

Today’s date has numeric significance. Powerful energies are coming through, shining the light on truth. In this light, falseness is being revealed for removal.

The energy effects each of us differently. I’ve been having a strong need to work with grounding practices. Walking, eating healthy foods, checking in with my community and yoga all stabilize me.

Are you feeling stable? What will help you ground? Ki to Happiness roots down in the Good Mother Earth.



Interesting to observe the news cycle. From a distance, I see clearly how one person takes his personal material and projects it on another. I don’t watch TV much so when I do it is alarming. It reminds me of toxic relationships, where one party is thinking about having an affair, so they accuse their partner of having an affair.

“Pot calling kettle, come in kettle.” I have joked with my friends and sometimes my clients this way. It helps us all see clearly just what’s going on. The pot calling the kettle “black,” when the pot is the deepest dark. I shake my head, turn off the TV, and return to my practices. Meanwhile, slowly we reopen, as we stay home and healthy.

Are you aware of people projecting their material on others? Do you know what to do about it? Ki to Happiness perceives beyond projections.



Today is my stepson‘s 28th birthday! I’m honored to have been a part of his life since he was four. He is still unable to leave Bali. So he celebrates there. As he enters into his first Saturn return, I sit in the middle of my second one. Every 28-31 years we all have an opportunity to review our lives and correct our course to align with our purpose.

The more we clear out of the way in our first Saturn return, the easier the second one is, paving the way for the third one, should we be so lucky to live 90 years. The yoga practice gives us an opportunity to refine and reflect daily, smoothing every cycle, rounding our jagged edges.

What jagged edges do you need to smooth? Which practices can help you stay aligned with your purpose and your mission? Ki to Happiness stays balanced and heart centered with Yoga as we continue slowly reopening.



More people have exercised their right to vote than ever before. The results are in. The nation has spoken. In my area, social rest prevails. The focus here is on staying healthy and slowly reopening businesses.

Some would rather deny the results. It’s hard to listen to what you don’t want to hear. Re-counting, lawsuits, vitriol all threaten the social rest. Yoga offers us ways to continue forward with peace and respect for all.

How have your practices changed today? What is the difference? Ki to Happiness give preference to all practices that steady.


Alpha Confidence

As we continue in this post election environment, businesses slowly reopen and the number of cases rises. Soon there will be an announcement when this democratic process is satisfactorily complete.

In the animal kingdom, dogs display leadership through alpha confidence. Barking, biting and attacking signal fear, insecurity and lower status in the pack. Borrowing from our “best friends,” we confidently hold our heads and tails high, emitting low growls periodically.

How high is your tail? Have you been barking or growling? Ki to Happiness is wagging.



While we were sleeping, poll workers continued counting. This very close race lets us know just what we are dealing with. In Isabel Wilkerson‘s tremendous book, Caste, she lays out the underlying issues clearly. Through her lens, I see the old ways attempting to cling to the power they no longer have.

Simultaneously, illness rates are escalating. Businesses in our area continue to slowly reopen, even as more boards go up in the windows to protect shopkeepers from vandalism and looting. As both of these issues continue to plague our land, I celebrate the voters who stood in long lines, facing the elements to cast their ballots as well as the volunteers who count each vote.

Would you like to understand more completely why this race is so close? Have you read Caste yet? Ki to Happiness counts each voter and poll worker among the victors today.


Good Sport

As kids, we all learned on the playground to take our losses with good sportsmanship. Congratulating the victor, learning what we need to so that in the future we may win at another time, all are part of our American way.

Sore losers demonstrate their insecurity. A lack of grace to concede and walk away. And sometimes attempts to cheat, lie, and steal the victory. “Poor sport.” No one wants to be called that. Especially at this time as businesses are slowly re-opening, and greater concerns regarding the health of the nation are upon us.

Who showed you how to take your losses?How graceful are you regardless of the outcome of the game? Ki to Happiness is a good sport.


Patiently praying

After flying above our great nation yesterday, I’ve returned to my home in Seattle. The skies were crowded, and tense. Everyone followed the restrictions silently. Despite several delays, I made my tight connection and landed on time.

Patiently praying for peace upon our land, I await with you the results of the election. Having done all I can do on that level, I serenely choose to except what I cannot change. My practices have been the same throughout many different administrations. They will continue no matter the result.

What will continue for you regardless of the outcome of this election? Will you join me in praying for peace as our patience is tested? Ki to Happiness practices peace.


Election day

The day has finally arrived for us to choose again. Exercising our right to vote is a civic activity and duty. Whether we have mailed in our vote early, or will be standing in a very long line today, I appreciate each effort to express our choice correctly.

While I lived abroad and I was unable to vote, I had a keen appreciation for this important process I was missing. I’m happy to be an American woman. I voted already. And now I take to the skies to fly back to my home in the Pacific Northwest to continue slowly reopening the Hatha Yoga Center.

Have you voted already? What do you need so that you can vote? Ki to Happiness votes for peace, love and light.


All Souls

The tension of the full moon begins to subside on this All Souls Day. Many souls have left the earth during the past year. May “the Grace that brought them safe in their lives lead them Home.”

“Through many dangers, toils and snares” they have gone. We who remain on the Earth continue through them still. Grace will lead us on and on. Through this day, the election, the pandemic, the caste conflicts, the slow reopening of businesses. Amazing!

What souls have left for Home in your world? When’s the last time you looked at the lyrics from the song Amazing Grace? Ki to Happiness sings it now for us all.