
Blessed Normalcy

Bob golfed as I walked and worked privately with clients before teaching. I didn’t hear him return and only saw his keys and cane on their hook as I concluded class. I witnessed myriad memories of others failing to communicate their whereabouts or returning on time as I stayed on task with my class.

As the students left, Bob and I resumed our blessed normalcy with feeding the cats and taking a brief constitutional walk in the chilly night air. While I never worried about not hearing his return, I did feel relief of the mystery of where he was. I released the granthi or knot of tension from the past when others didn’t return on schedule and felt grateful in the present for simple routine.

How do you release knots of tension from the past? What present normalcy are you grateful for? Ki to Happiness embraces the simple routine present in contrast to the disruptive uncertainties of the past.