

The social and cultural revolution of my youth is portrayed in this 1973 documentary which has been updated in 2019. The epilogue of Sunseed is worth the time spent viewing. While politically there is much work to do, the revolution has been quite successful in the social and cultural realms.

I am evidence. My love of yoga, meditation, nature, and veganism all attest to the huge impact the revolution continues to have on me and those I influence. The dream is still alive. Lets “run it forward” as the aboriginals from down under say.

Are you still aware of the dreams in your heart? Can you release enough of the challenges, disappointments, frustrations to resurrect it? Ki to Happiness dreams of a loving and peaceful world.


Neighbors exiting

Hatha Yoga Center respects and observes the Phase 1 guidelines, as our Governor has mandated. Live streaming classes keeps us in business. Others in our building our exiting. A flurry of activity occurred about this yesterday.

I was just entering HYC to teach my 10am class. A dancer was waiting for a class that did not occur. She was not informed. She did, however, let me know that their lease will not be renewed in February. They have been in the building since the 1940s.The property manager arrived and received the key from another tenant, and both left. I will miss them all.

Is your neighborhood stable? How are you with the exits in your area? Ki to Happiness stabilizes with yoga.


Boogie Man

Fall deepens. Cold windy darkness descends. All creatures look for comforts. This brought in a homeless trespasser again. No mask. I encountered him as I was putting out some Thanksgiving decorations.

He pretended to be interested in yoga. I’ve heard it plenty of times before. I responded respectfully. He asked how long I’d been practicing and how old I was now. I’m pretty sure he wet himself over it. Or crapped his pants. A widening dark spot down his pant leg spread as he exited, jaw dropped, eyes wide open. I scared him. Truth can be scary.

How do you greet the boogie man in your life? Who is scared by you? Ki to Happiness faces fears with love.


Yoga as Vaccine

While delving into my writing project, I came across a quote from 2017. It’s from Sraddhalu Renade, an educator in India. “Yoga is like homeopathy or a vaccine. Feeing a little pain in the practice wards off bigger pains later.”

I like that statement, and I’m happy to have just had my morning dose. I look forward to sharing some of the blessings of it with you here, as well as in every class I teach, like tonight at 530.

Do you experience a little pain when you practice yoga? Were you aware that it may ward off a bigger pain? Ki to Happiness takes a dose with gratitude.



Settling back into Phase 1, adjustment and adaptation are essential. Overall, I am satisfied with my shifts. Then there’s the alarming email indicating double charges on my credit card for one tech account. Cortisol rises, fearing another hack like in the past.

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) shows up like this. Recognizing it, the rising prickly heat alerts me to work with my breathing and my attention. Realigning with my highest values, and my choice of attention, brings me back to the present. So much easier to help others this way. Yet that practice strengthens my ability to do so for myself.

Are you familiar with PTSD? Do you know anyone that doesn’t have it? Ki to Happiness chooses to come back into the present, disempowering the past.


Phase 1, again

At noon today our state resumes Phase 1. Since Hatha Yoga Center was never allowed to move past Phase 1.5, very little will change for us. Sniffing around my neighborhood yesterday, I found very little will effect us.

The yogic lifestyle protects me from despair. I gathered lots of groceries from our local Safeway which is scheduled to close in order to be redeveloped. We are well supplied.

How are you with the restrictions in your area? What saves you from despair? Ki to Happiness is unPhased.


Rich in friends

While this New Moon is upon us, I am aware of my many blessings. The unusual circumstances that we have been living through have resulted in me reaching out. Others have also been reaching out to me, too.

The reward is great. I feel rich in friends. Near or far, old or new, all are among my delight in life. “Friends are the flowers in life’s garden.” This sentiment was embroidered on a guest towel in my girlfriend’s bathroom which I made use of many times over our decades of love. Like all flowers, friends deserve tending.

Have you been tending to your friends? Have they been tending to you? Ki to Happiness intends to.


Diwali Moon

Hindus around the world will be celebrating their highest holiday today. Diwali is the festive ceremony of Light. It symbolizes the joyous return lord Rama to his homeland after his years of exile. This homecoming is uplifting, and indicates the victory of light over darkness.

With this new moon, honoring the light will illuminate the dark month ahead. Setting intentions now will assist the season in bringing light, reunion, and celebration.

What intentions would you like to set? Which practices help you align with the Light? Ki to Happiness intends for Light to reunite us all.



In the midst of this unusual portal of energy bombarding the planet, I had to lie down. Resting into the message, I saw within my chakra system aglow like a caterpillar, radiant light emitted through the full spectrum. So glad I took heed so I could witness such a spectacle.

I shared the experience in my yoga class, and channeled that potential into a big project. Facing fears, and inertia, my glowing caterpillar energy triumphed! Radiating light into darkness, darkness disappears.

Are you taking heed of the messages coming to you? How can you best radiate your light? Ki to Happiness glows.


Protection and Guidance

My morning began at 3:30. A bit early, after years of morning practice. I rolled over onto my back and soon my practices began on their own. Breathing rhythms and ritualized prayers which have been a daily part of life started automatically.

Joyously, I greeted my cats. After pets and purrs I fed them. As I opened our door to the large foyer for their exploration, I felt a need to check it out. I found a main door left open, so I secured it before they were endangered.

What practices would you like to have deepened to the extent that they start on their own? Are you able to respond to the intuitive guidance that nudges you to act? Ki to Happiness is deeply protected and guided.