
Hot things

The Pacific Northwest is experiencing some of the heat and smoke coming up from the south and blowing in from the east. The crows flying overhead at unusual times demonstrate the need to adapt to these climate changes. Their flight pattern included sudden changes of direction, altitude and which part of the flock they oriented themselves in.

Down here on the earth, Bob and I chose to walk to the cool nature preserve, escaping into its shady freshness. I ate watermelon when we returned as Bob removed his laundry from where it dried in the sun. Practicing yoga inside with the windows closed, we chose cooling breaths and calming poses, adapting to the the requirements of the day.

What changes do you need to make in yourself to adjust to that which you must accept? Do you have the courage to take that responsibility? Ki to Happiness serenely adapts.


Moon sweep

Feeling the fullness of this Pisces moon filled me with strong desires. After many distractions and disruptions, I wanted to straighten out my manuscript’s timeline. With my administrative assistant, my coach and my notes, the confusing midpoint of my book is cleaned up.

Next, I wanted to take that energy out on a nearby abandoned homeless encampment. With heavy duty trash bags, work gloves and my assistant’s trunk, all detritus is removed. Now the confusing jumble of trash, syringes, burned aluminum foil, torn tent, tools and supplies for rebuilding are swept away, with incense blessing the natural beauty that remains.

What does this full moon fill you with? What confusion can you straighten out in this lunar light? Ki to Happiness sweeps away confusion and replaces it with blessings.


My Queen

Rest in peace, Queen Elizabeth. Now I have only one queen in my life, my female cat, Pac(h)a. I am happy to be her loyal subject.

One of my clients tearfully informed me about the passing of the great monarch. After our session, I reached out to my mom, my first Queen, to share in this end of a era news. She and I reminisced about other major global events we’ve witnessed together, stitching them into a tapestry of history/herStory.

How is the passing of the queen of England effecting you? To whom are you a loyal subject? Ki to Happiness stays loyal to the Queen of Heaven and her 4 footed representative who presently is on the hunt.


Unify and conquer

Divide and conquer is the old adage. Forces that like to control others often do so by dividing groups. This shows up politically with efforts to destabilize, separate and distract us from our true connection with each other’s heart.

When we recognize this, we can choose instead to unify. Recognizing that we all similarly are dealing with this empowers us to respond by reinforcing heart connections. In doing so we unify and conquer those who would try to conquer.

From whom do you feel divided? What would it take for you to connect with their heart of hearts? Ki to Happiness unifies and conquers.


Never been here before

Sometimes I reach for the light switch and it’s not there. It used to be relatively in the place that I reached towards. But that was someplace else.

Especially at night in the dark quietude, I’m aware of exactly where I am. During my decades of international yoga instruction, I learned to love being at home inside my heart, no matter where on the planet I happened to be at the time. From that heart home, I have tremendous compassionate for all of us in realizing we’ve never been here before, each moment and breath is fresh and new.

Can you feel this crackling moment of freshness? What adventure will you explore today as you evolve your consciousness? Ki to Happiness is right at home in her heart as she explores what is in front of her, having never been here before.


Surprise visitor

After cleaning up from the open house, sweet memories lingered as well as a few of the vegan treats. Snacking on some of our fresh blackberries, I saw out our window a surprise ponytail bouncing it’s way toward our entry. I lit up like a candle at the sight of our dear student returning after 2 1/2 years.

She and her husband arrived with an orchid to grace our new space. She went right up to the freshly installed barre and stretched out her 74 year old hamstrings, despite wearing her form fitting jeans. Now their gift is an offering on our altar to the Energy that connects us all.

Do you know how precious you are? How a surprise visit from you might light someone up like a candle? Ki to Happiness offers every gift to the Energy that connects us all.


Labor of love day

Happy Labor Day to all who work, especially to all who labor with love. My brother was born on this day 63 years ago. Mom always made sure we understood the true meaning of labor.

I love to work on Labor Day. Working and serving give meaning and purpose to life. I am happy to do my part today with my private clients, students, and manuscript in the afterglow of Hatha Yoga Center’s open house.

How will you honor this day? Can you take a moment and thank the woman who labored to birth you? Ki to Happiness labors with love, grateful for the opportunity to serve.


My gal from Union

After my first class yesterday, I saw a familiar face walking toward our Hatha Yoga Center door. As I welcomed my gal from Union, I remembered our decades of adventure together. We met in Bob’s class when I was new in town and had no friends here,

When we discovered we were both from Missouri, we became fast friends. She took our training program and traveled with us to our retreat center in Bali repeatedly. She’s become friends with my brother as well, resulting in our spending time together back in Missouri.

Who’s face brings you such joy? Can you let them know? Ki to Happiness let her gal from Union know as they practiced yoga, walked to the creek, picked blackberries for today’s Open House and reinstalled signage protecting the park.


Facts and Fiction

I’ve resumed revising my manuscript with assistants under both arms. All three of us have also revised our lives during the time allotted by the pandemic. With scheduling challenges in our more open society, busyness fills the hours in our separate lives.

That we ever came together to do this work is amazing. Perhaps as we unravel we each take some of our blessings from this time into the future. Having shifted from a factual memoir into historical fiction, I have room to play a bit with my details, if alone.

How factual is your memory? Are you willing to take responsibility for the way that you make it up? Ki to Happiness quotes her mentor “ we are all making it up, so just make it good”.


Soothing stability

As we prepare for our upcoming open house, many details require attention. The cats, our home and Hatha Yoga Center all require maintenance and security as we welcome in any who wish to enter. Then there’s the food and refreshments which are inspiring me to offer their blessings to the event.

Fortunately, all efforts are built around and about the soothing stability of yoga practice. My mornings of pranayama, chanting, meditation and prayer remind me to detach from the outcome of any effort. I serve the Highest, and return to asana, pranayama and prayers in gratitude at the end of the day.

Where do you find stability? Can you allow it to soothe you? Ki to Happiness works for the One in All and lets go of the results.