
Saraswati Day

Today is the celebration of goddess Saraswati! She is venerated on this day in India and Indonesia, as well as all other Hindu hearts. Her domain is all students, studies, and creativity.

My Indian friends have made sure I was aware of this special day of feasting. In Bali, all the kids dress up in their finest as they go to school. Special offerings are made to books, and all other instruments related to creative pursuits and education of every variety.

Are your creative juices flowing? How have your studies been? Ki to Happiness thanks Saraswati for all the juicy lessons.



Paranoia is a state with which we are familiar. In it, innocent remarks are taken personally as an affront or worse, generally behind one’s back.

Metanoia is its opposite. I had an experience of it yesterday in which there was a sense of the words that were chosen indirectly were for my benefit! Lovely for Valentines Day to fill me with such ears to hear.

How was your Valentine’s Day? Did you experience positive things being said about you behind your back? Ki to Happiness says them now…


Happy Valentine’s Day

Thank you my sweetheart readers for taking the time when you do to open yourself to these brief words. Today, take the time to honor your own sweet heart. Give yourself love. Accept yourself as you are. Let that come forward from you as you encounter others.

In each other you will see that same sweet heart, reflected back to you. Receive that love. Open to it. Today and every day. Happy Valentines.

When do you feel love? Can you receive it as well as give it? Ki to Happiness gives love and receives love as One.


White valentines

Instead of having white Christmas, it looks like we’ll be having a white Valentines weekend. A smile reflexively lifts my face. It’s beautiful look out on the fresh falling snow, from the safety of my warm shelter. It’s predicted to continue all day.

I love it when nature demands our attention. Any possibilities towards greater reopening is halted. Less urgent matters take a backseat. Only the most essential travel will happen. It’s still and quiet. Soon, more eyes will open and look out into this amazing world we live in.

How are you in the snow? Can you be enchanted even as you are inconvenienced? Ki to Happiness salutes the snow.


Lunar year of the ox

Welcome to the lunar new year of the Ox. Steadfastness, reliability, and persistence are available to companion us through this year and all that we must face. This year will require hard work. When applied, slow steady progress is possible.

This may be a vast improvement over last year of the rat. Survival, cleverness and willingness to gnaw through obstacles served us well as we navigated last year. Now, we can plough through the fertile soil in readiness for planting.

How do you feel about hard work? Can you patiently persist so there’s slow steady progress? Ki to Happiness welcomes the Ox, grateful for the ride it has given this Rat, to land safely on the Buddha’s lap.


New moon in Aquarius

Welcome to the new moon and five other planets in Aquarius. After preparing, today is a great day to set very clear intentions on what it is you would most like to manifest.It is best if those intentions are simple and direct. Vocalizing them will establish their vibration in the physical.

Aquarius can be very heady, intellectual, and analytical. If you find that all of the mental energy has you swirling, ground yourself. I love to do so by walking in nature, practicing yoga, and eating healthy simple foods.

What does your true heart want most? Can you take a few minutes and set that clear simple and direct intention? Ki to Happiness most wants to love and be loved. Like you.



Tomorrow’s new moon in Aquarius is an opportunity for new intentions which will be supported by five other planets that sign. We haven’t had this much friendly energy opening us to electric eccentric possibilities since 1962, so let’s make good use of it.

Today is a good day of preparation. Taking out the trash, cleaning the house, recycling items that are no longer bringing joy, are all ways we can ritualize our welcome. Getting some flowers, and something red to wear will align us with tomorrow’s Chinese New Year. We want to make very clear intentions of what we would love to manifest in the next year of the Ox.

What would you truly love to manifest? How can you make space/time for it in your life? Ki to Happiness is preparing for the New Baby Ox year to manifest its hard working steadfastness in the direction of friendship, community, and global consciousness.


Giving Voice

As we spend less time in each others physical presence, the voice has become more important. Hearing the tone, the volume, the emphasis, the point of view all contribute to the message.

With mercury retrograde, and Uranus in Taurus, there are lots of astrological challenges. With technology, communication, and travel hindrances our habits are resistant to the new Aquarian Age. It’s very important for teachers, leaders, parents, and influencers of all platforms to check one’s voice.

To what do you wish to give voice? What’s the most effective way? Ki to Happiness says “sing it”.



Hatha Yoga Center continues with it offerings from the College Center Building. Our downstairs neighbors have moved out. Upstairs across the foyer, the anchor neighbor is leaving after 33 years here. Another long-term neighbor left in December.

New neighbors have moved in! There is still vacancy in the building. From the outside of the building, there are visible signs right under us and right next to us advertising availability for lease. Our son has also just moved into his new arrangement. Great movement is occurring.

Are you seeing movement in your area, too? How is it affecting you? Ki to Happiness moves with yoga.


Discipline and nurturance

Everybody needs discipline and nurturance as we grow. Our parents have done the best they could. It was good enough to get us all where we are. In our adulthood, we get to continue with both, in the ways we were raised, and in new creative ways.

When we project our unmet needs on our partners, we end up disappointed, or worse. Instead, when we take responsibility for reparenting our little selves, turning to Divine Mother Father God for guidance, we heal. Sometimes that guidance comes from another as a representative of the Great One.

Are you needing more discipline? Or nurturance? Ki to Happiness shares plenty of both.