga studio going out of business in Seattle. I’m so sorry for their loss. I reached out to them to let them know that we are here in case any of their students or teachers would like to blend into our long-term studio.

Separately, five new students attended our three classes. Wonderful to meet new students. I embrace the change of season, harvesting the best of the summer as we shift into fall just like I embrace this new location and the new faces.

What can you let go of from the summer? In doing so, what do you open yourself up to for the fall? Ki to Happiness releases the heat, smoke and stress of summer to fall into gracious peace.