
Last day of summer

Tomorrow marks that dynamic moment when we have equal light and dark in the northern hemisphere. That moment of balance brings a signal to our animal nature. We may feel it today already on this last day of summer.

I experience its foreshadowing with a happy joyous heart. My inner kid has had plenty of pigtails, smoothies, vegan non-dairy frozen treats, walks in my nearby park, with my limbs freely swinging. I welcome the seasons change with an abundance of joy for all that has occurred.

What did you get enough of this summer? Anything you need more of? Ki to Happiness needs one more Salutation to the Summer in her yoga practice.


Dissolving Sandcastles

As a kid I made up a lot of fictions about life. Doing so at the time help me make sense of the world around me. As I grew up, I had to discern which of those fictions held truth and which were false.

I recently walked in our neighborhood to a deconstructing house where in the back of the lot there remains a trampoline and abandoned swingset. This represents childhood’s end to me, and an opportunity for maturity’s beginning. As sandcastles dissolve, the sea, sand and sky remain.

What represents childhood’s end to you? Are there any sandcastle still dissolving in your world? Ki to Happiness lets her inner childhood continue in the sea, sand and sky.


One more prayer

Yesterday I blogged about my one prayer, Thank You. Just as I finished and published it, I was reminded that I have a great need for something I’ve put on the back burner for a long tim. So I prayed again, a different prayer, petitioning for assistance, then visualizing my prayer being answered, concluding with Thank You.

In the night I had a dream regarding my issue. As I awakened, I picked up the thread of concern and reminded myself I’d already prayed for assistance, so let go. Just then my cat came over and sat on my lap for the first time in her four year life span. It was as if she agreed so she could safely sit with me and receive my undivided attention.

What issues are on your back burner? Will you allow yourself to pray for assistance and say thank you as if the assistance has come? Ki to Happiness and her cat sit together, with undivided attention having let go.


one prayer

Years ago a dedicated student of mine on Guam used to say thank you for every correction and every adjustment. She became my assistant which gave me a chance to learn that this was her style in life, too. She said thank you to everyone who contributed to her life in the tiniest ways, at the gas station, post office, in line waiting with other, everywhere.

When she moved in with us in Seattle to participate in our yoga teacher training program in exchange for childcare, I witnessed her saying thank you to our then eight year old son anytime he cooperated with her. It was her one prayer. I learned from her to simplify my prayers as well for which I am thankful.

If you only had one prayer, what would it be? Where did you learn it? Ki to Happiness says thank you to God-Is for this life and all that has brought me here now.


Jean jacket

Chilly weather calls for warmer clothing and hot drinks. While my ginger tea steeped, I went to my closet to grab another layer to wear before I headed out to our nearby park. After pairing down many of my items in the move here, I reached for my old jean jacket.

I put it on, then took my tea with me as I walked in the freshness to the bridge over the creek. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I exited. I looked exactly like myself, wearing the old protective invincible lined jean jacket over my yoga clothes.

What comforts you as the seasons change? When do you most look like yourself to you? Ki to Happiness sips tea and smiles.


Moving through Sludge

Now that our new space has been inspected, the entire process of 4 months relocating is complete. In its aftermath, I paused for about 24 hours. I felt low energy, like the multiple layers of my consciousness were not heading in the same direction and the deepest layer stationed in sludge.

I learned a great deal from the ancient method of transportation during my years of sailing which helps me sometimes on land, too. When the keel gets stuck in the muck, or high centered on a reef, struggling or forcing can result in damage to the hull. Waiting for the tide to change and raise the water level may allow enough buoyancy for safe movement.

Do you continue your practices when you feel stuck in the mud? Can you keep your commitments even while waiting for the water level to rise? Ki to Happiness is sailing smoothly again, with all practices and commitments met.


Inspection and introspection

Our new property managers arrived on time to inspect the premises. The short and sweet process took about 15 minutes. After clarifying the right address, and correcting our names, they asked where we live, as if they didn’t realize this is a live-work unit.

It could not have been a more different experience than our inspection at our previous location. The process lead to great introspection for me. I’m still integrating the many lessons learned through this relocation.

What are you still integrating? Some thing you’ve learned from inspecting the outer or from the inner? Ki to Happiness lets both lead to evolution in right timing.


Look around you

Our studio manager informed me that our old location and all neighboring businesses were victimized by a mentality ill person who bashed in windows and doors with rebar. After he put up a good fight with the cops, they took him into custody. I have a feeling I know the person from my years living and working in that district.

I shared the information with Bob as we stood on the bridge over our nearby creek. We looked around and saw nature giving all it’s got to reclaim the earth, water, sunlight and air. No birds to be seen overhead through the thick low clouds, but we know they’re out there winging their way to roost close to us.

What do you see when you look around you? Are there signs of nature giving all it’s got? Ki to Happiness roosts safely and roots in gratitude.


Healing takes time

Our new property manager is about to inspect us. I feel confident we will pass despite our issues with our previous landlords. I experienced no increase in my cortisol level as I read the memo which lets me know I am healing from the stressful move.

I heard back from our lawyer about the memo. He reassures me that this inspection request is absolutely normal. I felt no hesitation in opening to his contact indicating healing further from his being associated with the previous tumult.

How do you measure healing? Can you be patient and allow it to take its time? Ki to Happiness heals in the time it takes.


Subdued days

The heat and smoke have left our area just as fast as they arrived. Cloudy and cooler, the dawn promises yesterday’s subdued weather will continue. I got the laundry back in before the rains came.

The moon’s intensity has also begun to wane. It it’s aftermath we have much to reflect on. Harnessing the lessons may result in a bountiful harvest as we shift toward fall.

Are you feeling the quiet descending? How can you best make use of all the lessons and blessings of the summer and it’s Harvest Moon? Ki to Happiness makes vegetable soup.