
Pi Day

I converted some of the full moon lunar energy into productive actions. Recognizing that today is Pi Day(3./14) I made pizza pie and vegan quiche. Otherwise, the energy of the full moon with a lunar eclipse had me feeling anxious and tense as our ceiling repair from water intrusion last week finally occurred.

This morning, I awaken to the energy having shifted, the ceiling replaced, and plenty of food prepared for coming days.  We walked off some of the tension during the drying phase of the repair process as the cats were safe from the worker’s activities. With a clearer head, I got the Guidance to work through the disruption and not let it get stuck in my body. 

What did you do with the lunar eclipse energy? How prepared are you for today’s Pi Day? Ki to Happiness follows Guidance and converts energy into action. 


Lunar Eclipse in Virgo

Today’s full moon in Virgo occurs with a lunar eclipse. There are those who interpret the energy as an opportunity to jump timelines. Releasing past fears, worries and tensions, the time stretches out ahead of us with safety, peace and possibilities.

Recognizing that time is an illusion, we can shift into the present moment. Letting go of the past, we can also let the future take care of itself. Becoming more present, we are effective in grounding peace on Earth.

Can you let go of the past and the future What helps you shift into the present moment? Ki to Happiness comes into the gift of Now with each conscious breath.


Dreams and Reality

My mother has dreamt of me using her accumulated air miles in order to visit her. That dream met the reality of the inconvenience of working around the airline’s restrictions yesterday. I dreamt last night of an orange field of grass illuminated by the sun, but awakened to the wet, raining darkness of my morning practice.

One of my dear clients had a dream about having a new relationship. That dream has met the reality of dealing with human limitations. Dreams guide us toward making the unseen real, and Reality shows us what hinders that manifestation.

What are your dreams? What hinders their manifestation? Ki to Happiness reconciles dreams with reality, ever moving toward manifesting the unseen peace, love, harmony and beauty that is possible.


Winter’s End

The chilly morning lets us know it’s still Winter. The light is returning, but not too fast. We still bundle up against the wind and the shadows during our walks.

Yoga practice heats us up from within. Students are adapting to the daylight savings time and finding their way back to class.  10 more days of hibernation and the blessings that come with these introspective days may set us up well for a beautiful Spring.

Do you want to hasten the seasonal change? Can you wait and appreciate winter’s end? Ki to Happiness accepts life on life’s terms and timing.


5 Years Live Streaming

Five years ago, we began live streaming Hatha Yoga Center classes. We intended to do so for our over 70 year old students who prudently complied with the guidance to avoid gatherings as they were most at risk of COVID. If we hadn’t done so, perhaps we wouldn’t still be in business.

We are happy to still be in business, and soon will sign our next five year lease. If at all possible, in August 2027 we will celebrate 50 years of Hatha Yoga Center offering daily classes. I intend to be here with Bob, continuing to practice and teach yoga which has been such a gift to us all. 

Where were you five years ago? Where do you intend to be in the next five years? Ki to Happiness remains tethered to Hatha Yoga Center in joy and dedication. 


Spring Forward

We set the clocks, I had one before bed last night. The cats, however, didn’t get that message. They came to get me at our usual biological clock, not the artificial time for daylight savings.

In the seasonal ritual, I reflect on all that has happened since we set the clocks back in the fall. What I notice is much growth and healing in these four months is the net effect of these short dark days.  That gives me a reason to continue with all my changes in habits as we Spring Forward.

What progress do you notice since we fell back in the fall? As we spring forward, what is your intention for the upcoming months of greater light? Ki to Happiness gives preference to all that has worked so far, tethered to the central practices of Hatha Yoga.


Women’s Day

Happy Women’s Day to all the adult females in the world. All are energetically sisters whether we know it or not. From our first breath, women have done their best to care for us.

In my world, the day has always been a day of celebrating my twin girlfriends birthday. When women’s day became an international phenomenon, it seemed a gift to them for all they’ve done to champion women as they’ve broken the glass ceiling in corporate America and the military for others to follow. So here’s a shout out to all girlfriends, daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers who comfort, nurture, and serve, the One in All.

What women in your life would you like to celebrate? How can you best show your appreciation for all they’ve done for you? Ki to Happiness cherishes the women in the world and wishes you all a great day.


Right Read

I started reading a new book. Immediately, I had the sense that it was the right read for me at this time. It brought together several dots I have been wanting to connect.

I had other plans, but listened to Guidance. The reward was immediate. We will bathe the cats another time, plant the flowers soon, and get supplies next, with the right read infusing those activities with dots connected.

Can you listen to Guidance when it tells you to change plans? Can you also listen when It says to honor your commitments? Ki to Happiness listens to Guidance, honors commitments and changes plans when not inconveniencing others.


Lent 2025

For the next 40 days, much of the world observes Lent as others observe Ramadan. This coincidence means many peoples are fasting from usual habits in order to purify for spiritual purposes. Christian, Catholics, Muslims and Sufis are all united in these ways, giving a common bond toward renewal.

As some give up eating candy, drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes, others abstain from eating during the daylight hours. All are welcome to join in releasing habits that no longer serve. I will give up each conscious fear.

What are you willing to give up in order for spiritual renewal? What habits would you like to break? Ki to Happiness gives up fear in order to deepen into the safety of the One in All.


Guest room

In the world of synchronicities, we are shown that we are heading in the right direction. As signs of Divine Intervention, interpreting the message gives us encouragement to keep going on our path. When one of my clients shared her history of being from the same midwestern towns, I paid attention.

After many months of regular sessions and great progress, her need arose to revisit one of those towns. I’d mentioned that my mother had a guest room potentially for her lodging and we all set up a conference call to have them meet to see if it could be a good fit. As all worked out well, our next session likely will occur at a distance with her in the guest room as I remain here, in Seattle. 

What synchronicities have you been experiencing? How do you interpret those signs? Ki to Happiness follows the path Divine Guidance illuminates.