
365 daily blogs

One year ago today, I begin daily blogging. My intention was to do so for 20 days. Then for 40 days. Despite several different issues and problems, some personal, some planetary, many technical, I’ve been able to continue (with plenty of assistance). I celebrate with you here now. Thank you for reading.

One year ago we had no idea what was going to occur. And yet it seems as if Providence prepared me well for this by guiding me towards these efforts. Writing daily to share with you has brought to me continuity, connection, and the rewards that commitment yields. Continuing to reopen slowly, staying home and staying healthy, practicing yoga, offering private sessions, all accompanying me as I continue my 365 day blog streak….

What did you start one year ago? How is your progress? Ki to Happiness is rooting for you!


Autumnal Equinox

Today our planet comes in to a state of balance regarding the amount of sunlight and darkness. In our northern hemisphere, we call this the first day of Autumn. It signals for us the turning within after the outer focus of Spring and Summer. The temperatures start to drop, with the rain and leaves. Home and hearth call to us.

Still, reopening proceeds slowly, and certainly. Our numbers out here show a real decline for the first time since March. This occurs just as new neighbors have moved in, renting one of the vacated suites in our building. A few more physical students have returned to class with us, with more inquiring. And I have gone back to school. I am enrolled in a class instructed by one of my previous mentors. She mentors me again!

How might this day of balanced energies best serve you? What does your home and hearth require to be more inviting? Ki to Happiness learns from the cycles and seasons of nature.


Last rays of Summer

As I begin this, we continue to slowly re-opening. The sun’s rays made a come back in our area yesterday. Delightful simply to walk in the fresh air out into the light. Draw to my special place in the woods, I crouched down close to the soil to give thanks to the Earth, our Mother.

Reflecting on this summer’s bounty, I discover many unusual blessings to harvest. We are all familiar with the long list of things we have lost. And yet, the space that has allowed has been filled with tremendous potential and newness.

How will you spend this last day of summer? What bounty does your life’s Garden offer? Ki to Happiness brings forward the cornucopia to share.


Walk in the woods

Finally, the rains and winds have cleared our smoke-filled air. As we continue slowly re-opening, that now includes our windows. Letting out the old air of the last 10 days, and allowing in the sweet freshness, our yoga offerings are blessed.

After instructing both classes in the morning, I went out into the woods in the afternoon. Wonderful to hear birdsongs, and to see green leaves shining from trees, their faces freshly washed. I squatted down in my special place, grounding myself in the safety that is present now.

Have you opened your windows? Do you have a special place in nature? Ki to Happiness loves chanting mantra while forest bathing.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg

This morning, the air is clear. The rains have come. It is as if our environment is crying over the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We may continue to slowly re-opening our businesses, and yet many of us will be flying our flags at half mast.

I am full of her spirit. She has encouraged and inspired generations of women, as well as all marginalized people. Her energy is free, no longer encased in her tiny old form. It is available for any one of us to integrate, toward equality, respect and justice for all.

How do you commemorate a life well lived? What do you need to follow in her footsteps? Ki to Happiness celebrates this Shero with determination and persistence to the cause that true Yoga professes: Oneness, regardless of gender, sexual preference, age, race, creed, country of origin, political persuasion or color.


Patience and Persistence

In this unhealthy air, we continue to slowly reopen, with lots of time staying home and healthy. The several levels of challenge that we’ve all been facing have been a true test of our ability to remain patient and perseverant.

Meanwhile, the hackers, scammers, and snakes have been very busy attempting to capitalize on our vulnerabilities. The additional challenge of continuing to see through to the true motives took me to my edge yesterday. Fortunately, I found my way back. To breathing. To peace.To the innate state of happiness to which we all have equal access.

How’s your edge? Are you able to respect it?Ki to Happiness patiently persists, after righting myself again with practices.


Patience and Persistence

In this unhealthy air, we continue to slowly reopen, with lots of time staying home and healthy. The several levels of challenge that we’ve all been facing have been a true test of our ability to remain patient and perseverant.

Meanwhile, the hackers, scammers, and snakes have been very busy attempting to capitalize on our vulnerabilities. The additional challenge of continuing to see through to the true motives took me to my edge yesterday. Fortunately, I found my way back. To breathing. To peace.To the innate state of happiness to which we all have equal access.

How’s your edge? Are you able to respect it?Ki to Happiness patiently persists, after righting myself again with practices.


New moon in Virgo

Today’s new moon is in Virgo. This gives us an opportunity to release the last lunar cycle, and set intentions clearly for safely reopening, as we stay healthy. Virgo’s discernment will assist.

Daily refinement is supported through the yoga practice. Removing toxins, debris, stressors and recycling those energies into evolution and lessons connects us with our Higher Self. Establishing this habit well keeps us moving forward even during this time of calamity.

What is the highest possibility you see you coming from all of this? How able are you to discern what is best for you? Ki to Happiness invokes St. Hildegard of Bingen to show us the way to live creatively under any circumstance.


Last of the moon

Persevering during these challenging times, we slowly and safely reopen. The rains have added an element of mugginess to our smoky air. With the last day of the lunar cycle, making use of this time indoors may ultimately serve tomorrow’s new moon.

Letting go of physical objects that are no longer valuable, cleaning, and releasing on all levels may set the stage for newness. Yoga offers us practices that help today, and everyday.

What would you like to release from the last cycle? How might you ritualize that today? Ki to Happiness loves this quote:“ Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness.” Zhuangzi


Last of the moon

Persevering during these challenging times, we slowly and safely reopen. The rains have added an element of mugginess to our smoky air. With the last day of the lunar cycle, making use of this time indoors may ultimately serve tomorrow’s new moon.

Letting go of physical objects that are no longer valuable, cleaning, and releasing on all levels may set the stage for newness. Yoga offers us practices that help today, and everyday.

What would you like to release from the last cycle? How might you ritualize that today? Ki to Happiness loves this quote:“ Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness.” Zhuangzi